• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

DomiNations Update 12.6 - Manufactory Updates


Greetings Leaders,

The latest DomiNations update is on the way! For Update 12.6 we introduce the ability to loot Materials from destroyed Manufactory buildings in multiplayer attacks. Additionally, we’re adding the ability to use several buildings as they’re upgrading, which comes at a perfect time for Automation Age players with the next set of upgrades on the way! We also reveal the latest Councilor coming to DomiNations and a tease for the next set of Legendary Artifacts you’ll soon be able to obtain.

Manufactory Updates

Nearly six months have passed since the release of the Manufactory Building! In that time, we’ve received a ton of great feedback and have been carefully monitoring the progression of your Munition builds. With that being said, we’re making a couple of changes to the Manufactory building, including the ability to acquire Materials in multiplayer attacks and two additional slots for Assembly and Production!

Material Looting
Update 12.6 brings the ability to loot Materials from bases during multiplayer attacks! This should help with a bit of the progression grind to your Munition planning, however, there are some restrictions with Material looting.
  • You can loot Materials ONLY in multiplayer battles, World War battles will not have Material drops.
  • Platinum cannot be looted; this being a rare resource (taking extended time to develop) we want to keep this Material as is to require careful planning of your Manufactory progress.
  • Attackers will gain 5% of unclaimed Materials from each production slot of a destroyed Manufactory. The sum of which will be displayed on the victory screen as a generic Material (tapping the “?” icon will give a detailed list of the looted Materials).
image (92).png

  • Attackers will need at least 3-Stars to successfully loot from a destroyed Manufactory
Thanks to your feedback we’ve improved details for Munition requirements. Tapping the “?” within the Munition information window will reveal a list of Units and Buildings and the level requirement for assigning. This way, it should be easier to see how far you’ll need to progress to assign a Munition!


This update to the Manufactory also removes the ability to change Munition benefits during World War. Being able to change active Munition benefits during a World War was unintentional. At the start of War Day your Munition benefits are set for the duration of the war. As usual, you can swap Munitions, but it will only affect your regular Multiplayer battles.

Additional Assembly and Production Slots
We’ve heard your feedback regarding the need for additional slots in the Manufactory. Originally, you would unlock two more Production and Assembly slots by upgrading the Manufactory building to level 5 after reaching Automation Age. For Update 12.6, you’ll unlock your third slot at Space Age building level 3, fourth slot at Information Age building level 4, and finally two more slots at Automation Age building level 5. Leaders that have already upgraded their Manufactory to level 5 will receive the two additional slots automatically after the update!

image (93).png

Buildings Usable While Upgrading

In Update 12.6 you’ll be able to Upgrade buildings and still access their functionality. This includes:
  • Library
  • University
  • Parliament
  • Barracks
  • Factory
  • Airstrip
Now you can freely upgrade, research, and retrain while still participating in battle at full strength! As you get higher in Ages upgrades can take quite a bit of time, and we didn’t want to hold you back from participating in multiplayer while progressing your base.

We’ve introduced new countdown timers for these buildings and the Museum. These timers will indicate the time left for any active upgrades and notify you when an upgrade is complete!

This update should also fix the issue where some players were unable to retrain their Troops due to insufficient space.

Automation Age Upgrades

BuildingUpgrade TimeCostCitizensHPXP AmountDPS
Redoubt Level 1119d22,500,000 Gold422,9506,000540
Level 5
13d7,500,000 Gold

24,000 Gold Rearm Cost
Level 19
21d340,000 Oil434,2506,000
UnitUpgrade TimeCostHPXP AmountDPS
Captain’s Machine Gun II
Level 18
320,000 Oil

162 Oil
(2,900 vs Defenders)
Captain’s Infiltrator
Level 18
330,000 Oil

355 Oil
(39,750 vs Buildings and Walls)
Captain’s Heavy Tank II
Level 17
340,000 Oil

2,950 Oil
(12,466 vs Cavalry, General, Heavy Tanks)
Captain’s Bazooka II
Level 16
330,000 Oil

468 Oil
(5,530 vs Tanks, Walls, Buildings)
Captain’s Armored Car II
Level 16
330,000 Oil

785 Oil
(9,480 vs Resource Buildings)
Captain’s APC II
Level 14
330,000 Oil

785 Oil
Captain’s Tactical Helicopter II
Level 13
330,000 Oil

1,100 Oil
9,4703,500261 Heal Per Second
(783 on Generals, Heavy Cavalry, Heavy Tank)
Captain’s MRL II
Level 12
330,000 Oil

930 Oil
4,8203,500676 DPS

2,705 DMG Per Rocket

Upcoming Legendary Artifacts
Three more Legendary Artifacts are on the way! Two Main Hall and one War Hall, you’ll find the first of these available in June. Keep an eye out for the Week Ahead posts where we’ll feature the full reveals and availability information in the coming months.

