• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Manufacturing Slots

Dingly Dell

New member
Mar 21, 2024
Regarding manufacturing slots. At Drone Age there should be the third slot made available for creating resources. In its current form it’s creating a huge competitiveness gap between Auto Age and the rest, adding a third slot to Drone or maybe even Info Age would look more balanced 👍


Active member
Dec 5, 2023
I agree. 👍 But then the guys (and you(we) in future) in the Automation Age don’t get any special Wonders at all ;):D
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
Nope and nope and nope there ya herd from Seek want more slots get to Auto age they made it easy enough to do that with all the time reductions. If they increase drone and below to 3 then they should increase Auto age to 6. Then it would be fair


Active member
Dec 5, 2023
That's ok - we get more options for munitions, so it's a fair trade-off.

Although, I'm surprised we haven't head from Seek ... 😄
It was irony... well, okay, apparently too subtle. Just look at that forum thread.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
Again want more slots earn them whatever they increase drone or below slot they should double Auto age players.

Also remember that giving more slots to drone and below will cut their own throat first they piss off every auto age player then they stop selling as many material packs cause drone and below have more slots.

Bad idea for the community bad idea for BHG. Now making ur most loyal customer base so madd they stop donating period and then those that got more slot stop spending on material packs.

Less money for BHG mean less development for the game. Losing the loyalty of your old players is dumb they been here longest and spent the most.

Automation Age players should have stuff no other age has. We earned it
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Active member
Mar 6, 2024
Again want more slots earn them whatever they increase drone or below slot they should double Auto age players.

Also remember that giving more slots to drone and below will cut their own throat first they piss off every auto age player then they stop selling as many material packs cause drone and below have more slots.

Bad idea for the community bad idea for BHG. Now making ur most loyal customer base so madd they stop donating period and then those that got more slot stop spending on material packs.

Less money for BHG mean less development for the game. Losing the loyalty of your old players is dumb they been here longest and spent the most.

Automation Age players should have stuff no other age has. We earned it
"Less money for BHG mean less development for the game. Losing the loyalty of your old players is dumb they been here longest and spent the most."

Sometimes I get the impression that all you pay for is that, on the contrary, nothing changes, so that the old loyal players maintain their previously acquired superiority and loyalty. Loyal players, as you call them, pay only to remain loyal. But this is a kind of lobby in the game, when you pay for your interests in the direction of the development of the game, and not for competitive things in the game.
You can count for yourself. You've been paying for the game for a long time, if I understand correctly. How many improvements have you seen in the game during all this time, even just implementation basic QoL requests, long-standing requests? And you are not the only one who pays. Now roughly calculate the total amounts.
I see a lot of mentions on the forum about old requests not being fulfilled. So what do you really spend your money on, you ask yourself this question? t's more like in the end, on the contrary, you pay for inaction in game development, because your requests are not implemented in the same way.
You are very correct in saying that it is in the interests of BHG to maintain a roster of loyal and paying players but talk about funds being spent to developing and improving the game is somewhat are untenable.
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Active member
Dec 5, 2023
"Less money for BHG mean less development for the game. Losing the loyalty of your old players is dumb they been here longest and spent the most."

Sometimes I get the impression that all you pay for is that, on the contrary, nothing changes, so that the old loyal players maintain their previously acquired superiority and loyalty. Loyal players, as you call them, pay only to remain loyal. But this is a kind of lobby in the game, when you pay for your interests in the direction of the development of the game, and not for competitive things in the game.
You can count for yourself. You've been paying for the game for a long time, if I understand correctly. How many improvements have you seen in the game during all this time, even just implementation basic QoL requests, long-standing requests? And you are not the only one who pays. Now roughly calculate the total amounts.
I see a lot of mentions on the forum about old requests not being fulfilled. So what do you really spend your money on, you ask yourself this question? t's more like in the end, on the contrary, you pay for inaction in game development, because your requests are not implemented in the same way.
You are very correct in saying that it is in the interests of BHG to maintain a roster of loyal and paying players but talk about funds being spent to developing and improving the game is somewhat are insolvent.
We are talking about the loyalty of old players, if I understand correctly. But doesn’t BHG care about replenishing the army of loyal players with new players? By the way, they are also potential payers for real money. When I started playing (beginning of January 2023), the game rating on Google Play was 4.6, now it is 4.1-4.2. Do the game owners and developers not care about the drop in ratings? The feedbacks of users contain a lot of what is discussed on the forum - similar questions and similar problems for all players. And how many players simply left the game silently, without any feedback or ratings...

Dominations has no worthy competitors in the gaming market. This is a huge plus of the game - BHG managed to implement an amazing idea for the game, interesting gameplay, the game will make you not bored for a long time. But the lack of competition is also a huge disadvantage.

If BHG could provide more several different benefits for the Auto Age, and not just this “Wonder” - “explosive” growth in Manufactory productivity, then they would make a smoother increase in Manufactory productivity from Age to Age, but for now we can’t expect anything else. Enjoy the Wonder, gentlemens!
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
Well joy to world. No more slots for drone or below. Unless they give auto age double the amount of slots fair is fair.

