• Upcoming Hotfixes
    Two fixes are going out soon. One addressing the loss of Crowns and the 2nd Drone Command slot, the other addressing players in Asian territories unable to log into the game. Players will receive compensation for each issue that affected them, and crowns lost will be restored. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Introduction: Joe “Muet” Grubb - Lead Designer


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Seems sensible, right?
It would be the same rules as mp, but maybe that's 'too' sensible. :D


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
I don't know what age you are but my mid-level global Greeks use barracks troops (tanks, artillery, shooters, footmen) and we do ok. A friend does ok at IA level too, so tbh, barracks troops are not irrelevant.
Yes we did better before but now we have to work a little harder or drop a little lower in medals. I imagine you could do the same at your level.


Approved user
Oct 22, 2017
CWA hitting Gunpowder Age in World Wars, that's 4 Ages below, I understand Wars aren't fair but with those attacks there is no sense of accomplishment and it makes opposition lower bases look useless.
Maybe make it that you can hit bases 2 Ages below instead of any.

I don't think I've made any of my Global or Atomic players hit Enlightenment Age or below. I wouldn't stoop so low.


Approved user
Sep 19, 2017
BHG_Muet Thanks for your introduction and a little about you. I'm personally keen to see what you can bring to the table for us and hope you can coarse correct the disaster of re-balances.

Food for through:
  • The re-balances have really ticked off the player base so much so quite a few have stopped spending or left all together
    • Meanwhile doing this you're shoving in our faces museum artifacts and items to purchase, crowns, various offers. Please slow this down, its clear Nexon want money, we get the message
    • Its like that scene from the hunger games where Plutarch says to Snow well give them floggings, talk about the wedding cake, executions, what dress will she wear. Difference being re-balance 1, EA's on special, re-balance 2, troop chests in marco, re-balance 3, legendary artifacts on sale, re-balance 4, museum for war
    • You're further alienating the player base by doing this
    • Its not good enough to stop stage 5, you need to come up with a better plan or accept its been a stuff up and roll back stage 3 or 4. Understand one of them would need to stay.
  • We need better communication and engagement. Monthly state of nations need to be re-introduced until we get some stability in the game and the player base isnt so aggravated. Understand this is cumbersome however surely you have an hour per month for this?
  • Leaderboards need to be prioritised
  • Matchmaking needs to be prioritised
  • We need a better in-game chat system. General server wide chat and the ability to have friend alliances to chat between
  • Get us more engaged and happy to part with our hard earned money

First point may not be helpful however please consider further action.


Approved user
Oct 30, 2018
Similar issues here. I'm at GPA and pretty much only attack Medieval, and even then pick carefully. I have managed to beat some badly designed Enlightenment bases, but thats rare; Usually I run out of time. I don't use raiders very often. I tried refining my troop balance to try to come up with something that works.. I've come to the conclusion that my troop mix is about as good as it gets so spending time on Uni research etc, upgrading generals to try to make them stronger. Mercs in reserve. Only ever deploy General when you know you're not going to lose them. Crazy really - a 17000hp level 8 general and you're scared to deploy!

Manifesto - I've dropped medals but you get to the point where the the resources you use cost nearly as much as you can win .. So I went back up medals to try to balance that out. I float up and down around the 550 region now, so grab resources on an easy target to drop then attack to go back up. 5 stars are rare though.

Player Killer

Approved user
Aug 15, 2016
Welcome BHG_Muet. I been playing this game for 3 years and understand the need for the rebalancing as the game have gotten stale with 5* in wars being the norm. I think the main problem with this rebalancing is the lack in communication. So my question is will you be bringing back design spotlights and state of the nation which we're both well received.

Roker Roar

Approved user
Oct 15, 2017
In terms of making wars more ‘balanced’, is there not just the simple way of reducing the amount of troop cards you can take into war. From 4 down to 1 or 2. As well as ‘rebalancing’ those Elephants.

Granted you probably want people to buy Troop cards and Elephants, but it’s become a very easy way of ‘buying’ a war. The skill and fun has been taken away.


Approved user
Mar 24, 2018
If you have a max CW army and can't take out a 150 GA the problem is your skill, not the game difficulty after rebalance.

Jarl Bobi

Approved user
Jan 7, 2018
I for one think the rebalance was a step in the right direction if it didn’t go far overboard;(
I think it can be successful if some issues are addressed, keep in mind i’m Writing this as viewed from my perspective as a 264star CWA player with maxed out offense and defense, so my suggestions are really focused on fixing game play at that level.
1st... the insane boosts of buildings hp/dps and defender hp/dps coupled with the insane nerf of decoys left us no way of dealing with defenders, half the decoys I drop in war pop dead within 3-4 secs, literally you have no time to deploy your planes between dropping a decoy on the countless troops SH deploys, they eat you in no time. Fast moving extremely powerful Armored cars can eat your army in a few secs. I agree decoy needed a nerf but it should still be useful, it is the only tactic we have to deal with the insane damage of defenders!
2nd - god do I dread The Rocket Artillery that every base I fight has now... 14sec spawn time, supercharged splash dealing bazookas that wipe your army with 1 shot... and even planes can’t take them down, I still can not find an answer to that problem! I guess better decoys is the one solution, slower spawn time and reduced stats would be another
3rd - the giant bump of bldg and defender hp/dps creates another issue, high lvl bases using 3 defense coalitions like Egyptians, Maori, Russians and pretty much undefeatable, the health of these bases is insane. It doesn’t matter how good you are your units can’t deal the dmg needed to take them out. One way to fix it would be bumping the boosts of offensive coalitions so 3O bases at least have some chance vs 3D.
4th - tanks and rifleman are completely useless, the only nation that makes sense in cwa is Germans now! Soon everyone that plays will be German.
5th - HT defenders, HT5 with maori is insane, way too much hp and dps
6th - generals dps, so you boosted the health of all bldgs and defenders, but what about our generals? My lvl40 Churchill deals less dps than an infantry unit. They are only good for taking MS shots now, boost them or rename them to MS bait
7th- Tank Destroyers, really? They destroy tanks? I’ve seen all 3 of mine get destroyed by 1 HT defender.

