DomiNations Update 12.8 - New Drone Command Level


Greetings Leaders,

DomiNations update 12.8 brings a new level to the Drone Command Building and with it two new Directives. We’ll also take a look at the next Councilor you’ll be recruiting!

Automation Age Upgrades
BuildingUpgrade TimeCostCitizensHPXP AmountDMG
G.C.I. Radar
Level 4
17d145,000 Oil
25,560 Gold Rearm Cost
Drone Command
Level 4
8d325,000 Oil4240,0006,500N/A
(Drone Max Level 4)
DroneTraining CostHPAoEReroute Cooldown
Level 4
6,000 Oil29,0001030s
Defensive/War Defensive
Level 4

Offensive Directive: All-Terrain Navigation- Allied units move at normal speed through Bastion Rubble, Suppression, and Barbed Wire.
LevelUpgrade TimeCostDuration
Level 12d250,000 Oil10s
Level 26d275,000 Oil12s
Level 310d300,000 Oil15s

Defensive Directive: IR Blocking Smoke- Reduce all Attacking Troops' Range to X if their Range is above X.
LevelUpgrade TimeCostDurationRange Reduced To…
Level 12d250,000 Oil10s6 (If Invading Troop is above 6)
Level 26d275,000 Oil10s5 (If Invading Troop is above 5)
Level 310d300,000 Oil10s4 (If Invading Troop is above 4)

New Councilor - Queen Zenobia
Her true likeness is most well known from the idealized portraits found on her coin. Queen Zenobia inspires historians with her ability to maintain a stable administration within a multicultural and multiethnic empire. During her rule, she fostered an intellectual environment, opening her court to scholars and philosophers.


This Diplomat Councilor will reduce the potency of your enemy’s defenses with the War version of Queen Zenobia. While her Main Hall stats increase the effectiveness of your ranged artillery!

Enemy Wall HP -5%Enemy Wall HP -6%Enemy Wall HP -7%Enemy Wall HP -9%Enemy Wall HP -12%
Enemy Tower DMG -9%Enemy Tower DMG -11%Enemy Tower DMG -14%Enemy Tower DMG -18%
Enemy Air Defense DMG -10%Enemy Air Defense DMG -13%Enemy Air Defense DMG -16%
Enemy Tower HP -13%Enemy Tower HP -16%
Enemy Missile Silo DMG -12%
Supply Cart Healing +8%Supply Cart Healing +10%Supply Cart Healing +12%Supply Cart Healing +15%Supply Cart Healing +20%
Heavy Cavalry HP +9%Heavy Cavalry HP +11%Heavy Cavalry HP +14%Heavy Cavalry HP +18%
Ranged Siege DMG +12%Ranged Siege DMG +15%Ranged Siege DMG +20%
Attack Helicopter DMG & HP +9%Attack Helicopter DMG & HP +12%
Mortar Infantry DMG +24%

You can expect to start recruiting Queen Zenobia on 7/29!

Additional Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where the incorrect “Citizens are busy” prompt would appear when upgrading the Dock.
    • This will reflect the correct requirements should there be a resource cost to freeing up Citizens.
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Hola amigo.
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo, al igual que la mayoría de los jugadores de este juego, lo que es hacerle ver y recordarle a BHG los bugs y errores del juego que persisten después de tanto tiempo.
Lo que no es normal son los comentarios irrespetuosos hacia BHG y sus trabajadores, ahí es donde uno pierde toda la razón por más razón que tenga.

Y en el tema del dinero amigo, es algo muy personal de cada persona como maneja su cartera.

View attachment 12174
Very simple and fresh 2 examples: this and this - they appeared after the 12.7 update, and they were reported to BHG, but BHG does not react in any way. And what, now these issues (or bugs?) will go into the category of "This is not a bug, this is feature"? This is how the game grows "tails" of unfixed issues and bugs. And there are already a lot of such "tails", unfortunately. This is what I am talking about.

P.S. Usually software developers are very happy that people use their products, test them and report any errors they find so that they can fix them as soon as possible and make their software even better and more qualitative. But this is not about BHG at all!
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View attachment 12148
Greetings Leaders,

DomiNations update 12.8 brings a new level to the Drone Command Building and with it two new Directives. We’ll also take a look at the next Councilor you’ll be recruiting!

Automation Age Upgrades
BuildingUpgrade TimeCostCitizensHPXP AmountDMG
G.C.I. Radar
Level 4
17d145,000 Oil
25,560 Gold Rearm Cost
Drone Command
Level 4
8d325,000 Oil4240,0006,500N/A
(Drone Max Level 4)
DroneTraining CostHPAoEReroute Cooldown
Level 4
6,000 Oil29,0001030s
Defensive/War Defensive
Level 4

Offensive Directive: All-Terrain Navigation- Allied units move at normal speed through Bastion Rubble, Suppression, and Barbed Wire.
LevelUpgrade TimeCostDuration
Level 12d250,000 Oil10s
Level 26d275,000 Oil12s
Level 310d300,000 Oil15s

Defensive Directive: IR Blocking Smoke- Reduce all Attacking Troops' Range to X if their Range is above X.
LevelUpgrade TimeCostDurationRange Reduced To…
Level 12d250,000 Oil10s6 (If Invading Troop is above 6)
Level 26d275,000 Oil10s5 (If Invading Troop is above 5)
Level 310d300,000 Oil10s4 (If Invading Troop is above 4)

New Councilor - Queen Zenobia
Her true likeness is most well known from the idealized portraits found on her coin. Queen Zenobia inspires historians with her ability to maintain a stable administration within a multicultural and multiethnic empire. During her rule, she fostered an intellectual environment, opening her court to scholars and philosophers.

