• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Combat Rebalance Design Spotlight (Stage 2)


Approved user
Oct 15, 2017
They're smoking rolled up dollar bills, what else would make them think making us need to buy more stuff will make us stick around.

That or Declaration of Independence Weed, I've heard that's the sweetest stuff they're ever know.


Approved user
Jan 25, 2018
Simple answer to their greedy stupidity. Console games. Nexon has proven over and over that they do not care what we the players think. They only care about trying to drain your wallets. Enough of this ridiculous so called re-balance. They wont even address the lopsided world war matching system that constantly rewards the pay to win crowd. If you're foolish enough to spend money on this game after this final blow off to the players then best wishes to you.


Approved user
Feb 28, 2017
Not one player has 5 starred my base in MP in the past four to five months, but I guess Nexon is worried about my feelings if that ever does happen and so they are preemptively buffing all my buildings to make sure that it never happens again. :D


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
I am level 265 CWA playing in the 2000 to 2400 medal range. Nobody has gotten even 1 star on me in multi-player for weeks, maybe months. I don't think the rebalance is going to change that.


Approved user
May 1, 2017
I know the team looks at every change as a 'Zero Sum Game'. While it may seem like some tactics are in need of a nerf, buffing other tactics will pull them in line (power-wise) and the comparison between the two isn't as great anymore.

The feedback is great! We read all of the comments and take everything into consideration before making changes. Some of the choices may be boring "cutting room floor" reasons on why they're being changed, and so there's not much to report there. In other cases, changes are being made to the game in anticipation for future updates!

I’ve read the original post and every comment so far and what i see is most of your players are generally unhappy with these changes. Many people have said the real issue with tactics is TIME, not cost, same with Generals. Im all for trying to get people to actually want to try more five star pvp battles but this isn’t going to achieve that. The reason everyone uses 7 decoys in five star battles is because it is by far the easiest way to do so. If you want to make people use different tactics besides decoy then you need to make other tactics as appealing as them. And no one is going to use them in pvp when it takes 5 hours to retrain them.

Nexon and BigHuge Games are viewed by the community as money grabbing companies that don’t know or play their own game, you are out of touch with the actual players. We want the real issues fixed, namely cheating, there are soooo many bugs with this game and soooo many exploits that make it so easy to cheat and seemingly nothing ever gets done about it. The leaderboard is a joke, the war matchmaking system is easily manipulated by baggers, but all i ever see is more troop tactics sales - “buy more Elephant Archers” - it’s really ridiculous.

The game is so pay to win at higher levels. The stronghold was a complete mistake, troop tactics were a big mistake, these are all variables that make or break an attack. When i can go to war and use 3 offensive coalitions and 4 troop tactics and basically hit 30-40 levels and several ranks above myself there is a problem there in my eyes. Remove the variables and a level 230 CWA player should be able to take an army that is available to him by training at the barracks, factory, airstrip, war academy, and mercenary camp and go to battle with another level 230 CWA player and it be possible but difficult to five star. Relying on his abilities and skill of playing, not loading up on troop tactics.

Please just start doing a better job of actually listening to your community and fixing the things that really need fixed and leave everything else alone before you make this game unenjoyable. But honestly the only way i can see this happening is if we as a community stop spending our money on all the crap your selling. Why change it when we keep throwing our money at you anyway?


Approved user
Oct 1, 2018
Decoy traps increased hitpoints. Just as Decoys on offense are to effective on defense they are as well. This should be hitpoints decreased on both. Furthermore Decoy traps have the ridiculous feature to override the Rally function, and then when the Decoy Trap is defeated the Rally order is wiped until the next cooldown. If you fixed the Rally override the hitpoints might be ok, but without this ruins strategy.


Approved user
Oct 15, 2017
They won't listen, I wonder why any of us even bother anymore.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Many people have already pointed these out but here’s my two cents.

The development team has reviewed results of Stage One and, overall, it was a success.
A success? I need to look up the definition in a dictionary or better yet, I’ll take your word for it. You wouldn’t lie to us, would you?

We have been reading through all of your proposed suggestions and, as you will see below, some of those ideas are issues we are trying to address as part of the rebalance.
Really? Like TIME being a major issue with tactics training? Why haven’t we mentioned that before?
And the Silo, plus every other defensive building, needing an increase in HP that people have been asking for, they finally got their wish?
AND when you pushed people towards the Decoy tactic when you changed tactics spaces from 1 to 2, NOW you want to address the overuse of Decoys?
Where, in the last 3 years, have we asked for these stronger defenses?

One of the trends we have been seeing in the data for PvP battles is that players are doing more small-scale raids, using only a handful of troops, for resources rather than all-out assaults
Your balance changes and poor loot over the years is the reason this has been happening, so your solution, to make people use more all-out assaults, is make defenses harder to 5 star with all-out assaults?

How obtuse can one company be?
I‘m guessing Nexon’s philosophy is ‘’when you’re deep in a hole, dig up’’.


