• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

DomiNations Update 12.8 - New Drone Command Level


Greetings Leaders,

DomiNations update 12.8 brings a new level to the Drone Command Building and with it two new Directives. We’ll also take a look at the next Councilor you’ll be recruiting!

Automation Age Upgrades
BuildingUpgrade TimeCostCitizensHPXP AmountDMG
G.C.I. Radar
Level 4
17d145,000 Oil
25,560 Gold Rearm Cost
Drone Command
Level 4
8d325,000 Oil4240,0006,500N/A
(Drone Max Level 4)
DroneTraining CostHPAoEReroute Cooldown
Level 4
6,000 Oil29,0001030s
Defensive/War Defensive
Level 4

Offensive Directive: All-Terrain Navigation- Allied units move at normal speed through Bastion Rubble, Suppression, and Barbed Wire.
LevelUpgrade TimeCostDuration
Level 12d250,000 Oil10s
Level 26d275,000 Oil12s
Level 310d300,000 Oil15s

Defensive Directive: IR Blocking Smoke- Reduce all Attacking Troops' Range to X if their Range is above X.
LevelUpgrade TimeCostDurationRange Reduced To…
Level 12d250,000 Oil10s6 (If Invading Troop is above 6)
Level 26d275,000 Oil10s5 (If Invading Troop is above 5)
Level 310d300,000 Oil10s4 (If Invading Troop is above 4)

New Councilor - Queen Zenobia
Her true likeness is most well known from the idealized portraits found on her coin. Queen Zenobia inspires historians with her ability to maintain a stable administration within a multicultural and multiethnic empire. During her rule, she fostered an intellectual environment, opening her court to scholars and philosophers.


This Diplomat Councilor will reduce the potency of your enemy’s defenses with the War version of Queen Zenobia. While her Main Hall stats increase the effectiveness of your ranged artillery!

Enemy Wall HP -5%Enemy Wall HP -6%Enemy Wall HP -7%Enemy Wall HP -9%Enemy Wall HP -12%
Enemy Tower DMG -9%Enemy Tower DMG -11%Enemy Tower DMG -14%Enemy Tower DMG -18%
Enemy Air Defense DMG -10%Enemy Air Defense DMG -13%Enemy Air Defense DMG -16%
Enemy Tower HP -13%Enemy Tower HP -16%
Enemy Missile Silo DMG -12%
Supply Cart Healing +8%Supply Cart Healing +10%Supply Cart Healing +12%Supply Cart Healing +15%Supply Cart Healing +20%
Heavy Cavalry HP +9%Heavy Cavalry HP +11%Heavy Cavalry HP +14%Heavy Cavalry HP +18%
Ranged Siege DMG +12%Ranged Siege DMG +15%Ranged Siege DMG +20%
Attack Helicopter DMG & HP +9%Attack Helicopter DMG & HP +12%
Mortar Infantry DMG +24%

You can expect to start recruiting Queen Zenobia on 7/29!

Additional Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where the incorrect “Citizens are busy” prompt would appear when upgrading the Dock.
    • This will reflect the correct requirements should there be a resource cost to freeing up Citizens.
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Learn how to roll out updates this very unprofessional of company that makes the kind of money y’all make.

As for the update itself why did ya stop basting and bar wire . Why not just remove all walls all traps all towers and any spawning building.

This would satisfy your offense players since they are only ones that matter in this game. Why not just do away with defending muse artifacts they are pointless anyway. This way we can stop pretending. You gave them game with FSH and now this slap in face to every defender on the game from what I am reading cause I can’t play the update cause I am from USA and on IOS another group of players that don’t matter.

This needs corrected like yesterday or people going quit this game
Still no update as of 12:15 EST Tuesday July 23 2024. Somebody needs to do their job better at BHG. This is a complete failure. You make too much money to allow this happen every update for 9’years come on

Every IOS user on game should get the complete update and get it all upgraded instant and free not even 1 gold. Take the money lost out of the pay of the team in charge of rolling out the updates. Then they may learn to do their job better when they see a few no pay due on their check stubs.

