Firstly, when assessing the speed of development of the game, you should not focus on those who improve and develop with the help of donates for real money - no development can keep up with them, this is already clear. For example, I experience the opposite effect - the development time is too long. But it is also true that there are players who have been playing the game for a long, long time and have reached older ages without donates.
And secondly, and most importantly, the BHG should make it a rule to introduce a new age with some kind of ready-made new building characteristic of a given age, and not just introduce a new age name with promises to come up with something later. For example, for the Information Age - a Supercomputer, for the Drone Age - a Drone Base, for the Auto Age - a Robot Hangar, etc. I am reasoning hypothetically because I myself have not yet reached these ages.
If Auto Age now had a building characteristic of this age, then talk about the 3rd Manufacture slot for the previous age would be fair. It will also be fair if, after the update, some characteristic building is added that provides significant advantages for Auto Age. The 3rd Manufacture slot in the Drone age will provide a smoother transition from Age to Age, but only if there is some even more obvious advantage in the Auto Age.
But I don’t think that BHG will make both a building for Auto Age and open the 3rd manufacturing slot for Drone Age. This is more of a fairy-tale miracle.
P.S. The main reason for all this is the inaction of the BHG and the laziness of the development team, this is the only reason. It’s too early for me to complain, I haven’t been in the game that long yet. But those players who have been playing the game for many years are probably wondering - why isn’t anything being done, is it being done very slowly?... It’s probably especially interesting for those who pay real money in the game, even though they are not investors in the literal sense of the word, but such questions probably occur frequently. It’s a dangerous situation when a person reaches the forced “end of the game” after spending a long time waiting in the game. BHG, don’t you think about the fact that you are losing not only new, but also old players?
P.P.S. BHG, why not really add an age-specific building for each age? Even if some players have already passed these ages, they will also be interested in some new buildings. It is quite logical that at each age there is a building characteristic of that age. And we are not talking about the Wonders of the World at all. It would be interesting to have such buildings, starting at least in new ages, for example, with the Space or Drone age, and then all subsequent new ages.