• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

DomiNations Update 12.9 - Parliament Branch & Library Books


Greetings Leaders,

DomiNations update 12.9 is on the way! This larger update will give Alliances a new Parliament Branch to explore. Our players in Drone Age and beyond can look forward to new books to research in the Library. We also give you an early glimpse at two upcoming Legendary Artifacts, and highlight the next Councilor for your Council Chambers!

New Parliament Branch - Defense Funding
Many of our highly productive Alliances have expressed that they’re hoping we’re adding more to the Parliament Building. With 12.9 we’ll be introducing the Defense Funding branch, this branch helps your Alliance Members navigate Defensive upgrades, and improves Defenses in World Wars. This feature won’t be live until the Update is available for all players.

Trap EfficiencyNo PrerequisiteResource: Gold
LevelBonusResearch Points
1Reduce Upgrade Time of Traps by 15 minutes (to a minimum of Instant)1200
2Reduce Upgrade Time of Traps by 30 minutes (to a minimum of Instant)1350
3Reduce Upgrade Time of Traps by 1 Hour (to a minimum of Instant)1500
4Reduce Upgrade Time of Traps by 1.5 Hours (to a minimum of Instant)1650
5Reduce Upgrade Time of Traps by 2 Hours (to a minimum of Instant)1800
6Caltrops Effect and Trigger Range increased by 12050
7Reduce Upgrade Time of Traps by 3 Hours (to a minimum of Instant)2300
8Spike Trap Damage Range increased by 12550
9Reduce Upgrade Time of Traps by 5 Hours (to a minimum of Instant)2800
10Signal Flare Attack and Movement Speed Bonus increased by 5%3050

Defensive DistractionPrerequisite: Level 5 Trap EfficiencyResource: Food
LevelBonusResearch Points
1Decoy Trap Hitpoints increased by 3%2000
2S.A.M. Battery Damage increased by 2%2300
3Decoy Trap Hitpoints increased by 6%2600
4S.A.M. Battery Damage increased by 4%2900
5Decoy Trap Trigger Radius increased by 13200
6S.A.M. Battery Damage increased by 6%3600
7Decoy Trap Hitpoints increased by 9%4000
8S.A.M. Battery Damage increased by 10%4400
9Decoy Trap Hitpoints increased by 12%4800
10Decoy Trap Distraction Radius increased by 15200

Fortified CastlePrerequisite: Level 5 Trap EfficiencyResource: Gold
LevelBonusResearch Points
1Castle Hitpoints increased by 4%2000
2Castle Hitpoints increased by 8%2300
3Castle Hitpoints increased by 12%2600
4Castle Hitpoints increased by 16%2900
5Castle Hitpoints increased by 20%3200
6Castle Damage increased by 4%3600
7Castle Damage increased by 8%4000
8Castle Damage increased by 12%4400
9Castle Damage increased by 16%4800
10Castle Spawn Detection Radius increased by 15200

Rallied ReinforcementsPrerequisite: Level 5 Defensive DistractionResource: Gold
LevelBonusResearch Points
1Stable HP increased by 5%1400
2Stable Defender HP increased by 5%2150
3Garrison HP increased by 5%2900
4Garrison Defender HP increased by 5%3650
5Stable HP increased by 10%4500
6Stable Defender HP increased by 10%5200
7Garrison HP increased by 10%5900
8Garrison Defender HP increased by 10%6600
9Stable Defender Maximum increased by 17300
10Garrison Defender Maximum increased by 18000

General GuidancePrerequisite: Level 5 Fortified CastleResource: Oil
LevelBonusResearch Points
1Generals Damage increased by 2%1400
2Generals Hitpoints increased by 2%2150
3Generals Damage increased by 4%2900
4Generals Hitpoints increased by 4%3650
5Generals Damage increased by 6%4500
6Generals Hitpoints increased by 6%5200
7Generals Damage increased by 8%5900
8Generals Hitpoints increased by 8%6600
9Generals Damage increased by 10%7300
10Generals Hitpoints increased by 10%8000

