• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

DomiNations Update 12.8 - New Drone Command Level


Greetings Leaders,

DomiNations update 12.8 brings a new level to the Drone Command Building and with it two new Directives. We’ll also take a look at the next Councilor you’ll be recruiting!

Automation Age Upgrades
BuildingUpgrade TimeCostCitizensHPXP AmountDMG
G.C.I. Radar
Level 4
17d145,000 Oil
25,560 Gold Rearm Cost
Drone Command
Level 4
8d325,000 Oil4240,0006,500N/A
(Drone Max Level 4)
DroneTraining CostHPAoEReroute Cooldown
Level 4
6,000 Oil29,0001030s
Defensive/War Defensive
Level 4

Offensive Directive: All-Terrain Navigation- Allied units move at normal speed through Bastion Rubble, Suppression, and Barbed Wire.
LevelUpgrade TimeCostDuration
Level 12d250,000 Oil10s
Level 26d275,000 Oil12s
Level 310d300,000 Oil15s

Defensive Directive: IR Blocking Smoke- Reduce all Attacking Troops' Range to X if their Range is above X.
LevelUpgrade TimeCostDurationRange Reduced To…
Level 12d250,000 Oil10s6 (If Invading Troop is above 6)
Level 26d275,000 Oil10s5 (If Invading Troop is above 5)
Level 310d300,000 Oil10s4 (If Invading Troop is above 4)

New Councilor - Queen Zenobia
Her true likeness is most well known from the idealized portraits found on her coin. Queen Zenobia inspires historians with her ability to maintain a stable administration within a multicultural and multiethnic empire. During her rule, she fostered an intellectual environment, opening her court to scholars and philosophers.


This Diplomat Councilor will reduce the potency of your enemy’s defenses with the War version of Queen Zenobia. While her Main Hall stats increase the effectiveness of your ranged artillery!

Enemy Wall HP -5%Enemy Wall HP -6%Enemy Wall HP -7%Enemy Wall HP -9%Enemy Wall HP -12%
Enemy Tower DMG -9%Enemy Tower DMG -11%Enemy Tower DMG -14%Enemy Tower DMG -18%
Enemy Air Defense DMG -10%Enemy Air Defense DMG -13%Enemy Air Defense DMG -16%
Enemy Tower HP -13%Enemy Tower HP -16%
Enemy Missile Silo DMG -12%
Supply Cart Healing +8%Supply Cart Healing +10%Supply Cart Healing +12%Supply Cart Healing +15%Supply Cart Healing +20%
Heavy Cavalry HP +9%Heavy Cavalry HP +11%Heavy Cavalry HP +14%Heavy Cavalry HP +18%
Ranged Siege DMG +12%Ranged Siege DMG +15%Ranged Siege DMG +20%
Attack Helicopter DMG & HP +9%Attack Helicopter DMG & HP +12%
Mortar Infantry DMG +24%

You can expect to start recruiting Queen Zenobia on 7/29!

Additional Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where the incorrect “Citizens are busy” prompt would appear when upgrading the Dock.
    • This will reflect the correct requirements should there be a resource cost to freeing up Citizens.
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I hope you get annoyed when you read my comment: you need to fix the university speedup bug. End of story. There’s absolutely no excuse for how long this has been going on. This drives your entire player base mad every 12 hours.
Ya ant finished that yet lol many time I seen ya post about it lol

Here is clue BHG release IOS day prior since we never get it on time
Does this mean you will drop my morters from 6 to 4 and my siege from 8 to 4? If so you just destroyed the primary attack strat used at the highest level.
Welcome to corporate Screw You. As I said in another post: BHG giveth, and BHG can taketh away.
Good to know the old bait n switch is alive & well.
which will take precedence, the max level drone with IR blocking or a unit with H.A.V. rangefinder? Will the range be reduced to 4 or 4+1=5?
View attachment 12148
Greetings Leaders,

DomiNations update 12.8 brings a new level to the Drone Command Building and with it two new Directives. We’ll also take a look at the next Councilor you’ll be recruiting!

