• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Drone Command - A closer look

Greetings Leaders,

Things have been quite busy over the last few months! We’ve been hard at work implementing the next steps for introducing Drone Command, the titular building for Drone Age! In August, we gave you a sneak peek at the latest building to be implemented into DomiNations. Today we’ll be taking a closer look at what that brings to your arsenal with the addition of Directives, Offensive Drones, Defensive Drones, and War Defensive Drones. Directives are the core of the Drone Command experience, and they’re going to be taking center stage here today.


As we shared in our August update, the Drone Command building will start with One Offensive Drone and One Defensive Drone, then a separate War Defensive Drone that will be active on Defense to give you additional strategic flexibility when joining in World Wars. Each will have a core set of Directives that you can freely swap in and out before battle. When entering combat, the order in which you set your Directives will directly correlate with how the Drone will activate them. Currently, each Drone will only be allowed to program two Directives at a time.
To gain access to Directives, you’ll need to research them at the Drone Command. Much like your War Academy and Tactics, you’ll be able to upgrade and research your Directives via the Drone Command Building. You’ll be able to research up to two Directives at a time, and each Directive currently has a maximum level of 3. Researching Directives will have a resource cost in Oil. At launch, you’ll have access to 8 Defensive Directives and 4 Offensive Directives. Offensive Drones will also have access to 4 Charged Directives, stronger consumable Directives, that have a limited amount of uses.

The following are some of the first Directives that will be available. These Directives may change at the release of Drone Command:

Defensive Directives
  • Reinforced Foundations
    • Heals Allied Buildings
  • MKII Explosives
    • Allied Mortar defensive structures gain increased damage
  • Mobilize
    • Defensive Units spawn from buildings faster
  • Electrified Walls/Barbed Wire
    • Ground Attackers take damage when attacking walls
      • Based on a percentage of damage dealt
  • Interference
    • Decreases damage of invading air units
      • This includes Paratroopers
  • Surveillance
    • Commandos can be targeted by the Tower defensive structure
  • Counter-Intelligence
    • Defensive buildings cannot be Sabotaged for a time
      • This will remove existing Sabotages
      • Blitzkrieg’s sabotage effect will also be removed, and the building cannot be affected by Blitzkrieg
  • Armor Piercing
    • Anti-Tank Guns gain increased damage

Offensive Directives
  • Amplification
    • All Healing is increased
      • This only applies to allied units
  • Agility
    • Friendly Units gain increased attack speed and movement speed
  • Inspiration
    • Factory troops gain increased damage and increased movement speed
      • This only applies to allied units
  • Demoralize
    • Spawned Defensive units have less health


Charged Directives
Charged Directives come in three tiers, and each increased tier will have the effects of the previous tier and then some. These still function the same in battle as your Offensive Directives. Should you expend all of your Charged Directive inventory, it will return back to one of your regular Offensive Directives. These Charges will not be consumed unless you utilize the Offensive Drone, just like your Troop Tactics. You obtain Charged Directives in the same ways that you’d receive Troop Tactics, either War Chests, Marco Polo, or Event Passes, etc.
  • Cripple
    • (Uncommon - 1 Charges) Defending Heavy Tanks and Heavy Cavalry have 25% less damage
    • (Rare - 2 Charges) Defending Heavy Tanks and Heavy Cavalry have 15% less attack speed
    • (Legendary - 3 Charge) Defending Heavy Tanks and Heavy Cavalry have -1 Range
  • Eagle Eye
    • (Uncommon - 1 Charge ) Reveals Traps in the area
    • (Rare - 1 Charge) Disables Traps during Directive effect
    • (Legendary - 3 Charges ) Additional Charges
  • Valor
    • (Uncommon - 2 Charges) Allied Generals have 15% more damage
    • (Rare - 3 Charges) Allied Generals have 10% more attack speed
    • (Legendary - 3 Charges) Allied Generals have +1 Range
  • Propaganda
    • (Uncommon - 2 Charges) Randomly casts Betrayal every 5 seconds in the area (This does not use the current level of your Betrayal tactic)
      • The Betrayal cast by Propaganda will always target a random enemy unit and cast the effect centered on them.
      • If no enemy units are in the Area of Operation, Betrayal will still cast at the center of the affected area, but essentially with no effect.
    • (Rare - 2 Charges) Units affected by Betrayal gain increased damage
    • (Legendary - 3 Charges) +1 Traitors per cast

Between battles, you can swap out your Charged Directive, but you don’t need to use all charges in order to swap it out. When it runs out of charges, it will be replaced with the last Offensive Directive used in that particular slot.

