• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Manufacturing Slots

Dingly Dell

New member
Mar 21, 2024
Regarding manufacturing slots. At Drone Age there should be the third slot made available for creating resources. In its current form it’s creating a huge competitiveness gap between Auto Age and the rest, adding a third slot to Drone or maybe even Info Age would look more balanced 👍


Active member
Mar 6, 2024
近年、リリース時に年齢が完了することはありません。 一年を通じてさらに多くの建物が期待できるでしょう。
So, according to you, @Seek is a liar if he claims that he has nothing left to build? Or maybe BHG is only promising this?
Who is a liar and who is just a taleteller? ;)


Active member
Mar 6, 2024
あなたは読むことを学ぶべきです。 私は誰も嘘つきとは言っていません!

Seek は現時点では何もすることがないのかもしれません。 しかし、新しい時代はまだ完成していません。 今後数か月以内に、建物と軍隊の新しいレベルが登場します。 もしかしたら、新しい建物や本当の驚異もあるかもしれません。
Ok! You didn't explicitly call him a liar. But nothing of the promised by BHG, except just the promises of the BHG about future, has yet not implemented, which means that in fact we have the end of the game for now. Isn't it true? When will there be something new in the game, if only there is, only then the opposite can be said. I am wrong?
If it's not too much trouble, can you share some secret knowledge about what we can expect in the coming months that's new in the game? Preferably on the topic of the thread - exactly new in Auto Age.
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Active member
Mar 6, 2024
以前の時代であっても、すべてがすぐにリリースされたわけではありません。 新しい時代が始まってから数か月で、新しい建物レベルが登場しました。 BHG は何も約束する必要はありません。歴史がそれを証明しています。

お金とアクセラレータを使えば改善が完了するというのは完全に論理的です。 BHG がこれを防ぐには、大幅に長い建設期間 (例: 6 か月) を使用するしかないため、ほとんどのプレイヤーは資金を使い果たすことになります。

私にとって、建物の拡張の終了はゲームの終わりを意味しません。 私たちには、終わりのない要素として博物館があります。 私たちには同盟や戦争があり、労働者が動物を狩るだけのときでも続きます。
Oh yes, how could I forget, for many issues in the game there is a universal solution - increase the waiting time limitlessly. Then, indeed, it is unlikely that anyone will reach the end of the game. Indeed, there is no need to invent anything else. Excellent solution! I have no more questions to you.
Thank you!
It’s very sad if BHG argues exactly the same way as you just said, but I really hope not.
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
All troops maxed all def tower max all universities maxed road maxed silo maxed all air troops maxed traps maxed all markets all buolding maxed all except for oil rig farms carvans and about 13 walls lol so how I am lying lol oh I forgot gens got 4 110 and 2 above 100 rest working cause I stop them at 109 lol

So I am stuck working museum manufacturing council generals 13 or so wall and resource producers ( farms caravan oils rigs )

Technical answer No End if you count maxing manufacturing council and gens then yes we have no end date but as far building new tower or new air field or wonder there is currently

I can’t read your post nobody lol cause shows up in different language.
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King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
If it's not too much trouble, can you share some secret knowledge about what we can expect in the coming months that's new in the game? Preferably on the topic of the thread - exactly new in Auto Age.
You can find a mention of new Auto Age buildings here https://forums.bighugegames.com/index.php?threads/the-road-ahead-spring-edition.30557/

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Active member
Mar 6, 2024
Thank you! Everything is to the point. But BHG again has no specifics. All that remains is to wait to see what really new things will appear or not appear after the update. And then, perhaps, the question of opening the 3rd Manufactory slot in the Drone Age will again become relevant, but I think that this will not be done in any case.


Active member
Dec 5, 2023
Firstly, when assessing the speed of development of the game, you should not focus on those who improve and develop with the help of donates for real money - no development can keep up with them, this is already clear. For example, I experience the opposite effect - the development time is too long. But it is also true that there are players who have been playing the game for a long, long time and have reached older ages without donates.

