Are factory troops worth including in wars now? German global 191. I sometimes used HT as a decoy against silos but since the major rebalance was wondering if it's actually worth using bazooka/machine gun etc??
I think being German kind of screams that you should be using factory troops but it really depends on what your preference. I know that one reason that people were hesitant was because of potential oil loss but the costs have been halved so that alleviates that issue. My following opinions are just for war and even now war costs went down a little since you have instant retrain every 10 hours not to mention you only have to use 2 attacks.
Love bazookas as long as you have apcs or enough troops to protect because bazooka range isn't that much to where they run right into tank guns. Problem is Apcs are atomic and up. You can still use bazookas but be strategic about it because they can get killed fast.
Machine gunners, still don't like them. Cool that they can shoot over walls now (Which they could before but only by accident. If the Machine gunners happened attack someone near walls it would carry over). Their damage went up but they're still not strong enough for my needs. I think sneaking one in with all your troops to suppress could be good but not 8 of them.
Commandos/any variation of them, still trash. Doesn't matter how much damage they do because they still get killed uber fast by defenders or traps. If it's a cheap base they may prove better but for the troop space required, forget it. I'd rather have have the unit work like the spy and go for traps rather than go for defensive buildings. I also call the spy carmen san diego.
Heavy Tanks (Especially Germans) probably one of the units that have become more used as they have somewhat emerged as a unit that have come up against the rebalance. Of course tricky to use if you've never gone the route. I do see more and more opponents using them in our wars however not properly as they turn in the scrap metal.