there’s much more to list but that’s the top issues that come to mind atm, i’m Sure every player would agree too. I really hope you guys will look into them and start addressing them.


Approved user
Apr 24, 2017
The problem is not me unlike you I’m a Mensa member. I didn’t say I lost on all 150s but I have lost on 150’s and other weak bases due to hidden artifact buffs and the unbalanced rebalance. Others in my alliance have done so as well. I’m so tired of trolls getting on here being type warriors acting like they are so superior. Your not. I promise.


Approved user
Apr 24, 2017
Yup I thought his wording indicated that he was involved in the rebalance as well wasn’t sure why people were reguarding him as a great savior.
I like the idea of tt dying and not harassing the next attacker.


Approved user
Jun 26, 2015
So what about when an alliance with CWA through IA goes up against a stacking team and has no lower level players of their own? This idea only encourages sandbagging even more as not only are the bases harder up top but the 5* can’t even be obtained from the irons, classicals and medievals. Sorry but this is a horrible idea. Every base must be attachable.


Approved user
Feb 26, 2017
Are you talking about Dominations game, actually? How can you combine HT and MG while there is no way to dissable missile silo (you said to use First Aid, so there is no much space left for Sabotage)?


Approved user
Feb 26, 2017
I stopped playing Dominations recently after I enjoyed it for the last three years. The introduction of War hall in museum was the turning point for me.

I doubt you would be able to lure back many players, or keep exusting ones until you take care of RNG nature of the Museum. No one is intrested to play a casino game covered as a strategy game. Any RNG element in a strategy game is just insane.

The best solution would be to remove the Museum altogether. However, considering time and money invested in it, I'm afraid you have to keep it.

Another solution would be to replace RNG with resource based customization. E.g. you could actually select, or replace Artifact's benefits using Fragmets (or at leats unlimited re-roll of each benefit using Fragmets/Food/Gold (not Crowns!).


Approved user
Jan 18, 2018
I'm all for transparency but it seems a lot of the players here are blindly supporting Grubbs goals because he is saying the right thing, after screwing up immensely in players eyes. I don't think people realize that he was part, or in my guess, was the one who took initiative on the rebalance and is trying to save face. His statstate is giving false hope of changes the games needs and have already been mentioned in the past. There is nothing new here that I was not aware of. So for the sake of being transparent, BHG_Muet, how much of the recent rebalance was under your control? You have been with the company for half a year now, correct? Again, I implore you to take initiative on handling cheaters. Your initial statement on cheaters sounds like you are only doing what is on your job description and handling cheaters is not your problem. Not a great attitude to have on the subject. I think it is your problem. You should be bringing some legitimacy to the game design and cheaters are making your team look like a joke.

Also I don't think people have the right impression on TinSoldier. He is the community manager. He communicates whatever the producers or the designers of the game tell him to release on the forum. I'm fairly certain handling cheaters and the rebalance were and are not his responsibilities. I think he has done a good job and has always been transparent with us for the most part. Though he can't always answers our questions, it's not his fault. He is limited to what he can say by the company. Cut him some slack.


Approved user
Oct 22, 2017
GailWho it's all down to matchmaking and I stand by my point.

You're looking at it from your alliance's point of view, I know for a fact your alliance is kind of a badass alliance, my alliance is average at best (4 Atomics only)
When we get unfair War and watch opposition's bottom half players fail miserable on our bottom half bases, in theory that gives us a small hope that we might just win it but then CWA and Atomics get involved and completely annihilate our bottom half players. Not much strategy there, is there?


Approved user
Jan 31, 2017
I’m Medieval, almost level 70 at this point. Bryan is correct, no matter how badly a base is made, my army just isn’t strong enough to destroy all of the sheer HP that it has. This may change once I reach GPA and max out my army for that age, since people’s defences won’t really get better (they’re classical/medieval sometimes, that was the order of the day when I was in Enlightenment a few months ago, and no reason to believe it’s changed) in comparison to my military and who I attack. I’m already at low medals; the issue isn’t with the bases being too difficult for me to beat, it’s the fact that it takes forever to clear any good portion of them.

People have the same Classical/Medieval defence in MA, GPA, EA, and even Industrial, as I’ve seen. So, it might get better as my army gets higher age, but I shouldn’t have to put in any effort to five-star very, very poorly designed bases with no aforethought for strategic defence. Maybe a little bit, as in don’t deploy in stupid locations, but I wasn’t doing that before and was able to roll them. At this point, it isn’t even worth bothering when raiders are astronomically more effective in terms of loot.