Automation Age Upgrades
BuildingUpgrade TimeCostCitizensHPXP AmountDMG
G.C.I. Radar
Level 4
17d145,000 Oil
25,560 Gold Rearm Cost
Drone Command
Level 4
8d325,000 Oil4240,0006,500N/A
(Drone Max Level 4)
DroneTraining CostHPAoEReroute Cooldown
Level 4
6,000 Oil29,0001030s
Defensive/War Defensive
Level 4

Offensive Directive: All-Terrain Navigation- Allied units move at normal speed through Bastion Rubble, Suppression, and Barbed Wire.
LevelUpgrade TimeCostDuration
Level 12d250,000 Oil10s
Level 26d275,000 Oil12s
Level 310d300,000 Oil15s

Defensive Directive: IR Blocking Smoke- Reduce all Attacking Troops' Range to X if their Range is above X.
LevelUpgrade TimeCostDurationRange Reduced To…
Level 12d250,000 Oil10s6 (If Invading Troop is above 6)
Level 26d275,000 Oil10s5 (If Invading Troop is above 5)
Level 310d300,000 Oil10s4 (If Invading Troop is above 4)

New Councilor - Queen Zenobia
Her true likeness is most well known from the idealized portraits found on her coin. Queen Zenobia inspires historians with her ability to maintain a stable administration within a multicultural and multiethnic empire. During her rule, she fostered an intellectual environment, opening her court to scholars and philosophers.

View attachment 12147

This Diplomat Councilor will reduce the potency of your enemy’s defenses with the War version of Queen Zenobia. While her Main Hall stats increase the effectiveness of your ranged artillery!

Enemy Wall HP -5%Enemy Wall HP -6%Enemy Wall HP -7%Enemy Wall HP -9%Enemy Wall HP -12%
Enemy Tower DMG -9%Enemy Tower DMG -11%Enemy Tower DMG -14%Enemy Tower DMG -18%
Enemy Air Defense DMG -10%Enemy Air Defense DMG -13%Enemy Air Defense DMG -16%
Enemy Tower HP -13%Enemy Tower HP -16%
Enemy Missile Silo DMG -12%
Supply Cart Healing +8%Supply Cart Healing +10%Supply Cart Healing +12%Supply Cart Healing +15%Supply Cart Healing +20%
Heavy Cavalry HP +9%Heavy Cavalry HP +11%Heavy Cavalry HP +14%Heavy Cavalry HP +18%
Ranged Siege DMG +12%Ranged Siege DMG +15%Ranged Siege DMG +20%
Attack Helicopter DMG & HP +9%Attack Helicopter DMG & HP +12%
Mortar Infantry DMG +24%

You can expect to start recruiting Queen Zenobia on 7/29!

Additional Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where the incorrect “Citizens are busy” prompt would appear when upgrading the Dock.
    • This will reflect the correct requirements should there be a resource cost to freeing up Citizens.

Oh this is fantastic . Splendid . Just magnificent. Who was the absolute mastermind , Jedi, absolute unit , cerebral nasa scientist behind this great idea ? It takes about 6 months to a year of draining endless testing with arms compositions to get the proper trap placement and bastion placement that can hopefully trap or delay mortars . It is vastly harder than offence, hence why 90 percent of the player population are all offensive players . You have lost touch with reality you don’t even know how your own app works . This a absolutely nullifies destroys defence completely . It absolutely nullifies edit mode , and every single posible variation of top lay outs since now every single mortar hitter will be able to bypass bastions and barbwire from any direction on the map . This is pretty much the equivalent of the absolute mess that it was back in the day with unpatched ar level 1 and rpgs . You just killed defence on the app entirely . Every 9 years old def player might as well just quit your nonsensical app once and for all so you can have really amazing , zero skills, boring , 45 seconds competitions between all off bases . Absolutely dreadful idea.
Oh this is fantastic . Splendid . Just magnificent. Who was the absolute mastermind , Jedi, absolute unit , cerebral nasa scientist behind this great idea ? It takes about 6 months to a year of draining endless testing with army compositions to get the proper trap placement and bastion placement that can hopefully trap or delay mortars . It is vastly harder than offence, hence why 90 percent of the player population are all offensive players . You have lost touch with reality you don’t even know how your own app works . This absolutely nullifies destroys defence completely . It absolutely nullifies edit mode , and every single posible variation of top lay outs since now every single mortar hitter will be able to bypass bastions and barbwire from any direction on the map . This is pretty much the equivalent of the absolute mess that it was back in the day with unpatched ar level 1 and rpgs . You just killed defence on the app entirely . Every 9 years old def player might as well just quit your nonsensical app once and for all so you can have really amazing , zero skills, boring , 45 seconds competitions between all off bases . Absolutely dreadful idea.
Oh this is fantastic . Splendid . Just magnificent. Who was the absolute mastermind , Jedi, absolute unit , cerebral nasa scientist behind this great idea ? It takes about 6 months to a year of draining endless testing with arms compositions to get the proper trap placement and bastion placement that can hopefully trap or delay mortars . It is vastly harder than offence, hence why 90 percent of the player population are all offensive players . You have lost touch with reality you don’t even know how your own app works . This a absolutely nullifies destroys defence completely . It absolutely nullifies edit mode , and every single posible variation of top lay outs since now every single mortar hitter will be able to bypass bastions and barbwire from any direction on the map . This is pretty much the equivalent of the absolute mess that it was back in the day with unpatched ar level 1 and rpgs . You just killed defence on the app entirely . Every 9 years old def player might as well just quit your nonsensical app once and for all so you can have really amazing , zero skills, boring , 45 seconds competitions between all off bases . Absolutely dreadful idea.
Agree. The whole point of bastions and barbed wire was to affect the troops and now they won't affect them - so wtf was the point?
Granted only a small pool of players will have this option but still ... there has to be other ways to boost offense, and I'm an offensive player! smh