Sound like broken record ? Well on my side so does the request for slots from drone and below or hearing request reductions in uni and build times with never a mention what top/old players get.

Again my post are directed at the idea of the post not at anyone.


Active member
Mar 6, 2024
Again want more slots earn them whatever they increase drone or below slot they should double Auto age players.

Also remember that giving more slots to drone and below will cut their own throat first they piss off every auto age player then they stop selling as many material packs cause drone and below have more slots.

Bad idea for the community bad idea for BHG. Now making ur most loyal customer base so madd they stop donating period and then those that got more slot stop spending on material packs.

Less money for BHG mean less development for the game. Losing the loyalty of your old players is dumb they been here longest and spent the most.

Automation Age players should have stuff no other age has. We earned it
"Automation Age players should have stuff no other age has. We earned it"

Agree. Therefore, you should be with this “Wonder”, as @Sega called it, in the form of a double increase in the productivity of the Manufactory - 4 slots instead of 2. If BHG can't offer you anything else for now then everything is fair - 4 slots only start at Automation Age. If I understand everything correctly.
It’s quite strange that the Automaition Age is rewarded by only this one advantage, but BHG decided so.
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Active member
Dec 5, 2023
It would be fair to open the 3rd Manufactory slot in the Drone Age, and the 4th slot in the Auto Age, but at the same time, the Auto Age must necessarily get something that is really not available in any other Ages. This will be the compromise solution.

It is logical to assume that if this is the age of automation, then robots should appear to make somehow the work of citizens easier or improve other processes.

For example, a House-angar, where not citizens live, but robots who can perform only construction work (improve buildings), but not study at Universitet. Yes, I know that there is already a Wonder of the World "Burj Al Arab", which increases the productivity of citizens, but let robots increase productivity of citizens even more or something like that.

Or let robots somehow increase the productivity of Barracks, Factories and Airfields for restoring troops.

It depends only on how much imagination of BHG can afford, and the abilities of the development team.

In any case, in the Auto Age there must be some breakthrough technologies.

P.S. Probably, as always, I am talking about what I would like to see in the game, but it is unlikely to be implemented.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
Again we want more slots but yet we don’t want earn by reaching auto auto.

Your build wonder does most auto age players zero good or very little help. Since currently down to upgrading caravans oils rigs and farms rest is complete.

So the slots advantage is our wonder as BHG saw fit to only give us this. No they should not increase drone or below without increasing auto slots to 8 or more. Fair is fair we actually earned it


Active member
Mar 6, 2024
Again we want more slots but yet we don’t want earn by reaching auto auto.

Your build wonder does most auto age players zero good or very little help. Since currently down to upgrading caravans oils rigs and farms rest is complete.

So the slots advantage is our wonder as BHG saw fit to only give us this. No they should not increase drone or below without increasing auto slots to 8 or more. Fair is fair we actually earned it
Then the whole point is the lack of imagination of BHG and implementation, if they can’t provide you with anything else in Auto age? You say that you have nothing more to build - do I understand correctly?


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
I had nothing new to build since 12hrs after they QoL update auto players got 2 slots lol we upgrading stuff like walls caravans oil rigs but yes all building and def maxed within 12hrs lol

Yes we got biggest screw job on new age lol we got slots and levels added to stuff we already had lol

Now ya see why auto age players are not thrilled when you ask for more slots lol


Active member
Mar 6, 2024
I had nothing new to build since 12hrs after they QoL update auto players got 2 slots lol we upgrading stuff like walls caravans oil rigs but yes all building and def maxed within 12hrs lol

Yes we got biggest screw job on new age lol we got slots and levels added to stuff we already had lol

Now ya see why auto age players are not thrilled when you ask for more slots lol
Yes, if the rest is a dead end, then really Auto Age should at least have this “Wonder”, since the BHG haven’t come up with anything else. Very sad indeed. In fact, it's like the "End" sign in the game. It seems very similar.
Idea robots seems interesting to me, robots can not only improve buildings, but also bring other advantages. Maybe BHG will be able to implement it. Then you will really get something more in Auto Age.
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
There are 4 folks in my alliance completely done lol all I am working is caravans oil rigs and farms lol

Your pretty complete by level 420 ( hehehe) just leveling up the little things traps caravans farms oils rigs walls etc


Active member
Mar 6, 2024
There are 4 folks in my alliance completely done lol all I am working is caravans oil rigs and farms lol

Your pretty complete by level 420 ( hehehe) just leveling up the little things traps caravans farms oils rigs walls etc
Then this is a clear sign that this is a dead end in the game. BHG needs to come up with something so you can move on. It's actually kind of a pointless ending to the game. Why then 4 slots, if in fact everything is already ended in the game? What is the point of developing ammunition for troops if there is no point in wars anymore, because is there nowhere to develop further? Only for victories in World Wars and helping other players in the alliance?
Strange, very strange end of the game.
And this, again, to the question that your talk about funds being spent on developing and improving the game is more than untenable. No, it’s not you who are mistaken, but rather questions for the BHG.
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