There are plenty of possibilities to theorize about how Directives and Drones will work alongside current Army Compositions. Drone Command offers a powerful tool that has the potential to sway the battlefield in tremendous ways!


We want to ensure that Drone Command has a successful launch, and as such, we’ll be offering the opportunity for some of you to participate in our Early Access Build. In this Early Access, you’ll have the ability to explore the entirety of Drone Command in its current form! During this time, keep in mind that it is in Early Access, which does mean there may be some instability while playing as this will be a Beta Environment. Content included in the Early Access doesn’t necessarily mean it will be included in the final product. If you’d like the opportunity for a first look at how the tide of war changes with Drone Command, you can Sign up today!

Slots are limited for the Early Access build, and you’ll want to be swift. We’ll be randomly selecting players in waves once the sign-ups close. Sign-ups are open for both Android and iOS, but keep in mind that they will both require your Google or Apple email in order to gain access.

Check out this thread for more info on how to Sign-Up!
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Another potentially interesting discussion hijacked by disorganized rants about unrelated issues already better articulated elsewhere by others. No one disputes your right to post this, but you're doing more harm than good with it. Please delete as suggested and go find an activity that will leave you happier and this forum more useful.

edited for brevity
Please delete yours delete your disparate abstract concentrated little pile of flying vomit as it has no value whatsoever other than sucking up the oxygen on this thread nor does anyone cares about it . Please delete as suggested and go find a better use of your time other than trying to belittle folks over the internet for no reason other than them expressing their thoughts and opinions on something they have issues with . Delete your generic redundant puke the forum will be more useful and human kind as a whole will be happier to.
Last edited:
Another potentially interesting discussion hijacked by disorganized rants about unrelated issues already better articulated elsewhere by others. No one disputes your right to post this, but you're doing more harm than good with it. Please delete as suggested and go find an activity that will leave you happier and this forum more useful.

edited for brevity
Another potentially interesting discussion hijacked by disorganized rants about unrelated issues already better articulated elsewhere by others. No one disputes your right to post this, but you're doing more harm than good with it. Please delete as suggested and go find an activity that will leave you happier and this forum more useful.

edited for brevity
Disorganized? Disorganized how it’s all related idiot ? It’s all related the poor state of the game defence being broken , the bugs, the crashing , retrain blessings , lag , etc. What is your point exactly ? Dork are you suggesting by any chance that I go spend countless hours reading skimming through the crap here and find each different topic lol and then post there cause you said so lol ? “ Already better articulated elsewhere by others ? I like the part where you are assuming I give a hamsters behind about your opinion , the opinion of those “ others” you deem articulate , and the part where you think i would even consider spending my time reading all the crap in here . I also love the part where you think you can tell me what to do or what to say . I have about 5 minutes here I joined not even a month ago get used to me being here I ain’t going nowhere .
Are you me?

I'm doing a misfits event then I'm done. I haven't logged in for a week except to transfer to a new shell.

This game is done if they don't figure out what the players need, a parity of both O and D.
I don’t get your question at all lol . Sounds like that one scene from Rush Hour 3 though lol . Are you me ? No I’m Yu ! I’m not you im me . Lol. Are you asking me if I’m me lol ?
Not surprisingly why in most posts, it's not a trace of forum admibs or will ultimately end with a short post.
In any new article, the issue of defense is raised.sone Players see game in just a few of the first few alliances, and they have not information society .they Do not know how to make a problem in a large part of alliances, a player in getting 3 or four stars from the lower age. The hardening of the attack, make tgeire progress is game much slower.
If offence is so powerfull, use it too.