• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Prepare For Drone Command

Greetings Leaders,

We hope you’ve been enjoying the new upgrades that came along with Drone Age earlier this Summer! We’ve been hard at work implementing the next step for the latest Age to DomiNations and thought we might be able to give you an update on what’s to come. You may recall that we teased the upcoming Drone Command and what that building will have to offer! Being so close to completing the new Building for all to enjoy we’re happy to share a few further details.

Drone Command is a new building that will implement an entirely new way to both attack your enemies, and defend against any hostile threats to your base. When the Drone Command building is released, you’ll have access to two types of drones, and each featuring a set of Directives to manipulate the tide of battle. The Offensive Drone will enter combat at a destination of your choosing. While Defensive Drones will spawn from the Drone Command Building. Both types are unable to be targeted directly, however if the attacking force destroys the Drone Command the Defensive Drone will be destroyed along with it! You’ll have to be swift on offense to take down the Drone Command building, yet also strategic with your own Base Layout to ensure this building is safe from harm. Additionally, you’ll have access to a War Defensive Drone. This Drone functions the same as your Defensive Drone but can be loaded with a Directive strategy that is only deployed during War, much like your Peace and War Museum artifacts..

Directives will be a set of commands that your Drones will follow during combat. Each directive will either increase the potency of your troops or can harshly affect your enemies under the right conditions. Directives will bring brand new interactions to the battles of DomiNations! You’ll be able to assign Directives at the Drone Command or right before you launch your offensive.


Directives determine the actions of your Defensive and Offensive Drones. When deploying your Drones these Directives will activate automatically. You’ll have the choice of Permanent Directives that have unlimited uses to implement across your conquests, and then also a choice of a Consumable Directive, a more powerful option that has a limit of use for each attempt at combat. Think of your Consumable Directives working similarly to a Troop Tactic! When deployed, Directives will work within an area of effect similar to the First Aid or Betrayal War Tactics. We’ll review some specific examples of what these Directives can do to manipulate the battlefield during our upcoming Drone Command live stream as we get closer to release.

You may also be wondering what is the difference between Defensive and Offensive Drones, and when can you use them? Fortunately, you won’t need to pick and choose as you’ll start out with one of each! Defensive Drones will run their directives whenever your base is attacked and cover the area that you’ve assigned them to. The Defensive Drones will spawn much like a Garrison troop and travel to their designated location to deploy their assigned Directives. Offensive Drones will tag along with your Army whenever you attack. Offensive Drones will need to be created between battles, this can be done via the “Prepare for Battle Window” or through the Drone Command building’s menu. Initially, you’ll deploy them to their destination like an aerial unit would be brought onto the battlefield. The Offensive Drone can then be rallied once they’ve established a presence on the field. Don’t forget, opposing units can NOT directly target the Offensive or Defensive Drone, but at the same time, these Drones aren’t able to directly attack opposing units either. Attackers will have to make quick decisions on target priority as Defensive Drones feature a single vulnerability in their Directive Programming! Should they become too much a hindrance it would be wise for Attackers to make the Drone Command a primary target to remove them from combat.


There is still plenty to discuss and go over in the coming weeks leading up to the release of Drone Command! While there is still some time before you’ll be implementing Drone Directives into your strategies we’ll be sure that you’re well prepared to start theory crafting after our Drone Command and Directive Live Stream. In that stream, we’ll sit side by side with the Design team and talk through the look of the Drones, their Directives, and get more into the weeds on what these Directives will be capable of. We truly believe that these new units will change the tide of war and help combat against your opponents in big ways, and the best way to prove it is to show you the New Age of DomiNations in action!

