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    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

DomiNations Update 12.8 - New Drone Command Level


Greetings Leaders,

DomiNations update 12.8 brings a new level to the Drone Command Building and with it two new Directives. We’ll also take a look at the next Councilor you’ll be recruiting!

Automation Age Upgrades
BuildingUpgrade TimeCostCitizensHPXP AmountDMG
G.C.I. Radar
Level 4
17d145,000 Oil
25,560 Gold Rearm Cost
Drone Command
Level 4
8d325,000 Oil4240,0006,500N/A
(Drone Max Level 4)
DroneTraining CostHPAoEReroute Cooldown
Level 4
6,000 Oil29,0001030s
Defensive/War Defensive
Level 4

Offensive Directive: All-Terrain Navigation- Allied units move at normal speed through Bastion Rubble, Suppression, and Barbed Wire.
LevelUpgrade TimeCostDuration
Level 12d250,000 Oil10s
Level 26d275,000 Oil12s
Level 310d300,000 Oil15s

Defensive Directive: IR Blocking Smoke- Reduce all Attacking Troops' Range to X if their Range is above X.
LevelUpgrade TimeCostDurationRange Reduced To…
Level 12d250,000 Oil10s6 (If Invading Troop is above 6)
Level 26d275,000 Oil10s5 (If Invading Troop is above 5)
Level 310d300,000 Oil10s4 (If Invading Troop is above 4)

New Councilor - Queen Zenobia
Her true likeness is most well known from the idealized portraits found on her coin. Queen Zenobia inspires historians with her ability to maintain a stable administration within a multicultural and multiethnic empire. During her rule, she fostered an intellectual environment, opening her court to scholars and philosophers.


This Diplomat Councilor will reduce the potency of your enemy’s defenses with the War version of Queen Zenobia. While her Main Hall stats increase the effectiveness of your ranged artillery!

Enemy Wall HP -5%Enemy Wall HP -6%Enemy Wall HP -7%Enemy Wall HP -9%Enemy Wall HP -12%
Enemy Tower DMG -9%Enemy Tower DMG -11%Enemy Tower DMG -14%Enemy Tower DMG -18%
Enemy Air Defense DMG -10%Enemy Air Defense DMG -13%Enemy Air Defense DMG -16%
Enemy Tower HP -13%Enemy Tower HP -16%
Enemy Missile Silo DMG -12%
Supply Cart Healing +8%Supply Cart Healing +10%Supply Cart Healing +12%Supply Cart Healing +15%Supply Cart Healing +20%
Heavy Cavalry HP +9%Heavy Cavalry HP +11%Heavy Cavalry HP +14%Heavy Cavalry HP +18%
Ranged Siege DMG +12%Ranged Siege DMG +15%Ranged Siege DMG +20%
Attack Helicopter DMG & HP +9%Attack Helicopter DMG & HP +12%
Mortar Infantry DMG +24%

You can expect to start recruiting Queen Zenobia on 7/29!

Additional Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where the incorrect “Citizens are busy” prompt would appear when upgrading the Dock.
    • This will reflect the correct requirements should there be a resource cost to freeing up Citizens.
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It looks like nothing new is happening... Instead of fixing long-known issues and bugs, BHG continues to make the game worse. 🤷‍♂️ Very sad! :confused:
Is it helpful or is everything in the same direction, but some LTG has joined (let’s call it Long Time Game) - I’m turning to them now - straighten the heads of the BHG developers and get rid of the team of mediocre and lazy developers!

I agree with everyone who says that zeroing out bastions and barbed wire is a Big Huge Mistake!
For example, I managed to build a defense in such a way that it was very effective at trapping entire crowds of attackers in the bastions and barbed wire. Now this won't work? Have you gone completely crazy or what, BHG?! :mad:

P.S. LTG, it looks like you've backed the wrong horse or you just don't understand who you're dealing with - the team of incompetent, mediocre and lazy developers who are destroying a very good game idea step by step. An exorbitant thirst for money for one’s inaction is what is happening to the game.
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to @soul and @DocHolliday
I don’t understand the division between defenders and attackers at all. I am developing my attacking army for plunder resources, and I use these resources to develop and strengthen the city’s defense - I am pleased to watch how the attacker does not achieve his goal.
This is a complex game, but everything is viewed somewhat one-sidedly.
I hope that these are still temporary changes specific only to this game upgrade. The same thing happened with the slowdown of shooters or with a significant reduction in the recovery time of aviation.