Approved user
Feb 28, 2017
I'm level 259 CWA in the 3200 to 3400 medal range, and all jokes aside this rebalance is going to make life very difficult. 😭


Approved user
May 16, 2018
Hi guys, thanks for the progressive game, but it became much hard to hit on 5*.. already..
not good.. by me..
as for up of units... I wrote you a big letter about MRLS... and you did nothing.. pity to see this..

as i see- the units of fabric must have more hit points instead of barrack units... so as heavy tank is stronger than OBT.. the same MRLS should be harder than Howitzthanx

Bootney Lee Fonsworth

Approved user
Jan 12, 2018
Indeed. There's a post on this very front page asking for something, anything, to do with our overflowing resources. But yes, it's the 30,000 food or whatever (after 3 years I have no idea how much tactics even cost, maybe add that to your data) that's the holdup. Certainly not the 40-45 minutes per build.

These people cannot possibly be this clueless, so one must assume they're being deliberately obtuse. I will blame Nexon's corporate culture. With the way this game is going reading the shitposts from former and current employees on Glassdoor is becoming more entertaining than playing it.
Last edited:


Approved user
May 20, 2018
Wasn't the primary goal of this to fix world wars, but then the problem carries over to multiplayer/PvP mode.

We did see a slight decrease in the overall number of 5-star battles, which was expected.
One of the trends we have been seeing in the data for PvP battles is that players are doing more small-scale raids, using only a handful of troops, for resources rather than all-out assaults.

If people know that it will be much more difficult to 5-star, why bother going for a full attack that would most likely end up in flames? Smaller attacks that rake in profit at the cost of trophies seems reasonable at this point especially when the leader board does not seem to be working properly.

One of our other goals for this rebalance initiative: making battles more profitable.
The full-scale battles... require the most... to execute.

Seems counter-intuitive as the defenses are getting greatly stronger while the attacks are only getting slightly stronger. Not to mention that most were targeted at event troops.
Again, having stronger defenses would cause casual players more cautious when trying to go out for a full attack.

IMO there are many other things to fix instead of rebalancing stats.
Like fixing the AI of bazooka and giving it +1 range so it can actually fight off tanks before they get hit.
Like getting the dock an extra reward slot to replace what the museum update took.
List goes on, but I digress.

I recommend actually listening to what the community is saying as many are saying that this rebalancing unnecessary.


Approved user
Sep 10, 2017
I am so so bummed about this. I feel like they’ve pulled a massive bait and switch on us all. I get perhaps adjusting the decoy, but not to the degree so feel certain they are going to.


Approved user
Sep 10, 2017
To TinSoldier speed ups can’t be used to speed up tactics build times..... so, I’m unsure why this would be your answer in response to training times. Unless I am missing something, we can’t use them to decrease training times.


Approved user
Sep 10, 2017
So, I read from his reply, we want to make it impossible to win wars since we are essentially taking away the only effective tactic instead of fixing those that don’t work well.


Approved user
Sep 10, 2017
I always, ALWAYs have done full on attacks. Depending now on the severity of their nerfing decoy, I am likely to quit altogether. I quit once for six months after silo was introduced. This time I won’t just quit, I will be writing to Apple to ask for a refund of all money spend on this game because THIS game isn’t what K paid to play. And I spend ALOT. Last summer, I spent about $100-200 during summer of ages ... and I regularly spend $100 on the $100 crown special every months PLUS about $30 weekly on TT. It won’t effect their bottom line to lose all the money I’ve paid in, I know. But, if others end up leaving because of this ... they very well are likely to see a huge decrease in revenue. You would think they would want job security.


Approved user
Sep 10, 2017
Yeah, I can’t imagine being Cold War. I see my fellow alliance members who r maxed offensively rarely able to 5 star other maxed CW players ALREADY and that’s with EA. IT SINCERELY feels like they don’t want people to be able to attack a base for 5 stars anymore.


Approved user
Nov 25, 2015
Garnering up a will to continue playing this game... and it’s gone!

Lets be real here... at what rate should a five-star victory occur? Once in a blue moon? When pigs fly? Or should it occur when I use a Troop Tactic? Whatever...

And here’s another thing to be real about. This game is skewed towards offense because of the Troop Tactics, not because of the supposedly weak defense. And you keep feeding the problem with every new Troop Tactic you realease. I can’t believe how cross-eyed your developers have become of this. Now because you’ve poorly handled this problem, we have to let this damned parasite feed off us for eternity.

But there’s a light in the cave; there’s a way you can save your game. It’s so god damn obvious and it will work 100% guaranteed. You have to *wait for it* remove the Troop Tactics, and thus the Stronghold. But you won’t do that, that’ll reduce profits, right? I’ll tell you one thing, making a fun playable game would make you far more profits, I know it’s weird but you got to bear with me on this.

But no, you’re going to carry on this falsehood of weak defense to your grave. This game is long dead anywho. But if you’re on of those who believe in a possible rebirth, you just need to do a few things starting with this one:

​​​​Fire your game director.


Approved user
Jan 25, 2017
Now I keep losing 5 plane in MP and wait for 2.5 hour to re-train.
Maybe it is the goal of upgrade -- server load reduced greatly