Library Bookcases v9.2 Update


Big Huge Moderator
Staff member
Apr 21, 2015
Greeting Leaders!
The Library has undergone renovations! The League of Nations and Archaeology Bookcases will join the existing books in the Library to bring you powerful new upgrade paths.

Library Bookcases
Two new additions are joining the Library! The current Library is now known as Through the Ages, and joining it will be two new bookcases: Archaeology and League of Nations. These new bookcases feature eight new books to research along with a powerful new capstone that unlocks once you research all of the books.

First off, we have Archaeology, which contains eight books focused on the Museum, Blueprints, supplies, and Artifacts. The first four books unlock at Library level 5, with the final four unlocking for research once you reach Library Level 7.

Advanced Reconstruction
  • Reduces the Mysterious Fragment cost of the 1-Artifact craft by 5 once per day​
  • Reduces the Mysterious Fragment cost of the 5-Artifact craft by 25 once per day​
  • Reduces the Mysterious Fragment cost of the 1-Artifact craft by 5 once per day​
  • Reduces the Mysterious Fragment cost of the 5-Artifact craft by 25 once per day​
  • Craft 1 additional Artifact per day by watching a video​
  • Reduces the Museum upgrade cost by 10%​
  • Reduces the Museum upgrade time by 10%​
  • Reduces the Museum upgrade cost by 10%​
  • Reduces the Museum upgrade time by 10%​
  • Reduces the Museum upgrade cost and time by 10%​
  • +2 Museum Storage​
  • +2 Museum Storage​
  • +2 Museum Storage​
  • +2 Museum Storage​
  • +2 Museum Storage​
  • +10% more Mysterious Fragments from winning battles​
  • +10% more Mysterious Fragments from winning battles​
  • +10% more Mysterious Fragments from winning battles​
  • +10% more Mysterious Fragments from winning battles​
  • +10% more Mysterious Fragments from winning battles​
*The Books below require Library Level 7 (Industrial) to unlock
  • +10% Mysterious Fragments production rate​
  • +10% Mysterious Fragments production capacity​
  • +10% Mysterious Fragments production rate​
  • +10% Mysterious Fragments production capacity​
  • +10% Mysterious Fragments production rate and capacity​
Restoration Efficiency
  • Reduces Food required to level up Artifact Modifiers by 5%​
  • Reduces Gold required to level up Artifact Modifiers by 5%​
  • Reduces Oil required to level up Artifact Modifiers by 5%​
  • Reduces Blueprints required to level up Artifact Modifiers by 5%​
  • Reduces Blueprints required to level up Artifact Modifiers by 5%​
  • Reduces Supplies required to unlock Artifacts by 5%​
  • Reduces Researchers required to unlock Artifacts by 5%​
  • Reduces Benefactors required to unlock Artifacts by 5%​
  • Reduces Supplies required to unlock Artifacts by 5%​
  • Artifacts unlock 5% faster​
Private Collections
  • +5% more Mysterious Fragments when selling an Artifact​
  • +5% more Blueprints when selling an Artifact​
  • +5% more Mysterious Fragments when selling an Artifact​
  • +5% more Blueprints when selling an Artifact​
  • +10% more Mysterious Fragments and Blueprints when selling an Artifact​
Archaeology Capstone
  • +1% Bonus to War Hall Legendary Artifact Modifiers​
League of Nations
The League of Nations also contains eight books featuring various upgrades to research, the first four unlock at Library level 5, with the final four unlocking for research once you reach Library Level 7.
Parliamentary Proceedings
  • Reduces Food cost for Law Contributions by 5%​
  • Reduces Gold cost for Law Contributions by 5%​
  • Reduces Food cost for Law Contributions by 5%​
  • Reduces Gold cost for Law Contributions by 5%​
  • Reduces Food and Gold cost for Law Contributions by 10%​
Coalition Forces
  • Reduces the cost to upgrade Coalitions by 5%​
  • Increases Coalition powers by 5%​
  • Reduces the cost to upgrade Coalitions by 5%​
  • Increases Coalition powers by 5%​
  • Reduces the cost to upgrade Coalitions by 10%​
Defense Planning
  • +10% Ballista Tower health in World War battles​
  • +10% Garrison health in World War battles​
  • +10% Stable health in World War battles​
  • +10% Tower health in World War battles​
  • +5% Road Network Hitpoint Bonus in World War battles​
  • +10% Wall health in World War battles​
  • +10% Gate health in World War battles​
  • +10% Bastion health in World War battles​
  • +10% Trap damage in World War battles​
  • +10% Town Center health in World War battles​

