He didn't provide me the steps, so i honestly don't know what actions i did that could have resulted in this from happening.
Herein lies the issue, how can we avoid causing a bug, or exploit (call it what you want) to result in suspicious behaviour and a ban if we don't know what it is.
If there's a known bug or exploit possible by accessing the victory chest, why has this not been disabled like they have with other bugs?
Ultimately, i only have 1 day 12 hours of my 3 day ban left, i'm not so much bothered about the ban any more. As long as someone is listening and will actually pass this onto the "crack team of developers for resolution", i'm not bothered because it will eventually be fixed and my 3 day ban will have helped everyone!
For the record, i do think Nb4 gets a bit of a hard time on the forums, ultimately he's the messenger for the devs sometimes and can't often do anything to help directly, such as in this case for me personally. I believe he told me all he could in relation to my ban, and i'm not expecting it to be overturned - just to understand what i did to cause it to happen - so i can avoid doing it again.
So far the only truth i know is that if i don't collect from the victory chest, i won't get banned for collecting from the victory chest.