Combat Rebalance Design Spotlight (Stage 2)


Approved user
Sep 14, 2015
"Combat Rebalance" is just a fancy repackaged term for:

Hinder all the big spenders who are living the dream at the top of the game, then release Space Age where they will feel compelled to advance to be the big high and mighty again...

While the rest of us are still slogging away trying to keep within 1 age of the current end game and get punished at the same time...



Approved user
May 1, 2017
Exactly what i was saying...offense isn’t overpowered without the variables added. Coalitions and stronghold troop tactics can make you five star bases way above your own level but these things aren’t guaranteed. Sometimes you don’t have the time to grind for NTGs or you ran out of the marco and expedition troop tactics and refuse to buy troop tactics to give you that extra edge in battle. For the casual free to play player the defense is already at a high enough level to give you a challenge in five starring a similarly leveled opponent.


Approved user
May 23, 2018
All six of those ideas are brilliant and would improve the game immensely. So they'll never do it.


Approved user
Jan 25, 2017
It sound like "make battle tougher" is equivalent to making a late CWA base impossible to be 5-stared when it is filled with EA
and making a late CWA base impossible to be 5-stared without EA


Approved user
May 17, 2018
not brad Pit....

He is the one that signs the stage 2 rebalance patch notes

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
Who is he, wrathchild_78 ? Game director, marketing manager, tech? :D
Lol nah, I know it was Tin, just want to be sure if the one who approved this rebalance event was the one who really understood about the gameplay.

Wicked Lord

Approved user
Sep 2, 2018
I hope you don't nerve decoy too hard, so far there is no real alternative. But otherwise I'm still quite satisfied with your work. It would bei great If every troop is usable and we can attack in more then two ways (ht, apc-bazooka).
Almost everybody is negativ about these Update, wait until it has been implemented and then judge.😉

​​​​​​​Just my two cents
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Approved user
Feb 28, 2017
I wish the entire community would join you in not spending until community centered non-p2w changes are implemented.


Approved user
Jul 24, 2017
“overall goal of making 5-star battles less common”

That’s a good idea for world wars and it will make those more exciting again.
But… you are destroying multiplayer as a “side-effect” and multiplayer is the thing the people spend most time with.
I want to log in and play the game for half an hour or an hour.
If I lose my army in a multiplayer battle, I have to wait for retrain.
Retrain times are that long, that I will have to quit the application and play / do something else.

In addition, you would like to motivate people to use up to now seldomly used troops.
So, consider why they are seldomly used. One reason for sure is because they are too weak.
You got this essential point. Good job! But other reasons are:
  1. They cost oil.
  2. The training times are too long. (including tactics and planes!)
Up to now, you sadly missed those points completely although they are essential.
The reason is: Even if you make the troops more compatible, they will still need too long to train and people will not invest rare oil resources if they risk to lose more than they can win.
A simple rule of thumb would be: If you losse all your tactics, [factory-] troops and planes in a battle and hit the retrain button, the retraining should be done for all those at about the same time. Obviously, thats not the case for planes and tactics!

“One of the trends we have been seeing in the data for PvP battles is that players are doing more small-scale raids, using only a handful of troops”

It’s a good thing that you analyze the numbers, but those don’t tell the whole story.
You have to either listen to the community or play your own game in order to understand the reasons for the numbers.
The reason for people doing those kinds of attacks is, that they climbed up the medal league by doing all-in attacks that much, that it is getting more and more hard to do a 5-star attack.
By doing a bunch of raids with only a couple of units, they drop in medals.
This results in getting easier opponents assigned again. A side-effect is that you can collect some exposed resources by doing so.
But it is not as effective as all-in attacks and I personally don’t have as much fun with it as in all-in attacks.
So, it’s a thing that is boring, but the game forces you to do so.
You will not solve this by making tactics cheaper.
The issues are:
  1. There are no noticeable rewards for climbing up the medal ladder.
  2. With all-in attacks you risk losing the whole army and having to wait for retrain.
    That means you will have quit the application and do something else.
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Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
BUT WAIT!!! Didn’t you JUST release a new university leader that INCREASES DECOY HP??? Now you are decreasing it?! Do you see the contradiction here? Literally wasting time upgrading for ‘literally’ nothing.
Yes, a Uni leader and prior to that, a library chapter.
Apart from the illogic of the stage 2 nerf, how are we supposed to keep track of all the computations?
How many people work in Nexon's tech department? Do they even talk to each other?
The mind boggles at the idiocy!
''Ford has released a nitro pack for their new Mustang, it works in tandem with their new blocked fuel lines''.


