• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

DomiNations Update 11.11 - Museum Updates


Greetings Leaders,

Update 11.11 is coming soon and features some of our promise to Quality of Life improvements in DomiNations. You’ll also see the improvements to MRLs making a permanent return and new Upgrades for Drone Age Players!

QoL Specific Updates
  • Increased Artifact Storage
    • We will be increasing storage for your artifacts up to 315. (Each storage upgrade will cost 250 crowns and provide 5 additional spaces)
  • All Legendary Artifact Displays are Available upon building the Museum
  • Increased Storage Capacity and Generation of Mysterious Fragments

  • Increased the amount of Museum Currency from Museum Mystery Boxes
Updated Museum Stats

LevelFood CostUpgrade TimeXP GainProductionProduction CapacityPeace Exhibits UnlockedWar Exhibits Unlocked
11,000,0001d1,115351001 Weapon
1 Armor
3 Legendary
1 Weapon
1 Armor
3 Legendary
23,000,0002d1,630401501 Jewelry
1 Pottery
2 Equipment
45,000,0005d2,980553001 Weapon
1 Armor
1 Weapon
1 Armor
56,000,0006d3,395603501 Jewelry
1 Pottery
2 Equipment
  • Increased Oil Well Generation and Storage at earlier Ages
    • Enlightenment to Global Age Oil Wells will have increased storage and production
Updated Oil Well Capacity/Production

AgeCapacityProduction Per Hour
Enlightenment lv172067
Enlightenment lv297086
Industrial lv31,08895
Global lv41,239102
  • All Expedition Re-rolls will now cost 30 Crowns regardless of time remaining on refresh countdown

  • In Council Chamber, Premium Recruitments are now 50 Crowns each individually, and 11x Premium Recruitments are 500 Crowns

  • Increased “Are you there?” Timer
    • You can now leave the game open for up to 20 minutes before being asked if you are still there or force logged out.
  • Parliament Button will be removed when all Parliament Law contributions are completed

  • Fixed an issue preventing players from upgrading multiple connected Wall Segments at once using Wall Manuals

  • Troop Donation Button will be grayed out when first loading into the game
    • There is a small period of time where players cannot donate Troops immediately upon logging in as the game is still taking some time to load your base and other information. Once your game is finished loading this button will return to Green and you will be able to Donate Troops as normal.
  • Troop Request Population will be updated in all locations
    • Current Donated Troop Population will be visible in the Request Troops Button in Alliance Chat and in the Request Troops Message window


The team is still hard at work tackling the Quality of Life list that we shared last month. We've also been taking note of the generous feedback that you shared there! We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to continue sharing!

Drone Age Upgrades
  • Storehouse 12 > 13
    • Citizens Required 4
    • Gold Cost 13,000,000
    • XP 3,950
    • Upgrade Time 12d
    • HP 36,550
    • Trade Good Capacity +2
  • Bastion 6 > 7
    • Citizens Required 1
    • Gold/Food Cost 24,000,000
    • HP 112,064
    • Slowdown 75%
  • S.A.M. Battery 13 > 14
    • Citizens Required 2
    • Gold Cost 17,500,000
    • XP 6,500
    • Upgrade Time 18d 12h
    • Damage 9,660
  • Claymore 3 > 4
    • Citizens Required 1
    • Gold Cost 6,200,000
    • XP 2,250
    • Upgrade Time 12d
    • Damage 1,200
  • Caltrops 14 > 15
    • Citizens Required 1
    • Gold Cost 10,000,000
    • XP 2,600
    • Upgrade Time 16d
    • Slowdown 72%
    • Damage Reduction 72%

MRL Buffs
As mentioned in the Season 4: Flourishing Frontlines post, the MRL buffs from Season 3: Evolution of History will now be a permanent change to this unit.
  • MRL Missile Spread -60%
  • MRL Fire Rate +33%
  • MRL Damage +50%
Update 7/25
We're looking into an issue where increased artifact storage is not working as intended. We will be overriding the limit capacity to 255 (including research) and are planning compensation. We appreciate your patience and will update you as we make progress on the issue.
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A step in the right direction. Thank you. Any news when we’ll be able to swap museum artifacts in sets ? This IMO is the most requested QOL feature for the museum.
We're still working on the things highlighted in our original Road Ahead post, unfortunately, I don't have any solid dates to share on the rest of that list at this time. Nor any updates on what we'll be tackling after that list is completed. But we are still taking note of the feedback and requests rest assured.
Yeahhh..nice stuff..that’s what we want to see more. no new features but just improvements that will make this game more pleasant. Good job.

ps..still dreaming of having one button to sell all my 70k artefacts in one shot.
could you think of adding new artifact catagories for defence buinding buffs amd enemy building debuffs into their own catagory cause leaving them in jewlry and pottery really saturates what they originally did. also if so id like there to be 3 of each artifact for main and warhall.
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View attachment 10594

Greetings Leaders,

Update 11.11 is coming soon and features some of our promise to Quality of Life improvements in DomiNations. You’ll also see the improvements to MRLs making a permanent return and new Upgrades for Drone Age Players!

