• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

DomiNations Allied Front! v5.7 Update Notes


Approved user
Nov 14, 2016
Okay, so I was just a bit confused on how alliance experience works. We just won the world war and it said we got at least 50exp for winning the war, but on the right hand side when I started a new world war, it still shows 0exp. I also thought we got every other way including the 40, and 60 percent wins during the war, but it did not show a check mark next to the objective. If someone can help me understand this.. be appreciated. Thanks a bunch.


Approved user
Dec 22, 2016
Unless I have maxed atomic defenses that are actually effective (and I've even seen where those aren't) I should just shut up? Riiiiiight. Consider me humbled.


Approved user
Jan 24, 2016
TinSoldier Thank you and your team for all the hard work in the updates! I am really liking Friendly Challenges and the new coalition in the embassy was my suggestion from Twitter. YAY! :)
I noticed the traps are still not showing upgraded versions in the Upgrade Window.

For future updates: I would like to see war replays come back. I would like there to be a way for us to donate food and gold (not oil) to promoted members of our alliance. And I stress "promoted" because we don't want players joining our alliance just to use us for resources and then leave/get kicked for not being active/missing war. I said no oil only because oil is still kind of hard to accumulate.

Oh yes, and there could be donator levels in which players get rewarded with crowns/free upgrade speed ups when they achieve a higher level of donations. This will give all players an incentive to donate resources.

Maybe a new storage building that could hold more donated resources with upgrades? Or perhaps the alliance gate can be made to hold donated resources instead of making a new building?

A good idea for a future event would be an oil well building that continuously flows a large amount of oil for a week (for gunpowder and lower levels instead of oil it will give gold if they choose to activate the building before enlightenment age).

In order to get the oil building, players would have to destroy a number of oil refineries (not wells) in mp or war. Gunpowder and lower-aged players would have to destroy a number of town centers. Of course, Enlightenment ages would be required to destroy a much lower number of oil refineries than higher ages. The different event stages that players win would grant gold to lower than Enlightenment Age and oil to Enlightenment and higher.
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Approved user
Jan 24, 2016
With all due respect for my country, I thought that was comical because it is a cartoon flag in a game. Is the U.S. government and law really going to look at a tiny animated flag in a game and fine BIGHUGE for incorrectly hanging a cartoon flag in a mobile game?! There are much bigger Russian fish to fry! But hey! DomiNations has always been known for historical accuracy and great attention to details. I mean minus the time-traveling troops, minor details like Generals of Antiquity riding around in tanks! LOL!


Approved user
Jun 13, 2017
So TinSoldier. I got question about a perk I see. So this Alliance perk that upgrade your troops to industrial and later global age. So does cost of upgrade and troop space still applie. I know a knight is I think 7 troop spaces while the upgrade tank is 10. While a classic age ballist is way cheaper then a industrial age artillery. So my question is when I donate a knight as a enlightenment age and it gets turned into a global mid tank. Am I going to see that knight take up 10 spaces and will I get charged the rest of what it cost to make it a global age.
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Approved user
Jul 28, 2015
Worst uodate ever! So many FCs, so many bugs! And what is this nearly 100% cpu usage, even on static screens, are you cryptomining on OUR devices?!?! Fix the app or so many will leave!


Approved user
Nov 14, 2016
Nvm, I guess cuz we were already in a world war, and then the update came, it didn't start until after the new world war start. Thanks


Approved user
Jan 17, 2017
We can't use the rubies with Marco Polo for the second straight appearance and we can't even see where they are stored or thr amount we Hafter they leave the Command Post. What is going on!?


Approved user
Jun 1, 2016
For bomber to be balance, think it should be reduced in air troop space to 1 (instead of 2) and training time to 30 mins (instead of 1hr)


Approved user
Jun 13, 2017
I have got to do disagree with you. Bombers are already being used to raid oil fields . If you did not have to worry about the two Sams that are currently the biggest deterent. People would lose alot more oil to this cheap tactic. you would see alot more of only going in with 4 bombers. So the only way they could possibly change the troop space is to make them insanely expensive oil cost. Currentry I am Unaware of the oil cost per bomber. But I have to figuer it around 3-500 oil ea right now. So in order to deter peple from using that cheap tactic, the oil cost would have to go up to at least 1k ea... if not 1.5k oil so that the cost of that tactic balances what you could steal. You lose 2 bomber at 1.5k ea. That is 3k and that is the most I have ever seen on any map I have raided.


Approved user
Jun 1, 2016
@Xenno: bombers are very fragile with towers, air defenses, SAMs, etc. I rarely see someone who steal oil with bomber bcos it wl cost 1 hour to retrain.
@Nexon: in addition to above suggestion for balance, pls also consider to 50% damage deduction by SAM to bomber as well.
I really love this air troop but have not used so far bcos it wl die so quickly.


Approved user
Jun 1, 2016
Please also consider 50% damage deduction by SAM to Bomber; then i think there wl be more ppl using this air troop. 1 SAM lv3 can easily kill Bomber mk4 (not incl threats from towers, air defenses).


Approved user
Jun 1, 2016
I'm talking about these air troop
"I also saw the question come up about what counts as a 'Bomber'. The planes that are receiving the buff are:
Zeppelin (Mk1 -Mk3)
Airship (Mk1 - Mk3)
Bomber (Mk1 - Mk6)
Heavy Bomber (Mk1 - Mk6)"


Approved user
Dec 6, 2015
I just spent over a month playing Final Fantasy to earn 6300 crowns. Well now that I have completed that task I cant get my crowns. With 5.7 update they changed to Ironsource from Fyber. Why wouldnt that have been in the update notes?


New member
Jun 4, 2017
You still should be able to earn your reward for completing old tasks. If your rewards haven't appeared after 24 hours, please contact Customer Service.