Hi Joe and welcome to these forums.
The fact that you are a player yourself and even mention BG2 (my all time favorite) and Diablo, makes me see you in a better, more positive way. I only hope that you will be able to correct the wrongs here because the last 2 months were horrible for players.
I am currently level 231 CWA and played this game for 2.5 years.
Ok, so let me summarize some of the mistakes that you made the last 1 year or so:
1. WW matchmaking - Leaderboard
We haven't seen any real effort to solve the injustices there. You already said that you are gonna address this. Time will only tell. Will not say more since you already answered this topic.
2. Cheating
No matter what you are gonna fix, if the cheaters remain then again the leaderboard will show inactive alliances and cheaters will always be at the top. This is NOT acceptable. First, find a way to kick them out of this game once and for all. Then fix matchmaking and leaderboard. Other games release a list, on a weekly basis, with all cheaters that are banned for life. That list contains around a hundred players each time. This shows that the company protects its legitimate customers and this is what we want to see from you as well.
Some ideas maybe:
You could create a script that checks player progress daily and if it finds huge differences then this means that this player has obtained and used large sums of crowns using other methods.
You could create a script that checks workers. If it exceeds number 16 or 19 or 20 then that player is using the worker hack and builds 20 buildings at the same time.
Make it so that the system recognizes cheaters by itself. Remove human interaction in order to make it faster and more accurate.
3. Stronghold
This building created so many problems. Rebalance stages did not touch Elephant archers. Maybe THE most unbalanced unit in the game. Nerf them severely if you want some balance in wars. I don't care to know beforehand if my opponent has 3 or 4 troop cards but I want troop cards to play not such a drastical role in battles. Many of them are simply too overpowered.
4. Expeditions
They were fine before that patch that introduced researchers and benefactors. People were happy with it. Bring back the old rewards and for god's sake, rebalance the rewards with more SUPPLIES and not constantly have researchers. Creating on purpose a shortage of a certain commodity is UNETHICAL. Give us more supplies in expeditions now that we have a War Hall. Or at least give us the option to roll back the Shipyard to a previous level that gives MORE supplies. How fair is having a level 6 shipyard give more supplies than level 8 or 9? It certainly needs rebalance.
5. Museum
In the beginning it was fine. A nice boost for all players. Then you mixed the categories in pottery and Jewelry and this is were the decline started. And on top of that the War Hall. Simply unacceptable! I would 100% like to see War Hall removed. But if this can't be done, then we must have clarity in what our opponent has. At some point, the designers talked about a Stats page so that we can see how strong a base was. Make that happen!
In addition, Supplies is a huge problem. I will never buy them but I want a better chance of gathering them. See no4 above.
Lastly, you introduced war hall but the capacity stayed the same. If you want to be fair, an increase by 25 should take place for all players.
6. FUN!
This is THE most important factor when playing any game. After rebalance stage 4, FUN has dropped dramatically. I used to have immense FUN when as a global, I could 5 star an atomic age player after careful consideration of his base and by selecting the proper troops anad tactics. It is FUN when you can 5 star hard bases. Now, you took that away from us. And this is the main reason people are leaving. In fact, I stopped playing too because of that. In the end I adapted my strategies BUT I can't hit bases at my level without heavy loses. I am spending most of my time in dominations retraining troops. How much FUN can someone have out of that? So, make it so that defence gets a small nerf (be it through buildings HP or defenders damage), while attack gets some more damage.
7. Underutilised Troops
Rebalance stages aim was to create diversity. It failed obviously. If someone 5 stars my base, then he must be 250+ cwa with Heavy Tanks MK7. No other combination has worked in my base even closely to that. Let me help you:
Mortar troops
Attack Helicopters (yes they need a little bit of more damage even after all research in library is completed, in order to be a successful replacement of tanks)
8. Leagues
You have released the Domination bonus after each battle and then you make it so hard to get 5 stars so it is rather pointless since rarely you 5 star opponents now. Change the league rewards to be more meaningful and give real incentive for players to reach Empire League and STAY there. As it is now, there is no way you can keep up with NTGs and diamond demand.
9. Archive
a. Speed ups
So, you decided to give something back to the community and gloated that speed ups are coming! Long building time is a problem in this game, even in industrial age. Do I need to mention atomic and cold war age? No! We all waited for something that we could use to shorten by a day or 2 our 14 day building upgrades. But we were fooled once more. As it is now, we never get more than a 6 hour speed up, if we are lucky, which is useless. Make it so that we have better chances and better speed ups. Sell them for crowns at a discounted price at the archive. One day speed up normally costs 300 crowns. Sell them for 250! Just an idea...
b. Manuals
Another fail from you guys. If you wanted to give something back and make it easier then you wouldn't request 11 manuals for a level 15 wall when you are given one manual at a time and this in rare findings. It is more meaningful to give 2-3 manuals at each time and maybe archive could sell manuals like speed ups for large sums of gold/food but lower than if we build them straight away with gold/food.
10. Max resources
Many players complain that they are full of resources for weeks or even months. Make it so that they can buy things for large sums of gold/food. Potential ideas are supplies, marco polo items, speed ups, manuals, blessings etc
11. University
As it is now, only whales and long time players can actually complete the first 5 leaders. But when a game stays in the business for so long, and constantly adds more things to do, some things must change. In my opinion, the initial leaders, should be rebalanced so that TIME required should be reduced. Make them more like Hannibal for example. Rework some of the stages that require 6-7 workers for 10+ days.
12. Building upgrade Time
This is maybe the most requested thing in dominations. 14 days upgrades are unaccaptable. When space age arrives, it will be a nightmare. Either improve and give more and better speedups to all or reduce the upgrade time in many buildings because it is very boring to wait 12+ days doing nothing.
13. Reroll feature in museum
This was a player requested option. And you failed again. Why? Because it requires 100 crowns! Why again crowns? It is unethical to request such a sum. It could be like 2-3M food or gold per reroll for example. Or if it HAS to be crowns, then make each reroll cost like 20-30 crowns max. This would give players more incentive to do it. As it is, I am NOT spending 100 crowns for pure lottery.
14. Tactics
Decoy was our number one choice. You nerfed it and it is fine cause I admit being overpowered. BUT you completely destroyed its usefulness. Give it back a few secs and 5000-8000 hp so that it becomes somewhat useful.
As it is now, people are still struggling to find something to use and nothing works now that battles are so hard. And maybe the most important is to make them train faster! TIME is again a huge problem here. Dominations is all about attacking, so make us attack more NOT LESS! Rebalance stages caused a mayhem and forced many players to attack LESS. That is what you want?
15. Friendly challenges
This is something that you definitely must fix. This is how we improve our skills. Again, you failed in making this right for months now.
There are more that I would like to address but
let me now say a few things of what things I would like to see in dominations:
1. A space age that will actually be attainable and not require 15-16 days building upgrades
2. More buildings, not like cold war age that only introduced traps.
3. More units that will force new strategies.
4. New tactics that will really bring diversity
5. Traps are way too many. Bring Spy as a factory troop or make the Commando disarm them.
6. 2 more workers. They are really needed.
7. Stats page for each player. Number of stars won in WW, logging time, strength, units used and tactics, wins and loses, base wins and loses. We simply want more statistics!
Sorry for the long post but after all this time being neglected, I feel this is the time to actually say something and be heard. You understand that this is BHG's last chance to make things right? People are already leaving and looking other games. I just hope you succeed in your new position and give us a dominations that will all enjoy more!