Overwhelming FirePrerequisite: Level 5 Rallied Reinforcements & General GuidanceResource: Oil
LevelBonusResearch Points
1Ballista Tower Hitpoints increased by 5%3000
2Ballista Tower Damage increased by 5%3500
3Catapult Hitpoints increased by 5%4000
4Catapult Damage increased by 5%4500
5Redoubt Hitpoints increased by 5%5000
6Redoubt Damage increased by 5%5500
7Sniper Tower Damage increased by 5%6000
8Tower Hitpoints increased by 5%6500
9Tower Damage increased by 5%7000
10Defensive Tower Hitpoints and Damage increased by 5%7500

Supported StructuresPrerequisite: Level 5 Overwhelming FireResource: Oil
LevelBonusResearch Points
1Bunker Hitpoints increased by 3%4000
2Bunker Hitpoints increased by 6%4500
3Bunker Hitpoints increased by 9%5000
4Bunker Hitpoints increased by 12%5500
5Bunker Defender Spawn Time reduced by 10%6000
6Rocket Arsenal Hitpoints increased by 3%6500
7Rocket Arsenal Hitpoints increased by 6%7000
8Rocket Arsenal Hitpoints increased by 9%7500
9Rocket Arsenal Hitpoints increased by 12%8000
10Rocket Arsenal Defender Spawn Time reduced by 10%8500

New Upgrade Level - Drone Age Library
The next upgrade we’re adding is the Drone Age Library building, which comes with a new set of books for the Through the Ages Bookcase!

Level 16
Upgrade Time 16dCitizens Req’d
Through the Ages Bookcase

Economy Book: Dividend Returns
Chapter BonusUpgrade CostUpgrade TimeXP
Drone Train Cost -25%150,000 Oil5d2,300
Directive Research Cost -10%200,000 Oil10d8,000
Oil Well Storage Size +10%20,000,000 Gold12d12h9,000
Directive Research Time -10%25,000,000 Gold15d10,000
Armory Research Time -5%335,000 Oil20d11,000

Economy Book: Exalted Benefactions
Chapter BonusUpgrade CostUpgrade TimeXP
Air Superiority and Air Defense Blessings Power +6%10,000,000 Food5d2,300
Loot Blessing Power +4%15,000,000 Food10d8,000
Tower and Fortification Blessings Power +8%20,000,000 Food12d12h9,000
Oil Blessing Power +4%25,000,000 Food15d10,000
Weapon and Armor Blessings Power +5%27,500,000 Food20d11,000

Defensive Book: Commanding Defense
Chapter BonusUpgrade CostUpgrade TimeXP
Stable Defender HP +10%10,000,000 Food5d2,300
Drone Command HP +10%200,000 Oil10d8,000
Bunker Spawn Rate +10%250,000 Oil12d12h9,000
Claymore DMG Range (increases Explosion Radius, not Trigger Radius) +125,000,000 Gold15d10,000
Defensive Drone Radius +1335,000 Oil20d11,000

Offensive Book: Commanding Offense
Chapter BonusUpgrade CostUpgrade TimeXP
Ground Troops Deal +15% more DMG to Air Defense10,000,000 Food5d2,300
Reroute Cooldown -2s200,000 Oil10d8,000
Bazooka DMG +8%250,000 Oil12d12h9,000
Ground Troops deal +15% more DMG to Decoy Trap25,000,000 Gold15d10,000
Offensive Drone Radius +1335,000 Oil20d11,000

New Legendary Artifacts
Two New Legendary Artifacts, one for each hall, are currently scheduled for release this Autumn! The upcoming Main Hall Artifact of Celtic origin will give your Transports and Paratroopers boosts. The War Hall Artifact will show improvements for your Barracks Troops!

Keep an eye out in future Week Aheads for their full reveals!

New Councilor - Samuel Morse
The inventor of the Morse Telegraph, Samuel Morse, will be joining the Council Chambers!

Samuel Morse will be first available on 8/26!