Until then Leaders!
Looking forward to the stream. It'll be interesting to see how these drones affect current gameplay. I hope the stream will be at a time that those of us who work can join in.
I'm seeing offense drones can't be attacked so um the offence wins ever battle then? because if you have troops that can't be killed and all that has to happen to win an attack is to get all the buildings down. so it says cannot attack troops doesn't say can't attack building so how is a bad supposed to stand to that
as well let me understand this so the attacker can simply drop an paratrooper on the command and it goes away yet the defense suffers the waves of drones no matter what what fool BHG defender will quit over this
as well let me understand this so the attacker can simply drop an paratrooper on the command and it goes away yet the defense suffers the waves of drones no matter what what fool BHG defender will quit over this
for that matter a lucky red button target and the battle is won before it even starts why even bother playing then like leave you phone on in your pocket with a raider army and get 5 stars ??
I'm seeing offense drones can't be attacked so um the offence wins ever battle then? because if you have troops that can't be killed and all that has to happen to win an attack is to get all the buildings down. so it says cannot attack troops doesn't say can't attack building so how is a bad supposed to stand to that
The drones don't do any damage themselves. At least that's the way i read it.
The drones don't do any damage themselves. At least that's the way i read it.
yes I saw that but that means they have whatever their effects are likely the same thing drones already do decrease HP so offense gets them the entire battle and all they have to do is drop a bomb a paratrooper a silo. hit or fighter and they don't have to deal with it , imagine the entire base getting 250% HP reduced the entire battle it would be over in 5 seconds
yes I saw that but that means they have whatever their effects are likely the same thing drones already do decrease HP so offense gets them the entire battle and all they have to do is drop a bomb a paratrooper a silo. hit or fighter and they don't have to deal with it , imagine the entire base getting 250% HP reduced the entire battle it would be over in 5 seconds
The offense drones don't affect the whole map. We don't know how fast they move and how long they take to implement the directives. They're basically a mobile war tactic. Time will tell how much they impact on offense.

I completely agree with you with how easy it will be to negate the defensive drones btw. Bhg loves to add to offense while hurting defense. This is yet another example why things like this should be player tested before public release.
The offense drones don't affect the whole map. We don't know how fast they move and how long they take to implement the directives. They're basically a mobile war tactic. Time will tell how much they impact on offense.

I completely agree with you with how easy it will be to negate the defensive drones btw. Bhg loves to add to offense while hurting defense. This is yet another example why things like this should be player tested before public release.
yes I know it's not the whole map at once but think about it the attack meta of 2-3 already exiting recon drones plus however extra ones now and the extra ones can't be killed at all means that almost 100 percent of the building attacked will have the HP reduced
BHG, you’re doing it again. Adding more OP air power for offense. Defense will suffer even more. The Defense Drone command should be a permanent indestructible building and defense air defense need upgrading. Air defense needs its range expanded.
Even without this Drone Command thing we have a bad imbalance amoung higher level wars.

And by the way, have you looked at the video’s I’ve been sending you. They clearly prove that offense is overpowered in Drone age wars. Defense is getting crushed by Attack helicopter-Black Hawks and now Mortar troops are overpowered. You over did it in upgrading all Barracks troops. Fix the imbalance in higher level wars before rolling out yet another ridiculously overpowered attack air weapon. Your defense Drone command will be easily taken out by attackers. Make it indestructible. Help defense.
Hi, for more than a month I have reported (to customer service, from the game) that the field of view of my new samsung galaxy a52s is less than half the usual. In war it is impossible to play decently. All my other peripherals are working normally. Can you report the problem again to someone more important than the CS auto responder? Thank you.
Good Job BHG, don’t hear to the few and always same people complaining, they will never change their behaviour. Drone factory sounds as a good step to change some things in the game.
essa atualização era o que todos estavam aguardando e que faz jus a era, espero que mantenha a diferença entre eras, e reduza o abismo existente entre alguns jogadores privilegiados com suas trapaças.
I generally scoff at people who complain about offense being overpowered but I can definitely see their concerns with this addition - at this stage. Maybe the defensive attributes activate immediately and the offensive ones take 30secs - who knows.
Hopefully there will be some caveats to be revealed soon.