What you need to know for the War Hall crafting event!


Well-known member
Feb 18, 2022
With the War Hall crafting event coming up, thought I would give a quick overview of what's what so that you can get the most out of the event. (There’s a TLDR at the end too!)

How Musuems are Composed

Firstly let’s recap the Museum's composition (for the purposes of this, we’ll exclude legendary slots and hermitage). Players get:

2x Weapon slots, 2x Armours slots and 4x Equipment slots

The stats on each of the above start at either 1%, 3% or 6%, and can be maxed at either 10%, 12% or 15%.

Players can find a maximum of 2 of the same stat line on an artefact. E.g. 2 lines of mortar damage can appear on a weapon, but not 3.

The above is important when considering what maximum stats can be gained from each type of artefact.

For Weapons and armours, there is potential to gain +60% of a certain stat. This would be achieved by having, for example, 2 weapons each with 2 of the same line maxed at 15% (2 x 15% + 2 x 15% = 60%)

For equipments, because you get 4 slots, the highest potential for a certain stat that can be achieved is 15 x 2 x 4 = 120%. It is important to note here that any ‘debuff’ stat caps out at -85%, e.g. ‘All Enemy Defensive Towers Damage’ can reach -120% however only -85% will apply to the enemy base, meaning -35% is wasted here. (Any debuff stats acquired from the council also contribute towards this 85% cap!)

What you want to look for when crafting

So now lets look at what a player may work towards trying to find to make their museum strong! We’ll look at each from an offensive perspective and a defensive perspective.

When Crafting for artefacts you want to look for the following stat lines:

For weapons and armours, this will of course depend on what troop composition you use/what troops you are trying to defend against.

Weapons, as an offensive player – you want two stat lines that buff the damage of your primary troops. E.g. Mortar Damage. Now have in mind a secondary troop you use and look for a stat line that buffs this damage. E.g. Ranged Siege Damage or Paratrooper Damage. If a weapon doesn’t have at least 3 stat lines you need(2 for your primary and 1 for your secondary troop), then don’t consider keeping it. There’s no point investing blueprints, supplies or even spending crowns re-rolling a 2 liner artefact.

As a defensive player – you want to look for Weapons that affect “Invading Troop Hitpoints”. The same principle of finding 2 primary stats and 1 secondary applies. More than likely you’ll want to prioritise “Invading Mortar Troop or Fighter Hitpoints”. Invading Paratrooper, Ranged Siege, Bomber or Attack Helicopter Hitpoints are good secondary stats to have in mind.

Armours, as an offensive player – you guessed it, the same principle of at least 3 lines applies. Your primary line will want to buff your main troop HP, e.g Mortar Troop HP, and a secondary line may be “Ranged siege or Paratrooper HP”

As a Defensive player – you want to look for Armours that affect “Invading Troops Damage”. Prioritise finding “Invading Mortar Troop or Fighter Damage”. Again Invading Paratrooper, Ranged Siege, Bomber or Attack Helicopter Damage are good secondary stats to have in mind.

For Equipments, as an offensive player, the holy trinity you are looking for are: “All Enemy Defensive Tower Damage”, “All Enemy Defensive Tower Hitpoints” and “Enemy Defender Spawn Time”.

As a defensive player, when it comes to equipments you are looking for: “All Defensive Tower Damage”, “All Defensive Tower Hitpoints” and “Defender Spawn Time”. “Defender Damage” and “Defender Hitpoints” are also nice, but the previous 3 are the most important.

Summary (TLDR)

Look for artefacts that have at least 3 lines on them that you need. Investing blueprints, supplies or crowns re-rolling on a 2 liner is not worth it. Crafting a strong museum is a marathon, not a race. You may only find 1 or 2 half decent artefacts during a crafting event. Top tier museums are built over years of crafting!

Have fun with it and take the little gains!

For anyone that may have missed it, check out my video on how to get unlimited blue prints! (You gonna need a lot of them!”)

How to get unlimited blue prints:


Approved user
May 17, 2018
The main problem with museum is that we may be able to craft up to 999,999 blueprints and still get nothing worthwhile. This is a problem


Well-known member
Feb 18, 2022
The main problem with museum is that we may be able to craft up to 999,999 blueprints and still get nothing worthwhile. This is a problem
If it was too easy to get decent artefacts, everyone would have a top tier museum! It separates the men from the mice!

I do agree it's quite the grind, some solutions:
-After X amount of crafts, you get a half decent artefact
-Add the option to be able to re-roll two lines on one artefact
-Add option to craft 10, 15, 20+ artefacts in one go

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
The main problem with museum is that we may be able to craft up to 999,999 blueprints and still get nothing worthwhile. This is a problem
Depends on what you class as 'worthwhile'. eg: something that gives caravans or farm boosts may be perfect for a 'farmer'.


Approved user
May 17, 2018
Depends on what you class as 'worthwhile'. eg: something that gives caravans or farm boosts may be perfect for a 'farmer'.
i am not talking about specific lines. I am stating that ANY worthwhile artifact (no matter for what use it is) is extremely rare. Not now. It's been like that for more than 2 years.

I have reached on both auto age accounts 999,999 blueprints twice and have kept ZERO artifacts. In fact, you wont believe it but it's the truth, I do not have 5 liner WW equipment artifacts. How is that possible after so many years of endless crafting?

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
I do not have 5 liner WW equipment artifacts. How is that possible after so many years of endless crafting?
That's the question. It would good to know if the number of artifacts ever generated were a finite amount, and BHG is just recirculating them endlessly, in which case you would expect some of the good ones to come around semi-regularly - OR, does BHG have a random artifact generator that just keeps generating random artifacts ad infinitum.
It would explain why the 'good ones' seem to be a thing of the past and a lot of the stuff lately is rubbish.
Maybe you should see the doctor about your FOMO and just enjoy what you have. 😁


Approved user
Jun 1, 2015
Good suggestions. :)

I'm looking forward to getting some good war artifacts for my new account, which is in Industrial Age currently.


Approved user
May 17, 2018
That's the question. It would good to know if the number of artifacts ever generated were a finite amount, and BHG is just recirculating them endlessly, in which case you would expect some of the good ones to come around semi-regularly - OR, does BHG have a random artifact generator that just keeps generating random artifacts ad infinitum.
It would explain why the 'good ones' seem to be a thing of the past and a lot of the stuff lately is rubbish.
Maybe you should see the doctor about your FOMO and just enjoy what you have. 😁
maybe i will just NOT craft this time and be happy with what I have. (I will save the money for 🍻)