View attachment 12147

This Diplomat Councilor will reduce the potency of your enemy’s defenses with the War version of Queen Zenobia. While her Main Hall stats increase the effectiveness of your ranged artillery!

Enemy Wall HP -5%Enemy Wall HP -6%Enemy Wall HP -7%Enemy Wall HP -9%Enemy Wall HP -12%
Enemy Tower DMG -9%Enemy Tower DMG -11%Enemy Tower DMG -14%Enemy Tower DMG -18%
Enemy Air Defense DMG -10%Enemy Air Defense DMG -13%Enemy Air Defense DMG -16%
Enemy Tower HP -13%Enemy Tower HP -16%
Enemy Missile Silo DMG -12%
Supply Cart Healing +8%Supply Cart Healing +10%Supply Cart Healing +12%Supply Cart Healing +15%Supply Cart Healing +20%
Heavy Cavalry HP +9%Heavy Cavalry HP +11%Heavy Cavalry HP +14%Heavy Cavalry HP +18%
Ranged Siege DMG +12%Ranged Siege DMG +15%Ranged Siege DMG +20%
Attack Helicopter DMG & HP +9%Attack Helicopter DMG & HP +12%
Mortar Infantry DMG +24%

You can expect to start recruiting Queen Zenobia on 7/29!

Additional Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where the incorrect “Citizens are busy” prompt would appear when upgrading the Dock.
    • This will reflect the correct requirements should there be a resource cost to freeing up Citizens.
Well that’s the game screwed for me and many others, simply no point in trying for 5*. Offensive side of this game is completely unbalanced. Wars are ridiculous as it’s all about trying to get 1-3 * of an auto 3d. Unless you cheat of course. No point in playing.
BHG, you just killed defense in the game. Bastions and barb wire were important elements in balancing the game. Every defender base will now be absolutely ineffective. You have obviously always favored offense, but this new move is ridiculous. I suppose the bright side is for us defenders who were on the fence about quitting the game, need not worry anymore.
And by the way, myself a few other veteran players uncovered a defender spawn time bug. We did our testing numerous times to confirm it. You asked for information and video’s and they were sent to you. So, did you fix this new defender spawn time bug?

Attackers, your game is about to become boring and a cake walk.
You got to be absolutely joking right ? Seriously I had to re-read that 5 times. Defense way way way over powered and unbalanced. Pointless attacking anything. And nothing to do with bastions or barb.
Well that’s the game screwed for me and many others, simply no point in trying for 5*. Offensive side of this game is completely unbalanced.
Offensive unbalance has been discussed enough and you're right but ... there's no point trying for 5 stars?
At the risk of being condescending (more than usual) it's about "the climb". I can't stand Miley but the sentiment is a valid one.
I dislike all of these defensive changes too but it's not always about the win (at least for me).
Offensive unbalance has been discussed enough and you're right but ... there's no point trying for 5 stars?
At the risk of being condescending (more than usual) it's about "the climb". I can't stand Miley but the sentiment is a valid one.
I dislike all of these defensive changes too but it's not always about the win (at least for me).
Oi, leave Miley alone :) I agree your point, it is about the climb but when there is no summit and a never ending wall of defenders coming every 2 secs you get to the point of just sticking an instant retrain on, go for 3* and the manufactory supplies and then just end the battle.
no point in looking at 'strategic ways through the defence' as, most effective legendaries are priced out of the average players range' and the results are always the same.
the last update already reinforced how lucky we may have been to get 4/5* in normal PVP (because people dont care about being raided.) Once you are in a war and the top 2 go 3d we just write off the war.
Oi, leave Miley alone :) I agree your point, it is about the climb but when there is no summit and a never ending wall of defenders coming every 2 secs you get to the point of just sticking an instant retrain on, go for 3* and the manufactory supplies and then just end the battle.
no point in looking at 'strategic ways through the defence' as, most effective legendaries are priced out of the average players range' and the results are always the same.
the last update already reinforced how lucky we may have been to get 4/5* in normal PVP (because people dont care about being raided.) Once you are in a war and the top 2 go 3d we just write off the war.
I'm not saying there's one mindset for everything. If you need rss and just want to raid, that's one - and you get to choose your attacks. If you want to war and get 5 stars that's a different mindset, with less options to choose.
Guess it depends on your expectations.
But yeah, the devs are doing their best to make the choices hard, not fun.
it is about the climb but when there is no summit and a never ending wall of defenders coming every 2 secs
Just another note on this specific point. I've seen many, many posts in the last few weeks and months commenting/complaining about spawners and the manufactory that contributed to them and their boosts - seen no posts asking for more spawners, faster spawners or more powerful spawners - yet what does BHG do?

Way to go NOT listening to your player base.
@Harlems369th @TheWise