QoL Specific Updates
  • Increased Artifact Storage
    • We will be increasing storage for your artifacts up to 315. (Each storage upgrade will cost 250 crowns and provide 5 additional spaces)
  • All Legendary Artifact Displays are Available upon building the Museum
  • Increased Storage Capacity and Generation of Mysterious Fragments

  • Increased the amount of Museum Currency from Museum Mystery Boxes
Updated Museum Stats

LevelFood CostUpgrade TimeXP GainProductionProduction CapacityPeace Exhibits UnlockedWar Exhibits Unlocked
11,000,0001d1,115351001 Weapon
1 Armor
3 Legendary
1 Weapon
1 Armor
3 Legendary
23,000,0002d1,630401501 Jewelry
1 Pottery
2 Equipment
45,000,0005d2,980553001 Weapon
1 Armor
1 Weapon
1 Armor
56,000,0006d3,395603501 Jewelry
1 Pottery
2 Equipment
  • Increased Oil Well Generation and Storage at earlier Ages
    • Enlightenment to Global Age Oil Wells will have increased storage and production
Updated Oil Well Capacity/Production

AgeCapacityProduction Per Hour
Enlightenment lv172067
Enlightenment lv297086
Industrial lv31,08895
Global lv41,239102
  • All Expedition Re-rolls will now cost 30 Crowns regardless of time remaining on refresh countdown

  • In Council Chamber, Premium Recruitments are now 50 Crowns each individually, and 11x Premium Recruitments are 500 Crowns

  • Increased “Are you there?” Timer
    • You can now leave the game open for up to 20 minutes before being asked if you are still there or force logged out.
  • Parliament Button will be removed when all Parliament Law contributions are completed

  • Fixed an issue preventing players from upgrading multiple connected Wall Segments at once using Wall Manuals

  • Troop Donation Button will be grayed out when first loading into the game
    • There is a small period of time where players cannot donate Troops immediately upon logging in as the game is still taking some time to load your base and other information. Once your game is finished loading this button will return to Green and you will be able to Donate Troops as normal.
  • Troop Request Population will be updated in all locations
    • Current Donated Troop Population will be visible in the Request Troops Button in Alliance Chat and in the Request Troops Message window

The team is still hard at work tackling the Quality of Life list that we shared last month. We've also been taking note of the generous feedback that you shared there! We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to continue sharing!

Drone Age Upgrades
  • Storehouse 12 > 13
    • Citizens Required 4
    • Gold Cost 13,000,000
    • XP 3,950
    • Upgrade Time 12d
    • HP 36,550
    • Trade Good Capacity +2
  • Bastion 6 > 7
    • Citizens Required 1
    • Gold/Food Cost 24,000,000
    • HP 112,064
    • Slowdown 75%
  • S.A.M. Battery 13 > 14
    • Citizens Required 2
    • Gold Cost 17,500,000
    • XP 6,500
    • Upgrade Time 18d 12h
    • Damage 9,660
  • Claymore 3 > 4
    • Citizens Required 1
    • Gold Cost 6,200,000
    • XP 2,250
    • Upgrade Time 12d
    • Damage 1,200
  • Caltrops 14 > 15
    • Citizens Required 1
    • Gold Cost 10,000,000
    • XP 2,600
    • Upgrade Time 16d
    • Slowdown 72%
    • Damage Reduction 72%

MRL Buffs
As mentioned in the Season 4: Flourishing Frontlines post, the MRL buffs from Season 3: Evolution of History will now be a permanent change to this unit.
  • MRL Missile Spread -60%
  • MRL Fire Rate +33%
  • MRL Damage +50%
And as expected, the update came with errors. I can't donate accelerator requests. I get "Wait"
After the update, it is not possible to receive troops from the alliance and click the help of accelerations in the game chat.
Can you clear the chat again? Maybe this will fix the problem
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This new update ruined our war. 3 of us tried to get on an opponents base to attack. Kept saying please update your game. I updated mine then tried to attack again and it said please update your game. I uninstalled and reinstalled and tried to attack it said please update your game. The other 2 on my team could not get on to attack either but had no update available. They had 97 we had we had our 3 top guys with attacks left against their smaller base and they ran out of attacks so we were about to win 100-97. Never complain about this game. But if this is your idea of IMPROVING the game you guys are twisted!
Sorry but the update is broken. When trying to close the welcome screen the game crashes all the time. Not able to move on further. Please fix iPad user. Thx
We're still working on the things highlighted in our original Road Ahead post, unfortunately, I don't have any solid dates to share on the rest of that list at this time. Nor any updates on what we'll be tackling after that list is completed. But we are still taking note of the feedback and requests rest assured.

@Harlems369th can you guys have a better system for organizing artifacts in museum. Like organizing by weapon, armor, equipment. And have sets that can can substituted for quick museum changes .
@Harlems369th What is up with this update, one base has all buttons green but somehow I can’t scout it (Don’t know what will happen if I click attack) The other base the replay button is missing. However, both bases says I need to update. 4 Hrs left before our war ends.
We’re aware of the Alliance Speed Up issues in the latest Update. We will be updating ALL Players to 11.11 to resume World Wars & Troop Donations. A hotfix will be available soon & upon release Players will receive 5x 6h Speed Ups for the inconvenience.

First, we want to be sure Players can resume World War play as soon as possible. Players will still face the Alliance Speed Up issue until the release of the hotfix. We thank you for your patience as we work to resolve this issue.
please also be aware that landmines on multilayer map have taken the form.of mortars


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