If this is the case, then you shouldn’t worry too much - we’ll get through it.
I hope that these are still temporary changes specific only to this game upgrade. The same thing happened with the slowdown of shooters or with a significant reduction in the recovery time of aviation.

If this is the case, then you shouldn’t worry too much - we’ll get through it.
The Reduced speed of shooters was a season temporary change.

The new drone directive is a new permanent thing that annoying both attackers and defenders.

Defenders complain about the new directive that makes the attacking army immune to bastion and barber wire slow down for some seconds.

On the other hand attackers complain for the new directive that reduces the range of all ranged troops to 4.

*Also always there is a conversation about the "unusable sabotage and betrayal" due to counter intelligence directive and the allert system munition.

About the arguments between attackers and defenders:

Wars, especially in higher ranks are very competitive, players are very passionated with their specific roles ( full defense or full offense)
They dedicated to their role, working hard on every aspect of it, ( often paying money ) so , every little change/ imbalance between offense and defence affect significantly their game play .
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The Reduced speed of shooters was a season temporary change.

The new drone directive is a new permanent thing that annoying both attackers and defenders.

Defenders complain about the new directive that makes the attacking army immune to bastion and barber wire slow down for some seconds.

On the other hand attackers complain for the new directive that reduces the range of all ranged troops to 4.

*Also always there is a conversation about the "unusable sabotage and betrayal" due to counter intelligence directive and the allert system munition.

About the arguments between attackers and defenders:

Wars, especially in higher ranks are very competitive, players are very passionated with their specific roles ( full defense or full offense)
They dedicated to their role, working hard on every aspect of it, ( often paying money ) so , every little change/ imbalance between offense and defence affect significantly their game play .
By the way, it was drones that made very significant adjustments in recent years to the tactics and strategy of waging real wars. So you shouldn’t be surprised at the capabilities of drones in the game.
Buen día a todos.
Basta de llorones defensivos que siempre aparecen para meter la pata y amenazar con que el juego se acabará con las decisiones que tome BHG, ni en sueños 😄.
Aparte sois un puñado, como mucho 10 🤣 dando siempre mal, os creéis que sois listos y que tenéis más información que BHG por deciros por donde tiene que ir el juego, a una empresa que tiene más de 9 años de experiencia y encima os estáis perdiendo de todo. A la vez respeto tanto a BHG como a sus trabajadores.
Si de verdad os gustan los retos, probad, aportad ideas, sugerencias y BHG decidirá por donde ir.
Jugad a vuestro juego como la mayoría y dejad que BHG elija los retos defensivos y ofensivos, por eso es su casa.
Espero que dejéis de faltarle el respeto a tantos trabajadores valientes que no se pueden defender.

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Well now that I have the update and see it. Not thrilled for anything offense got or defense got. This really didn’t help either side.

As for Sabatage and Betrayal they are still work just requires more skill to use. They needed a counter, so enough on that.

The part that upset me is I am tired of lame updates that only add few things. Give us the library’s stuff the new university’s stuff give it all at one time and make it worth while. This wasn’t a huge update this truthfully wasn’t worth clicking on App Store waiting for a late tiny lame update.

I completed it all in less than 4 hrs not even trying. Give us real complete update this was nothing truthfully.

Do better and real updates where everything has a new level at one time all your d all your o all research’s and bring on the Robotics age already stop with little crappy update stuff.

Sorry unchallenged players get bored
I agree. Also i dont see any defender to complain about the new directive that reduces the range of ALL ranged units to 4!
Thats huge.
Of course defenders aren't going to complain about this. 😄
As a defender I couldn't care less about mortars or artillery attacking my base and as an attacker I don't prioritize those troops anyway. The principle of giving something only to take it away so blatantly is sad.
If they had made a whole new library chapter or University branch then it would've been worthwhile making us work towards reversing the attack range or the bastion slow-down - like they made us work towards the range increase or the bastion effectiveness.
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Well range of artillery is 8 , and defensive drone is 12 , so 4 range won't affect much as from outside the radii mortar artillery can destroy much of the base and not to forgot even drone command can be destroyed before it really affects long range troops but for defense people the offensive drone is nightmare , as it can travel and hence can nullify all the bastions and barbed wire in map only thing posed difficulties for that strategy.

Honestly defense is actually good it's just that this strategy is overpowered, you guys should make others troops count like heavy tank,assault vehicle ,archers,tanks it's so frustration seeing only mortar and artillery combo there is little diversity left that too on bottom and the top of the game only , 90% users do what is easy , like commando zuks earlier and British nation archers canons more earlier . It makes game boring if only one of two strategies work .

