Firstly I know the topic of stacking/sandbagging has been done to death but it will continue to do so but until Nexon provides an honest explanation as to why they let it continue. We have been getting matched with stackers for as long as alliances have been stacking, I don’t know why today is the final straw, but it is, I’ve had enough.
We have just been matched against Polska Szlachta in a 20v20 war. Of their 20 war members 16 are Atomic or Global, 2 are IA and 2 are Iron Age bases. Of the 48 members in their alliance they have 3 Iron Age bases which, coincidentally, are the only 3 bases not to have logged in in the last 3+ days.
My questions that I implore you to answer honestly are;
- Give me/the rest of your loyal playing customer base a single viable reason why a team with over 25,000 glory and so many Atomic players would want 2 Iron Age players in their war line up other than to manipulate your war ranking system. Please dont suggest they are serious players or that the many alliances that sandbag are “equal opportunity employers” who are giving them a chance to grow - no alliance that purchases dozens of elephant archer cards every war, or crowns their silos to level 3 is leaving anything like that to chance. Seriously, just one viable reason and I’ll shut up on this topic forever.
- I’ve heard of players being banned for exploiting all kinds of bugs; hunting too many stags, opening too many victory chests in a row, exploiting free food from the University. How is this any different? Yes we could all create a few Iron Age bases and exploit the system but we choose not to, just like we choose not to exploit the many other glitches present in your game.
- Lastly, and most importantly why does Nexon persist in saying they have fixed the issue and that stacking does not happen? It does, every day. If Nexon is happy for stacking to happen please just be honest and say so. If it is some ploy to encourage players to purchase more troop cards just let us know. If you dont care that dozens of fair play alliances (who in many cases do spend money in game including our alliance) are getting fed up with warring and are leaving the game, just be honest and tell us. Surely people who have been playing this game for a long, long time deserve at least an honest response from someone in the company, surely?
I should point out that our alliance accepts lower level players and spends a lot of time helping them grow and get ready for war - this benefits the long term survivability of your game. It is truly pointless wasting their time and waiting to get them into a war only for them to face either a level 200+ atomic player or an Iron Age player.
To everyone on this forum, regardless of your view on stackers, sorry that this is another long rant about a much discussed topic. To TinSoldier I would love a response to this, I really would, because this level 217 Atomic player is starting to wonder what is the point of continuing to play a game where a basic issue like this gets ignored in favour of building new functionality like a university leader who makes it slightly quicker to pick fruit or shoot a deer....
We have just been matched against Polska Szlachta in a 20v20 war. Of their 20 war members 16 are Atomic or Global, 2 are IA and 2 are Iron Age bases. Of the 48 members in their alliance they have 3 Iron Age bases which, coincidentally, are the only 3 bases not to have logged in in the last 3+ days.
My questions that I implore you to answer honestly are;
- Give me/the rest of your loyal playing customer base a single viable reason why a team with over 25,000 glory and so many Atomic players would want 2 Iron Age players in their war line up other than to manipulate your war ranking system. Please dont suggest they are serious players or that the many alliances that sandbag are “equal opportunity employers” who are giving them a chance to grow - no alliance that purchases dozens of elephant archer cards every war, or crowns their silos to level 3 is leaving anything like that to chance. Seriously, just one viable reason and I’ll shut up on this topic forever.
- I’ve heard of players being banned for exploiting all kinds of bugs; hunting too many stags, opening too many victory chests in a row, exploiting free food from the University. How is this any different? Yes we could all create a few Iron Age bases and exploit the system but we choose not to, just like we choose not to exploit the many other glitches present in your game.
- Lastly, and most importantly why does Nexon persist in saying they have fixed the issue and that stacking does not happen? It does, every day. If Nexon is happy for stacking to happen please just be honest and say so. If it is some ploy to encourage players to purchase more troop cards just let us know. If you dont care that dozens of fair play alliances (who in many cases do spend money in game including our alliance) are getting fed up with warring and are leaving the game, just be honest and tell us. Surely people who have been playing this game for a long, long time deserve at least an honest response from someone in the company, surely?
I should point out that our alliance accepts lower level players and spends a lot of time helping them grow and get ready for war - this benefits the long term survivability of your game. It is truly pointless wasting their time and waiting to get them into a war only for them to face either a level 200+ atomic player or an Iron Age player.
To everyone on this forum, regardless of your view on stackers, sorry that this is another long rant about a much discussed topic. To TinSoldier I would love a response to this, I really would, because this level 217 Atomic player is starting to wonder what is the point of continuing to play a game where a basic issue like this gets ignored in favour of building new functionality like a university leader who makes it slightly quicker to pick fruit or shoot a deer....