Conscience nope lost that long ago. Let the pink slips fly I say.
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All you players criticizing BGH about 12.8 not being available yet, my understanding is that app developers have no control over how Apple deploys updates via the App Store globally. I thought that all the developer can do is either deploy to all supported regions OR do a phased release over 7 days to randomized sets of devices. Does anyone have a link to an Apple webpage that contradicts my understanding?
All you players criticizing BGH about 12.8 not being available yet, my understanding is that app developers have no control over how Apple deploys updates via the App Store globally. I thought that all the developer can do is either deploy to all supported regions OR do a phased release over 7 days to randomized sets of devices. Does anyone have a link to an Apple webpage that contradicts my understanding?
Yes, that’s my understanding too from playing other games. Depends upon how many releases arrive at one time and Apple is VERY, VERY careful before they all a release to be available.
I hope you get annoyed when you read my comment: you need to fix the university speedup bug. End of story. There’s absolutely no excuse for how long this has been going on. This drives your entire player base mad every 12 hours.
What is the big exactly? The time doesn’t apply or something?
What is the big exactly? The time doesn’t apply or something?
If I request a university speedup from my alliance, and someone responds when I’m logged out of the game, it just disappears and I lose my chance for 4 other allies to respond and assist.
It's extremely annoying that the updates don't arrive on all devices at the same time. Why does Supercell, for example, manage to do this, but you haven't managed it for years? So here's again the request: As long as you are incapable of pushing it everywhere AT THE SAME TIME, could you please announce updates IN ADVANCE so that we can plan not to go to war for these 2 days. We can't be the only alliance that is annoyed by this. Roughly speaking, there are around 44000 leaders at war at any given time; even if only half of them are annoyed, that should be enough to make you think.
Yes, annoying and also confusing. People asking me where the update is they have to do. Or provide some compatibility between versions to prevent this kind of race conditions.
BHG, you just killed defense in the game. Bastions and barb wire were important elements in balancing the game. Every defender base will now be absolutely ineffective. You have obviously always favored offense, but this new move is ridiculous. I suppose the bright side is for us defenders who were on the fence about quitting the game, need not worry anymore.
And by the way, myself a few other veteran players uncovered a defender spawn time bug. We did our testing numerous times to confirm it. You asked for information and video’s and they were sent to you. So, did you fix this new defender spawn time bug?

Attackers, your game is about to become boring and a cake walk.
Versailles still seems to work at least. And to be fair they also seem to be nerfing artillery+mortars and attack helis, imagine those with just 4 range. Honestly I’m also worried for offense too but maybe I’m just biased.
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Just as sabotage and betrayal “were introduced for a good reason, but instead of introducing a new mechanic, they were simply nullified.”

Look on the bright side; just like the ammo doesn't last all 3min, the directive won't be active all the time, so Bastions will still have their uses.
"Adapt and move on"
Touché. However, sab/betrayal weren't nullified - you get to use them throughout the battle. So sorry if you're still sore about the temp immunity of my troops. 😄
Anyway, as I'm sure you've read, I said I'm an attacker who should be happy with these changes but I'm annoyed from a practical pov. What's the point of adding something and then taking it away?? (no, not like sab/betray). It's just lazy dev thinking. It would've been better if they implemented something new, something we can get excited about. Surely they haven't run out of ideas ??!
I hope you get annoyed when you read my comment: you need to fix the university speedup bug. End of story. There’s absolutely no excuse for how long this has been going on. This drives your entire player base mad every 12 hours.
Live with it! This is not a bug, it is a feature. Addressing this issue would result in major reduction in play time, which would reduce game rankings, revenue, etc.
Live with it! This is not a bug, it is a feature. Addressing this issue would result in major reduction in play time, which would reduce game rankings, revenue, etc.
Right. They want me to stare at my screen like a braindead idiot until 5 of my allies assist my request. For shame BHG.