• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Expand & Conquer v8.1 Update


New member
Jun 4, 2017
v8.1 ‘Expand & Conquer’ update of DomiNations is coming soon!

Let the holiday festivities begin!
  • Snow has settled in, citizens don their heavy parkas, the Crown Dock and Marco Polo are all dressed up for the holidays.
  • Enjoy an abundance of in-game events covering historical holidays - including the World War I Christmas Truce.
  • Find Discounts on upgrades as part of the Winter for the Ages!
Balance Changes
  • Advance your civilization to the next age of history! The level requirements are being adjusted to allow for easier upgrading to the Cold War, Space, and Digital Ages.
  • Cold War Age requirement will be level 180 (down from 220)
  • Space Age requirement will be level 220 (down from 246)
  • Digital Age requirement will be level 260 (down from 285)
New University Leader - Empress Wu
  • Research her skill tree at the University to enhance the APCs built in your Factory. Upgrade this unit faster and cheaper, plus have your APCs produce more units at greater strength.
  • Use her skills to produce additional Forest Defenders, increase your chance at receiving Tea as a National Trade Good, reduce your Museum Artifact unlock time, and more.
  • Harness the power of her Capstone, The Great Expansion, which allows for 10% faster Library Research.
Bug Fixes and Improvements
The team works hard to include improvements and fix crashes throughout DomiNations with each release. Some of these changes include:
  • Improved performance when using healing units
  • Prevented dropped frames after building explosions
  • Prevented some windows from overlapping
  • Added missing Digital Age audio
  • Prevented a crash that could occur after finishing daily video rewards
  • Made the MRL Mk1 level 10 ready for use in combat
  • Digital Age Marine Bazooka Army Troop Tactic corrected to deploy correct number of units
  • Claim VIP Points from event rewards on the first tap
  • Adjusted the VIP Store timer to line up with the store reset
  • Corrected the VIP Store to display the correct level of Speed Ups
  • Minor art fixes
  • Minor text edits


Approved user
Dec 9, 2017
Balance Changes
  • Advance your civilization to the next age of history! The level requirements are being adjusted to allow for easier upgrading to the Cold War, Space, and Digital Ages.
  • Cold War Age requirement will be level 180 (down from 220)
  • Space Age requirement will be level 220 (down from 246)
  • Digital Age requirement will be level 260 (down from 285)
I dont think that this is a good aproach. this+rush Full fil the game of very bad accounts

New University Leader - Empress Wu
  • Research her skill tree at the University to enhance the APCs built in your Factory. Upgrade this unit faster and cheaper, plus have your APCs produce more units at greater strength.
  • Use her skills to produce additional Forest Defenders, increase your chance at receiving Tea as a National Trade Good, reduce your Museum Artifact unlock time, and more.
  • Harness the power of her Capstone, The Great Expansion, which allows for 10% faster Library Research.

Bug Fixes and Improvements
The team works hard to include improvements and fix crashes throughout DomiNations with each release. Some of these changes include:
  • Improved performance when using healing units
  • Prevented dropped frames after building explosions
  • Prevented some windows from overlapping
  • Added missing Digital Age audio
  • Prevented a crash that could occur after finishing daily video rewards
  • Made the MRL Mk1 level 10 ready for use in combat
  • Digital Age Marine Bazooka Army Troop Tactic corrected to deploy correct number of units
  • Claim VIP Points from event rewards on the first tap
  • Adjusted the VIP Store timer to line up with the store reset
  • Corrected the VIP Store to display the correct level of Speed Ups
  • Minor art fixes
  • Minor text edits
Good. Bastion-Map-Bug, Museum Front sector, are still pendent to fix

Any upgrade about cheater control?



Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
I dont think that this is a good aproach. this+rush Full fil the game of very bad accounts

Xabar I think it’s a great idea. Now we higher level players will have lots of easy bases to destroy :D I’m a level 302 DA and I can only hit up to 230 CWA (260 SA if traps are sprung) using just my regular troops. Now I will have level 220 SA bases to smash and get better bonuses.


Approved user
Mar 14, 2018
Really care about the bonuses? These are nice to have, but usually I am always full with all rss.