Make others troops great again and nerf artillery etc little then it will be balanced as defense is great now if we try from other strategies.
you guys should make others troops count like heavy tank,assault vehicle ,archers,tanks it's so frustration seeing only mortar and artillery combo there is little diversity left that too on bottom and the top of the game only , 90% users do what is easy , like commando zuks earlier and British nation archers canons more earlier . It makes game boring if only one of two strategies work .

Make others troops great again and nerf artillery etc little then it will be balanced as defense is great now if we try from other strategies.
Exactly. BHG went to the trouble of making mortars/artillery the 'in-demand' troops so it's no wonder they've now made these drone additions.
Buen día a todos.
Basta de llorones defensivos que siempre aparecen para meter la pata y amenazar con que el juego se acabará con las decisiones que tome BHG, ni en sueños 😄.
Aparte sois un puñado, como mucho 10 🤣 dando siempre mal, os creéis que sois listos y que tenéis más información que BHG por deciros por donde tiene que ir el juego, a una empresa que tiene más de 9 años de experiencia y encima os estáis perdiendo de todo. A la vez respeto tanto a BHG como a sus trabajadores.
Si de verdad os gustan los retos, probad, aportad ideas, sugerencias y BHG decidirá por donde ir.
Jugad a vuestro juego como la mayoría y dejad que BHG elija los retos defensivos y ofensivos, por eso es su casa.
Espero que dejéis de faltarle el respeto a tantos trabajadores valientes que no se pueden defender.

View attachment 12170
But just don’t defend the BHG developers! Recently, it is very noticeable that some changes are being made to the game, “improvements”, which apparently do not really depend on programming at all. There are many long-known issues and bugs that players have been asking to fix for a long time, but there are no changes! What’s the point of communicating your ideas and requests if the BHG doesn’t care about all these requests? This behavior of BHG has been observed for a long time. Even if there are not many of us, we at least notice all the shortcomings of the game and report them.

I personally generally get the impression that someone capable once wrote this game, then some disagreements arose with the owners of the game, and in the end there was a team of mediocrities who do not really understand how the game works (and this is, first of all, a program) , accordingly, they can’t fix anything. And BHG continues to collect money from the players - this is called “squeezing” the project to the end - as long as the players pay (including by players watching advertisements), BHG is doing well anyway.

And please note that we are not talking about some global changes in the game, but about little things that need to be fixed - it doesn’t take a lot of effort (but you need to understand what, how and where to fix it), nor a lot of time to fix it. Instead, we are “presented on a platter” with another portion of all sorts of nonsense.
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¡Pero no defiendan a los desarrolladores de BHG! Últimamente, se nota mucho que se están realizando algunos cambios en el juego, "mejoras", que aparentemente no dependen en absoluto de la programación. Hay muchos problemas y errores conocidos desde hace mucho tiempo que los jugadores llevan pidiendo que se solucionen, ¡pero no hay cambios! ¿De qué sirve comunicar sus ideas y solicitudes si a BHG no le importan todas estas solicitudes? Este comportamiento de BHG se ha observado durante mucho tiempo. Incluso si no somos muchos, al menos notamos todas las deficiencias del juego y las informamos.

Personalmente, tengo la impresión de que este juego lo escribió alguien capaz, luego surgieron algunos desacuerdos con los propietarios del juego y, al final, quedó un equipo de mediocres que no entienden realmente cómo funciona el juego (y esto es, ante todo, un programa), por lo que no pueden arreglar nada. Y BHG sigue recaudando dinero de los jugadores (a esto se le llama "exprimir" el proyecto hasta el final). Mientras los jugadores paguen (incluso si los jugadores ven anuncios), BHG lo está haciendo bien de todos modos.

Y tenga en cuenta que no estamos hablando de cambios globales en el juego, sino de pequeñas cosas que deben solucionarse: no se necesita mucho esfuerzo (pero hay que entender qué, cómo y dónde solucionarlo), ni mucho tiempo para solucionarlo. En lugar de eso, se nos "presenta en bandeja" otra ración de todo tipo de tonterías.
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Hola amigo.
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo, al igual que la mayoría de los jugadores de este juego, lo que es hacerle ver y recordarle a BHG los bugs y errores del juego que persisten después de tanto tiempo.
Lo que no es normal son los comentarios irrespetuosos hacia BHG y sus trabajadores, ahí es donde uno pierde toda la razón por más razón que tenga.

Y en el tema del dinero amigo, es algo muy personal de cada persona como maneja su cartera.

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