Bazooka DMG +5%Bazooka DMG +6%Bazooka DMG +7%Bazooka DMG +9%Bazooka DMG +12%
Bazooka ATK Speed +6%Bazooka ATK Speed +8%Bazooka ATK Speed +10%Bazooka ATK Speed +13%
Generals HP +7%Generals HP +9%Generals HP +12%
Paratrooper HP & DMG +7%Paratrooper HP & DMG +10%
Heavy Tank DMG +14%
Fighter HP +5%Fighter HP +6%Fighter HP +7%Fighter HP +9%Fighter HP +12%
Fighter DMG +4%Fighter DMG +5% Fighter DMG +7% Fighter DMG +10%
Bomber DMG +7%Bomber DMG +9%Bomber DMG +12%
Bomber DMG & HP +7%Bomber DMG & HP +10%
Recon Scan Bonus DMG +10%
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Wellerson has brought some valid points I hope the staff is paying attention too.

I do tend agree they need to do a audit on top 100 event, seasonal winner, or any jumping mass exp should take place. I do feel that BHG has zero clue or care currently in stopping even the most obvious of cheating nor will they provide a list of everything that hit your base?

I understand a real replay system is not within in reach for this game. Yet I have too call it as I see it. Not providing a list of everything used in battle to every player after after battle leaves every battle that has ever taken place on this game in doubt of a fair winner. This trust the war score is frankly a joke.

Simple do what a business leaking money should do. Do a complete audit of the top 20% of players match dollars spent to progress.( use your accounting firm if BHG can’t track the money) Then provide a true battle report that shows everything that hit your base. Anything that is found can be reported with confidence something will be done. This would close one of the biggest holes in security this game has beside server abuses.

Just saying you care about cheating doesn’t fix it actuality BHG helping them cheat by lack of action.
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Does the new law "Spike Trap Damage Range increased by 1" mean that the spike traps deal area of effect damage, or just that a fast unit that passes over the trap quickly still might take the damage?
If its area of effect damage, that is pretty OP defense-wise if it deals the damage it does to a whole group of units.
Does the new law "Spike Trap Damage Range increased by 1" mean that the spike traps deal area of effect damage, or just that a fast unit that passes over the trap quickly still might take the damage?
If its area of effect damage, that is pretty OP defense-wise if it deals the damage it does to a whole group of units.
My money is on how far the damage extends once triggered - so AoE radius has increased
i echo the sentiment of others in this thread. Bad rollout of upgrades. Library upgrades are only attainable at Drone Age, but seem mostly beneficial to much, much, earlier ages. And, did you guys really just LOWER the max capacity for oil from 519k to 385k, just to include new library research books to increase it??? Who green lighted this?
With all these reductions in spawn times (eg from the manufactory and the new parliament branch), it makes sense to update how the spawn times are calculated in battle. Add the extended spawn times of the attacker and subtract the spawn time of the defender and then cap (rather than capping the defender spawn time first). That way, further spawn time reductions are worthwhile pursuing..
"Castle Spawn Detection Radius increased by 1" ... not much point in this when Castle Spawn Detection Radius is still broken.
How about some research so we can spy council and manufactury ? And how about fixing the presets?
to @SirBiggun and also any others:

Based on fairly long-term communication on the forum and the results of appeals to BHG, I can advise - forget about all sorts of "fix", "fixes", "fixing", and especially about "fixed" - this is not about BHG at all - they don't give a damn about the requests of the players. There are plenty of "this is not a bug, this is a feature" in the game, but the laziness and indifference to the requests of the players of the development team is their (BHG) main distinguishing feature. Accept it - and play with what you now have.