New Councilor: Lü Bu
Glorified within the novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms, there are very few warriors in history who can embody the chaos of war like Lü Bu.

The next Councilor will focus on increasing your resources and Defender Spawns in Multiplayer battles. The War version of Lü Bu gives your enemies some defensive debuffs while increasing the potency of your Generals and Heavy Infantry.

DOM_Council_LuBu_Full_Stats_EN_1920x1080 (1).png

Enemy Tower DMG -10%Enemy Tower DMG -11%Enemy Tower DMG -13%Enemy Tower DMG -15%Enemy Tower DMG -18%
Heavy Infantry DMG +9%Heavy Infantry DMG +11%Heavy Infantry DMG +13%Heavy Infantry DMG +16%
Enemy Wall HP -11%Enemy Wall HP -12%Enemy Wall HP -16%
Heavy Infantry Attack Speed +9%Heavy Infantry Attack Speed +12%
Generals DMG +16%
Gold from Caravans +7%Gold from Caravans +8%Gold from Caravans +10%Gold from Caravans +12%Gold from Caravans +15%
Looted Resource Refund +11%Looted Resource Refund +13%Looted Resource Refund +15%Looted Resource Refund +18%
Wall HP +11%Wall HP +13%Wall HP +16%
Defender Spawn Time -9%Defender Spawn Time -12%
Invading Generals Attack Speed -12%

You can expect to begin recruiting Lü Bu in early June!

Additional Updates
  • Minor UI and Graphical error corrections.
  • Fixed an issue where the Field Kit Munition wouldn’t increase Commando Attack Speed.
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Lots of grievances, all valid (and in the wrong section) - and not one positive comment about the actual content. How surprising ... 😒
However l agree munitions looted should be multiples of 5 or 10, not 5%.

@Harlems369th you mention the library will be usable while upgrading, does this mean, perchance, that maxed libraries are getting new chapters?? 🤞

Anyway, thanks for the new stuff.
Have you noticed that the font size in the “details” is even smaller?
This may not be a problem on a PC or iPad, but the font size is extremely small on smartphones. The contrast is also not user-friendly: green on green and beige on beige. This won't bother most young people, but for many, eyes get worse at the age of 40+
Doesn't look smaller to me and it looks clearer to me. Guess it must just be my perfect (59yr old) eyes eh? 🙄
There was a fix that is going out with this update. The fix in question should cover the error where players were unable to attack after modifying or switching their loadout, and needing to reset the game in order to attack. Is this the issue you're running into?
It is not. Museums are showing blank and performing with nothing active all over the game. It's a close-knit community and leaders on opposing teams are currently sharing screen shots with each other of who all have blank museums. Its shows full to the player but appears and performs empty during war. I have attached an image that has been floating around both Discord and Line for quite some time now for how players are able to fix their museum to have it work properly. Loadouts are still very much broken whether people say so or not. The nerds within the game have gone to vigorous testing to verify that they indeed do not work and shouldn't be played with. Most top teams within the game know this and don't even use them. This started when loadouts we're first released, and I have even lost a few friends along the way because everything they worked and spent for wasn't working for them. If it were up to me, I'd say scrap the loadout idea and revert it back. We don't need it.


  • MuseumFix.jpg
    158.6 KB · Views: 225
Doesn't look smaller to me and it looks clearer to me. Guess it must just be my perfect (59yr old) eyes eh? 🙄
There's nothing wrong making suggestion for improvement even at first glance. You're almost 60 and I see nothing wrong with the grumpy attitude. Respect my suggestion and I'll respect your grumpiness. "Reality bites" I know. But your not alone, I'm almost there. Let's get grumpy together. Fair enough?
This update to the Manufactory also removes the ability to change Munition benefits during World War. Being able to change active Munition benefits during a World War was unintentional. At the start of War Day your Munition benefits are set for the duration of the war. As usual, you can swap Munitions, but it will only affect your regular Multiplayer battles
Does this also apply to troop munition?
Love the extra slots for manufacturing
maybe some speed boosts for that darn platinum….