Govt: "Good news, we're allowing you to install lots of solar panels so you can send power back to the grid and get paid for it"
Govt: "Good news, we're going to start charging people for sending too much power back to the grid"

Here's a crazy thought to BHG. Instead of taking away something you've worked hard to put into the game, how about adding something completely new??! Just a thought.
The laziness is mind-boggling!
Well it would be nice if BHG could figure out not to release Android until IOS is out. I am little sick and tired of being 24 hrs or more behind getting updates when they come out.

Fix it now and don’t give lame excuse you don’t control when they put in App Store. You know how long it takes for IOS you been doing this 9 years and still can’t get it right. I suggest remove whoever decided to release stuff in this messed up way. Half game gets 24 to 72 hours head start. Other games get it right
Well it would be nice if BHG could figure out not to release Android until IOS is out. I am little sick and tired of being 24 hrs or more behind getting updates when they come out.

Fix it now and don’t give lame excuse you don’t control when they put in App Store. You know how long it takes for IOS you been doing this 9 years and still can’t get it right. I suggest remove whoever decided to release stuff in this messed up way. Half game gets 24 to 72 hours head start. Other games get it right
I have android and still not updated. 🤔
I don’t see the big problem with the new defensive drone tactic, but like the variety in defensive tactics it opens up for. It is surely countering mortars and artillery, but in order to get the most out of it you would have to place it at the outskirts of the base. The attacker can just deploy one unit, see were the drone goes and attack from another direction.

And also it is a trade off for another drone tactic and in other cases more relevant placement. Although mortars and artillery can be annoying to watch I personally find the airplanes to be the biggest problem. If those can be taken down quickly the attacking forces will be overrun by defenders or destroyed by sniper towers (if upgraded enough) and the missile silo. So I would rather try to defend against those.

Regarding the offensive drone; if you consider it to be that big of a problem with the new drone tactic you can just try to setup 2 GCIs to take out the drone where you feel it will hurt the most. It is possible to counter.

Of course it all depends on how upgraded the defenses are, how well you can counter it. I am talking from an automatic age PoV and are aware that earlier ages or less upgraded bases might struggle more to defend (but thats the nature of the game, that more advanced defenses/offenses have an advantage).
would it be better if the bastion speed be halved instead of gone completely?
Maybe, but l still don't agree with the new mechanic - and I'm speaking as an attacker who should be happy about it! I don't need an easier way to win - but I suspect I'm probably in the minority. 😄
The bastions were introduced for a good reason but instead of introducing a new mechanic they've just nullified them. l use speedy troops and helis, and l have an AR for those sticky situations - so this won't be something of particular interest to me. This change is just lazy - zero effort and thought went into this one.
I like @Kenn1h suggestion to counter the range drone but it's the same BHG mindset as the bastion change - zero effort and thought.
BHG, you just killed defense in the game. Bastions and barb wire were important elements in balancing the game. Every defender base will now be absolutely ineffective. You have obviously always favored offense, but this new move is ridiculous. I suppose the bright side is for us defenders who were on the fence about quitting the game, need not worry anymore.
And by the way, myself a few other veteran players uncovered a defender spawn time bug. We did our testing numerous times to confirm it. You asked for information and video’s and they were sent to you. So, did you fix this new defender spawn time bug?

Attackers, your game is about to become boring and a cake walk.
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