Approved user
Sep 14, 2015
Nexon BHG...

whilst trying to seem as if your giving something back "by boosting many event armies" which again is inline with your stubborn pay to win approach...

Has it been considered that Hwacha, MRLs, Field Howie Armies, Heavy Tank Armies, Heavy Mortars, Normal Mortars etc.... are already great Stronghold Defenders, so that change alone without any of the other stuff already will make 5* attacks EVEN harder than now (as they are not easy like you seem to think anyway)

Also why are you boosting Heavy Tanks at all? This will boost them in defence too from Bunkers and factories. Another seemingly hidden defence boost.

Heavy Tanks dont need boosting anyway, when a high Cold War player hits me with 6 of them they trash evetything (its the most boring thing to watch and do FYI which requires no skill -which you claim you want to see us using)

Nothing you do or say adds up, your contradicting yourselves at every step, if hadn't tried to lie in the first place and just admitted what your end goal was, then it wouldn't have come about, but the fact you try to appear to be giving with one hand and taking with the other it just makes people angry and resentful towards the game and its producers.

PS: I am barely playing at the minute... to busy looking on here and facebook at your car crash in action!

British Lions!
British Lions!!
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Approved user
Apr 24, 2017
Lol some people are missing the point here. The outrage is because these changes “appear” to be strictly for monetary gain at the expense of gameplay. They say they want us to use a more varied troop combo but they introduced the silo obliterating every troop anywhere on the base with one shot. Dumb or intentional. They introduced the stronghold which almost guarantees a victory on offense or defense in ww if you purchase certain troops. They give troops away so could be innocent could not be. Then the museum comes along. Absolute dominance for raiding offense and defense if you unlock your artifacts to 5. They give away the resources to do so but I have not earned enough to unlock a single artifact to lv3. Now they are making nearly invulnerable cw bases stronger. It is nearly impossible to feel this pattern is not geared toward forcing people to spend large sums of money unlocking artifacts just to get back to the offensive strength we had before these changes. The strength I spent 1000’s of hours and 30,000 crowns to achieve. Judging by my experience with other games that is the brilliant corporate plan they are implementing. The death of the game for a short term boost in sales before everyone just says f it. I really feel sorry for the guys at big huge games who developed the best mobile(perhaps any platform) game I’ve ever played just to have corporate morons step in and ruin it. My entire alliance fled other pay to win games and settle in dominations because it was not like that. Almost every member has spent money on this game because they enjoyed it not because they felt forced. These changes have soured the mood and closed the wallets and threaten to drive us out completely. There is still time to make the changes beneficial to gameplay and not a cheap money grab. Then you can say we panicked over nothing and you had our backs all along.


Approved user
Mar 24, 2017
Good thought, but they still aren't guaranteed for 3 or 4 star victories. So a lot less valuable than they were, but can't imagine nexon will actually dump them.

Bootney Lee Fonsworth

Approved user
Jan 12, 2018
Heavy tanks are not the be-all end-all you seem to think they are. Especially now that they've increased landmine damage by 20%. If anything, increasing their damage output may make them more vulverable as they plow through buildings slightly quicker and run into trap zones more quickly. Considering it takes over 6 months on their university chapters alone and well over 2 million oil between factory and armory upgrades to get them to mk. 6 they should be capable of rolling through bases that don't put effort into stopping them. Work on your atg's, walls, mines and barbed wire if you have such a problem with them.

This update doesn't change their painfully slow movement speed, their AI which is among the worst in the game, or the oh-so-charming quirk that all tanks have. Y'know? Where they drive up to melee range of a defense, then inexplicably back up to range 3 before attacking, taking fire the whole time.