*The Books below require Library Level 7 (Industrial) to unlock
Strategic Reserves
  • +5% Ruby storage​
  • +5% Ruby storage​
  • +5% Ruby storage​
  • +5% Ruby storage​
  • +20% more Rubies won from World War battles​
Guided Missiles
  • +5% Missile Silo health in World War battles​
  • +5% Missile Silo damage in World War battles​
  • Reduces Missile Silo re-arm cost by 5%​
  • +5% Offensive Missile Launch damage in World War battles​
  • +1 Offensive Missile target in World War battles​
Armored Division
  • +10% Armored Car health in World War battles​
  • +10% Armored Car damage in World War battles​
  • +10% Bazooka health in World War battles​
  • +10% Bazooka damage in World War battles​
  • x8 Bazooka base damage against Tanks, Buildings, and Walls in World War battles​
  • +10% Transport health in World War battles​
  • +5% Paratrooper damage in World War battles​
  • +10% Bomber health in World War battles​
  • +10% Bomber damage in World War battles​
  • Transports deploy 1 additional Paratrooper in World War battles​
League of Nations Capstone
  • Reduces Oil cost for Law Contributions by 15%​
Troop Donation Bug Update
We're still working to resolve the issues reported with Troop Donations. We introduced a fix in 9.1 that resolved this issue for some, but we’re still seeing reports of players affected by this. Due to this, we're temporarily reducing the troop donation cost to 10 gold until this issue is resolved.
Update: Greetings Leaders, donations are back to their normal cost. We're going to continue to monitor, if you're still running into this issue please submit a ticket so we can investigate.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue causing the game to crash when interacting with or claiming Coalitions
  • APC units should now spawn troops at the correct level
  • Additional minor bug fixes, text updates, and UI fixes.
UPDATE: Emissary Bug

For new players starting on 9.2, there is currently an issue when clicking the second Emissary in the tutorial that is causing the game to crash. If you are running into this issue please refrain from clicking the Emissary for now. We’re working to fix this and will update you when we know more.

This update is still rolling out to users over all platforms. Please check your app store to see if the update is available.

UPDATE: Emissary Bug Fix

We pushed a fix on 3/9 to address this issue. Any players who are still stuck in this state can contact Customer Support to correct the problem:
Last edited:

Dhruv patel

Approved user
Aug 27, 2017
for the advanced reconstruction. make the 30 fragment cost cut permanent instead of once a day please


Approved user
May 29, 2018
Many(probably ALL ) of the Space, Digital and information age players have completed upgrading Museum, yet <<Archaeology /Renovation >> book, which is useless to these players, is mandatory to research capstone book. How you have any plan to compensate players with the lost time?



Approved user
May 17, 2018
I like the new books. It will make our life easier at the museum even though I am maxed. Thx


Approved user
May 13, 2017
  • Transports deploy 1 additional Paratrooper in World War battles

    This will be game changer 🙃😉


Approved user
Feb 18, 2016
TheWise For the Archaeology capstone, will legendary artifacts like Leonidas Bust and Norden Bombsight get a +1 boost to troops deployed?


Approved user
May 26, 2018
Thanks for working on this game even after many years. Is it just me or do others also experience the game to be sluggish after the update? My hope was once the snow goes away, performance gets better. However the opposite is true. I try to drop troops and either nothing happens or they get dropped after 3 seconds. Replay is also very slow. Has to be related to the game engine. Playing on two different Android devices from different vendors.Reinstalled game already, didn't help. No fun to play so I'll probably take a break until performance gets resolved. After all it's supposed to be a real time strategy game, right?


Big Huge Moderator
Staff member
Apr 21, 2015
Hi Rhabarberbarbar, I'll follow up with you via a private message to see if we can help.

Wicked Lord

Approved user
Sep 2, 2018
Thank you for that great Update. Now even pre Space age players have a chance to get a decent museum.

Wicked Lord

Approved user
Sep 2, 2018
Why should they? All players who upgraded the Museum before this update got there profit from it. If you buy something in the supermarket and next day it´s cheaper nobody will compensate you either.


Approved user
Mar 25, 2019
Why do you think you're owed for lost time? The university has all sorts of researches that are obsolete for particular players but which they still have to do for the capstones. I have several weeks of artillery damage to research which I will never benefit from, to get Leonardo's capstone. Am I owed compensation for that? I don't buy it. If the Archaeology capstone is important enough to you, then the researches are worth it just for that. If it's not, research something else first, just like everyone else.


is this thing on?
Apr 18, 2018
This is what's wrong with today's society. Given a free (somewhat hidden) gift for years to build an awesome museum, and then complain when they make it even easier for both yourself and others out of fear that others will have an easier time of it. Be happy with what you've had for this past year or two.


Approved user
Aug 9, 2016
This new library will boost player lev by a lot..Lots of XP for each chapter completed..Players with high economics will suffer from the boost in player level making them less competitive in WW...Players with low level economics will become even stronger in WW...


Approved user
Dec 26, 2017
I could do without the achievement pop-ups during battles. Moving them from the middle of the screen to the top wasn’t really an improvement since the battle uses the whole screen. Especially now with the text that LEAPS OUT AT YOU right when you are trying to stay focused.

If you must display the achievement (as though the text “Destroy Economic Buildings for Kagnew Infantry” is needed anywhere) then at least save it until the battle is over. Please.


Approved user
Jun 20, 2017
Ok so the new library is here and has mixed feelings,at least add another upgrade slot.

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
I could do without the achievement pop-ups during battles. Moving them from the middle of the screen to the top wasn’t really an improvement since the battle uses the whole screen. Especially now with the text that LEAPS OUT AT YOU right when you are trying to stay focused.
THIS right here. So annoying!


Big Huge Moderator
Staff member
Apr 21, 2015
This is a small hotfix that we think may help with a few of the disconnects players recently reported.


Approved user
Mar 14, 2016
Coalition forces - coalition power bookshelf adds only 2% (4% if 2 lines completed) to the total coalition power. It should be 5% per line, right? Is this a bug or visual glitch? Confirmed with other players too.


Approved user
Nov 4, 2015
Harriet Tubman Spy ability still does not allow us to see what level of research an opponent in WW has completed in the new Library books. Please fix this.