P.S. Let me give you a simple example. It is often discussed on the forum that it is almost impossible to defend yourself from a horde of mortarmen in the game. Yes, this is true - it is essentially an "absolute weapon" that, as we know, should not exist. But I perceive it differently now - it is simply a mistake in the game, and there are those who successfully use this flaw in the game. It's simple - take a somewhat philosophical attitude to the mistakes of this game. At some point the number of mistakes will exceed the patience of many players, then everything will end sadly. In the meantime - let's continue playing!
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the way we change between accounts is horrible. Just today, I had to reload 8 times between 2 accounts just to be able to send army to one another. Can you do something about it?
you announced the delay of the 12.10 update which is good but can we have the notes of the update. this communication is nice... keep it up
Unfortunately, release notes will only be published when the update is available.
But I also wondered how v12.10 could be delayed, because I hadn't even read an announcement for it. Where did I miss the announcement?
Not only are no expected fixes being made in the updates, but now they are also being delayed. Bravo, BHG! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Unfortunately, release notes will only be published when the update is available.
But I also wondered how v12.10 could be delayed, because I hadn't even read an announcement for it. Where did I miss the announcement?
when i search forums on google there is a little X window and that announces the tweets and one of them is the update and the delay of it
All I got to say is before I buy stuff I now just think about all the stuff that is broke and been a good money saver. When a war game is broken so bad I can’t tell if any battle is legit saves me money.

As few have said in this thread fix your game BHG we are out of patience.
As few have said in this thread fix your game BHG we are out of patience.
@Harlems369th @TheWise

All these comments by vets are not the usual boo-hoo comments like "this game sucks" or "defense sucks" etc - these are genuine and valid complaints by your customers - the people that pay your wages, or a good portion of it.
We're all for the game - that's why we've stuck around this long and that's why we make suggestions - and this is why we make genuine complaints. We want this game to not only be better but, at the most basic level, to work properly.
I don't think that's asking too much.
Pourquoi ne pas relancer le jeu à zéro en améliorant le temps des recherches et améliorations afin de garder les nouveaux joueurs plus de dix jours. Car, plus une recherche ou une amélioration est longue, moins les gens se connectent au jeu. Certes, il ne faut pas aller trop vite... mais ni trop lentement. Ce jeu est agréable... mais trop long pour la grande majorité des joueurs potentiels. Il faut plusieurs années pour être niveau maximum... c'est un poil exagéré.
Pourquoi ne pas relancer le jeu à zéro en améliorant le temps des recherches et améliorations afin de garder les nouveaux joueurs plus de dix jours. Car, plus une recherche ou une amélioration est longue, moins les gens se connectent au jeu. Certes, il ne faut pas aller trop vite... mais ni trop lentement. Ce jeu est agréable... mais trop long pour la grande majorité des joueurs potentiels. Il faut plusieurs années pour être niveau maximum... c'est un poil exagéré.
As far as I know, at the initial levels of the game, the time for construction and research was significantly reduced, so that favorable conditions have already been created for beginners to understand the game.

And otherwise, long waits are only a consequence of the fact that BHG cannot offer anything new in the game, so they deliberately delay the process - the laziness and inaction of the developers is obvious.

P.S. Understand one simple thing - the owners of the game "from the door threshold" want to immediately receive money from the players - that's why all these long waits, among other things. It would be fine if they used this money to develop and improve the game, then at least it would be clear what people are paying money for.

P.P.S. By the way, according to my subjective observations, over the last year the game has started to give more speed-ups for activity - completing tasks in Events - this is pleasing. But this is still not enough. I repeat - if we develop and build quickly, then BHG the players will simply have nothing to offer in the game, and they need players to be in the game - at least to simply receive profit for watching ads.

A week ago I found a game similar Dominations, I'm taking a closer look at it, playing it. It has interesting gameplay, beautiful graphics, and there are also long waits, but they really do not skimp on speed-ups - this is very pleasing. Gradually, players get tired of this attitude of BHG, and players begin to look for alternatives, but BHG, apparently, does not care about this either.
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A week ago I found a game similar Dominations, I'm taking a closer look at it, playing it. It has interesting gameplay, beautiful graphics, and there are also long waits, but they really do not skimp on speed-ups - this is very pleasing. Gradually, players get tired of this attitude of BHG, and players begin to look for alternatives, but BHG, apparently, does not care about this either.

Vous attisez ma curiosité.