also, really dig how we can get some of those supplies when we raid.
nice job.
Não é. Os museus estão em branco e atuando sem nada ativo durante todo o jogo. É uma comunidade muito unida e os líderes das equipes adversárias estão atualmente compartilhando capturas de tela entre si, todos com museus em branco. Ele mostra-se cheio para o jogador, mas aparece e atua vazio durante a guerra. Anexei uma imagem que já existe há algum tempo no Discord e no Line sobre como os jogadores conseguem consertar seu museu para que funcione corretamente. Os loadouts ainda estão muito quebrados, quer as pessoas digam ou não. Os nerds do jogo passaram por testes vigorosos para verificar se eles realmente não funcionam e não deveriam ser jogados. A maioria dos times de ponta sabe disso e nem mesmo os utiliza. Isso começou quando os loadouts foram lançados, e até perdi alguns amigos no caminho porque tudo pelo que eles trabalharam e gastaram não estava funcionando para eles. Se dependesse de mim, eu diria para descartar a ideia do carregamento e revertê-la. Nós não precisamos disso.
I disagree, more slots helped me a lot, in slot 1 I leave it just for defense, and in slot 2 for attack and resource generation. I think 5 spaces is a lot, but it's better to have a lot of stuff and not use it than to have nothing and miss it knowing that it can be improved
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ok, this game has become very complex with each update and buildings are taking longer and longer to level up/age.

I'm in the space age and I'm nervous about updating my buildings because it takes more than 10 days. There are things that literally take 1 year to maximize/complete. My game has been attacking players, gathering resources and preparing for world war with my clan and friends. The game unfortunately closes a very large door for newbies, although in the reddit community I have seen more and more newbies. I loved the option of being able to continue using a building while it is being used, and I believe that in the future this feature will be implemented for the fort and the mercenary camp. But I miss a graphical analysis option in the game, where clicking on the currency, oil and food symbol would open a small graph showing the percentage of resources generated, when gold is generated which benefits and bonuses are active there that generate more resources. and etc. And I don't know if it's even possible to dream of one day seeing a battleship in a boom beat style game and a submarine as troops and even a new hero.

And it would be cool to have a way to trade resources such as oil, food, gold with other players, perhaps only with members of our alliance so as not to break the game's economy.
Lots of grievances, all valid (and in the wrong section) - and not one positive comment about the actual content. How surprising ... 😒
However l agree munitions looted should be multiples of 5 or 10, not 5%.

@Harlems369th you mention the library will be usable while upgrading, does this mean, perchance, that maxed libraries are getting new chapters?? 🤞

Anyway, thanks for the new stuff.
5% is crazy, it will really suck, it will discourage purchasing materials and finally:
ok, this game has become very complex with each update and buildings are taking longer and longer to level up/age.

I'm in the space age and I'm nervous about updating my buildings because it takes more than 10 days. There are things that literally take 1 year to maximize/complete. My game has been attacking players, gathering resources and preparing for world war with my clan and friends. The game unfortunately closes a very large door for newbies, although in the reddit community I have seen more and more newbies. I loved the option of being able to continue using a building while it is being used, and I believe that in the future this feature will be implemented for the fort and the mercenary camp. But I miss a graphical analysis option in the game, where clicking on the currency, oil and food symbol would open a small graph showing the percentage of resources generated, when gold is generated which benefits and bonuses are active there that generate more resources. and etc. And I don't know if it's even possible to dream of one day seeing a battleship in a boom beat style game and a submarine as troops and even a new hero.

And it would be cool to have a way to trade resources such as oil, food, gold with other players, perhaps only with members of our alliance so as not to break the game's economy.
My Man, from your keyboard to the Dominations Overlord’s ears !! You preach brother, you preach !! Amen and I seconds the motion on all of this !!
The PC version is broken after the mobile update. I think it hasn't been updated yet!?
Same problem, on windows edge, firefox and chrome. The program starts to load, but stays on the launch screen forever.

Yes, i have reported it to customer service with additional configuration information. But if more of us note the problem, they might be more motivated to fix it sooner.
Material looting is great. however will it be in multiples of ten or as shown in the screenshot above? Anything less than 10 is going to be annoying
Raiding will bring in odd numbers of resources b/c 5% doesn't always yield even multiples of 10. So we'll build up to groups of 10 as we raid. No big deal
There's nothing wrong making suggestion for improvement even at first glance. You're almost 60 and I see nothing wrong with the grumpy attitude. Respect my suggestion and I'll respect your grumpiness. "Reality bites" I know. But your not alone, I'm almost there. Let's get grumpy together. Fair enough?
I wasn't disrespecting your suggestion, I was annoyed with it. They made an improvement and all people can do is complain or ask for something else. Maybe the ones thankful for what they're getting have chosen to be silently thankful ... 😄
Yes, I am one of the silently thankful. Looting manufactory materials is an important and welcome change. I’ll even suspend my ocd objections to the fractional nature of the looted materials!
I wasn't disrespecting your suggestion, I was annoyed with it. They made an improvement and all people can do is complain or ask for something else. Maybe the ones thankful for what they're getting have chosen to be silently thankful ...
"Please make font size bigger" is the exact word for my suggestion as it is legit and literally an eyesore. If you only care to see Obstruction Transmitter munition you'll understand why. Even with the improvement there's still room for an improvement. If you find my suggestion annoying then I have nothing to say to the King Old Grumpyson.