Approved user
Mar 23, 2019
Very good update.

I totally disagree with that sentiment above, creating lots of rushed/bad bases is not a problem for the game, it is actually healthy for it. More available loot = more activity = more players remain.
Plus, giving players the -option- to age up earlier is always a nice thing - they don't -force- you to do so. You can still stay atomic until lvl220 and upgrade defenses, if that's your preference.

Nice to see the 'coming soon' Uni leader finally actually coming as well. Although the skills sound underwhelming (Tea is not a rare NTG), again, the more options for things to upgrade, the better.

I was a bit hyped after the first paragraphs and expected a really good bugfixes part too, got a little disappointed there. Still no sign of perk 3, crash base, war weight fixes. Please get these done, they are months or years overdue.

This is definitely a step in the right direction though.

(any ETA on release? Tomorrow or next week?)
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Approved user
Jun 4, 2015
I dont think that this is a good aproach. this+rush Full fil the game of very bad accounts

Are you serious? Do you even know how painful life is in SA and DA right now? This is the best news we've had in over a year. I asked about lowering xp required to reach CWA to 200 before, this change goes so much further.

There's nothing wrong with rushed accounts, in fact, we need thousands of these, just to be able to farm efficiently.


Approved user
Oct 13, 2017
I am looking forward to the Lvl 180 CW bases to raid! Easy domination bonus. I am just a lvl 231 AA. Will be in AA until at least lvl 250. Max those defenses baby! I did find that it was 3-4x harder to raid and fill oil in AA than GA. This shift with a bunch of people rushing will make it easier to get domination oil.


is this thing on?
Apr 18, 2018
If multiplayer is the main joy for you, and getting high domination oil bonuses, and scaring folks off from attacking your multiplayer base, then enjoy. But most enjoy war more; and playing with better weapons. Multiplayer is not harder with these stronger weapons either and probably, overall, are gained at the same rate. The difference is you're upgrading your 8th General while others are upgrading planes and factory troops; along with other cool/fun stuff.

Ramesses the Great

Approved user
Jul 14, 2016
This is great news, long awaited. Thank you, BHG.

A few notes:

1- I think lower ages need their building times/costs *drastically* reduced so that a new player can get max IA in 1-2 months at most (yes, I mean it). Lots of new players lose interest due to the long times and costs, and summer/winter of the ages doesn't help as it doesn't discount time. New players would enjoy war more that way.

2- Additionally, MM may need to be reviewed closely in the next 2 months; "rushed" SA offensive bases could dominate "non-rushed" SA defensive. This may need balancing?

3- Now that the majority will become DA/SA/CWA, it'd be a great idea to **change** Alliance Perks (10, 15) aka Global/Atomic Promotion to the following:
  • Perk 10: troops get upgraded +1 level from donator's with minimum of AA-level received. (AA donates CWA-level, SA donates DA etc)
  • Perk 15: troops get upgraded +2 levels from donator's with minimum of CWA-level. (AA donates SA etc).

    NOT asking for more perk levels, 99% of alliances are already below 15.
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Approved user
Jun 4, 2015
This is great news! I hope it’s partly from feedback by the Community. It’s no fun being 280 & thinking ur gonna be upgrading traps the next 2 months.
Looking forward to finally going Digital.

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
Agree with all your points but maxing IA in 2 months is unrealistic for the mindset needed to play this game. This is a long term game. If people are typically quick-results oriented, there are plenty of other games more suited to them.

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
I think it's a co-incidence that the community has been asking for lower levels and now Nexon gives us those levels. I think the incentive for Nexon is more sales from underpowered players.
Either way the result is a good one: a wider pool for higher ages.


Approved user
May 17, 2018
this is really great news. I will throw from the window my plan to reach 285 and Digital Age....here I come!!!!

The first 2 are super important for those running older devices. Game should run smoother now.
  • Improved performance when using healing units
  • Prevented dropped frames after building explosions
  • Prevented some windows from overlapping
The third point is critical also. Is that the one cheaters use to clone TT? Will we finally get rid of those using premium cards in every battle?