Why does the game need stronger SAM batteries at this point in time? Fighters are already being shredded to pieces by bases with air defense blessings. When are we going to get super sonic fighter mk 7, 8 and 9s to counteract the beefed up bases? The new SAM battery upgrades should really be introduced in conjunction with Mk 7s in the Space Age. If you’re going to do this now, at least make the air training blessing available in the temple or tradable for rubies when that Marco Polo guy visits.
This update makes sense, at least from Nexon's point of view.
A lot of people have switched to helis in their army. Helis need planes for overwatch, so what's Nexon to do? Why, increase SAM and A-A defences of course. Plus stronger walls mean more troops will waste time on the walls, and will need more plane protection.
Then to throw us a bone they give us an air training blessing. I mean, if they weren't expecting us to lose more planes, why give us the air blessing?
But the blessing isn't part of the temple, its available in a very disappointing dock upgrade.
Have l missed anything?
Oh yes, l almost forgot: we get 3 more troops in our alliance gate. Wonderful.