Jakob_888 Matchmaking has never been more important than it is now. Too much discrepancy, and one side simply has no chance of getting the number of stars the other can reach easily. The change in difficulty has substantially reduced strategy in our wars for the most part, the winner is the team with the stronger bases (higher defensive levels).
I was never a big fan of the time tiebreaker, but there was some strategy involved in planning to both get max stars and to do it in great time. But for the most part, it still boiled down to matchmaking - a stronger team could usually guarantee a better time.
I was a bigger fan of pre stronghold wars. A somewhat weaker team could come out with a tie or win by really stretching to get that last star, and had limited troop tactics they had carefully saved to try to do so. It got stupid after Nexon want very greedy selling elephant archers often, and then started allowing unlimited storage of them in the SH though, as everyone could easily get perfect scores. Before that, war and MP were both fairly well balanced. Every adjustment since has been trying to compensate for the unbalancing effects of a revenue stream they refuse to abandon.
I was never a big fan of the time tiebreaker, but there was some strategy involved in planning to both get max stars and to do it in great time. But for the most part, it still boiled down to matchmaking - a stronger team could usually guarantee a better time.
I was a bigger fan of pre stronghold wars. A somewhat weaker team could come out with a tie or win by really stretching to get that last star, and had limited troop tactics they had carefully saved to try to do so. It got stupid after Nexon want very greedy selling elephant archers often, and then started allowing unlimited storage of them in the SH though, as everyone could easily get perfect scores. Before that, war and MP were both fairly well balanced. Every adjustment since has been trying to compensate for the unbalancing effects of a revenue stream they refuse to abandon.