And secondly, and most importantly, the BHG should make it a rule to introduce a new age with some kind of ready-made new building characteristic of a given age, and not just introduce a new age name with promises to come up with something later. For example, for the Information Age - a Supercomputer, for the Drone Age - a Drone Base, for the Auto Age - a Robot Hangar, etc. I am reasoning hypothetically because I myself have not yet reached these ages.

If Auto Age now had a building characteristic of this age, then talk about the 3rd Manufacture slot for the previous age would be fair. It will also be fair if, after the update, some characteristic building is added that provides significant advantages for Auto Age. The 3rd Manufacture slot in the Drone age will provide a smoother transition from Age to Age, but only if there is some even more obvious advantage in the Auto Age.

But I don’t think that BHG will make both a building for Auto Age and open the 3rd manufacturing slot for Drone Age. This is more of a fairy-tale miracle.

P.S. The main reason for all this is the inaction of the BHG and the laziness of the development team, this is the only reason. It’s too early for me to complain, I haven’t been in the game that long yet. But those players who have been playing the game for many years are probably wondering - why isn’t anything being done, is it being done very slowly?... It’s probably especially interesting for those who pay real money in the game, even though they are not investors in the literal sense of the word, but such questions probably occur frequently. It’s a dangerous situation when a person reaches the forced “end of the game” after spending a long time waiting in the game. BHG, don’t you think about the fact that you are losing not only new, but also old players?

P.P.S. BHG, why not really add an age-specific building for each age? Even if some players have already passed these ages, they will also be interested in some new buildings. It is quite logical that at each age there is a building characteristic of that age. And we are not talking about the Wonders of the World at all. It would be interesting to have such buildings, starting at least in new ages, for example, with the Space or Drone age, and then all subsequent new ages.
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
Big reason I don’t see them adding a auto age only building is the outcry from drone and below for auto age having something they don’t.

They give 4 slots to only auto and ever since drone and below been hitting the forums daily complaining how they don’t have 4 slots.

See most people can’t handle someone earning something they don’t have, something can’t earn in like first year or so playing, something that requiring hard work and some are just too lazy or cheap to earn anything.

Before anyone says it the above comments are made in general not directed at anyone.


Well-known member
Nov 2, 2019
Big reason I don’t see them adding a auto age only building is the outcry from drone and below for auto age having something they don’t.

They give 4 slots to only auto and ever since drone and below been hitting the forums daily complaining how they don’t have 4 slots.

See most people can’t handle someone earning something they don’t have, something can’t earn in like first year or so playing, something that requiring hard work and some are just too lazy or cheap to earn anything.

Before anyone says it the above comments are made in general not directed at anyone.

You hit the nail right on the head. Most people hate to see someone else having something that they don't. I saw an example of this at work today when our newest person was complaining about the fact that a guy who has been there for 35 years makes more than him. He tried to say that it's illegal. This is where people's heads are at.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
You hit the nail right on the head. Most people hate to see someone else having something that they don't. I saw an example of this at work today when our newest person was complaining about the fact that a guy who has been there for 35 years makes more than him. He tried to say that it's illegal. This is where people's heads are at.
Well said. It’s shame allot of new players think they should be on top of the game in less than a year. Think every thing a Auto age player has they should get without having to earn it.

They miss the point of the game with every thing handed too them. Yet the countless post asking for more instants, more slots, less workers required and lots cries for reducing times required in general.

Well point of playing is to feel like you earned it fair and square when you finally reach digi age or info age or get that new research completed and not be left with that empty feeling when they just give it to ya there is no since of accomplishment or any real victory earned ya got cause they handed it too ya lol

It won’t change because everyone wants it free and now and accomplish nothing on their own. Just my view

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
It won’t change because everyone wants it free and now and accomplish nothing on their own. Just my view
In their defense they've been born in the age where most things we need have already been invented or improved: Internet's faster (remember dial-up?), movies don't need to be downloaded (or rented!), things like tvs that used to cost 14k now cost $700, etc, etc - AND, ai is now making life even easier for people who can't be bothered thinking for themselves.
So, be prepared for more and more of these requests .....
Who knows, in a years' time us oldies will probably be complaining that ai bots are playing battles on behalf of other players - kicking our ass and getting 5 stars in under a minute. 😄