• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Status of chat repair


New member
Jun 4, 2017
*** UPDATE ***

Monday, June 11th, 2018 - We have added an new fix to chat to prevent old messages from bubbling up to the top of the thread. While it is far from a flawless system, chat should now be back to the same level of functionality now on the new system. We will continue to monitor this closely for any lingering bugs and issues.

Thank you again for all of your patience as we worked through this to update our chat system.


Earlier in May we rolled out a new chat backend system in Dominations in the hopes of fixing a number of long standing Alliance chat bugs and provide greater stability and performance in chat.

Unfortunately, as players reported--and we see in our errors logs--the update came with its own set of bugs and issues. Since the roll out, we’ve been debugging errors and deploying fixes as quickly as possible, and we know we still have more to do to get Alliance chat and all the supported chat features back into a reliable, steady state. Here’s what we’re working on now:
  • Some player names displaying incorrectly
  • Unable to donate troops
  • incorrect donation cap or able to see negative numbers for troop donations
In order to create better transparency and let you know where we’re at with fixes, we will update this thread going forward with any chat changes. We know that requesting donations and communicating with Alliance members during this time has been more difficult than usual, and we thank you for your patience as we take the necessary time to ensure making the right fixes for Alliance chat.

On a more more personal note, I'd like to thank Hobbit Zombies, Illuminaughty, and RABBITT EMPIRE for allowing me to pop in and out of their Alliances over the past week as we look at new fixes.

In non-chat related news, the newest DomiNations update is available! The ‘Treasures of the World’ update contains the Museum and a number of bug fixes and improvements! (You can read more about it here.) Updating DomiNations will not interfere with (or fix) Alliance chat.

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Peaced Off

Approved user
Feb 24, 2018
Status of chat repair :
still 100% unusable
cannot donate request or chat
allies unavailable for war
allies leaving game
alliance ruined
game ruined

this is not a “troll” or an “insult” , just the facts, so stop deleting these posts.


Approved user
May 20, 2017
Status of chat repair :
allies leaving game
alliance ruined
game ruined

We have some player that stop play the game for this problem .... i hope the solution will be very fast to not lose other player... every day that the problem persist nexon lose more business.


Approved user
Apr 23, 2016
I can not communicate with my alliance at all... I see another alliances chat... I cannot receive war troops so cannot war ... I have so many friends in the same situation. Like me they are barely bothering with game. I have found a new game to replace this with. Others are doing the same. I was desperate for this to be fixed but feel like nexon has zero care factor.


Approved user
May 19, 2016
I've personally been extremely lucky in that this hasn't affected any of my accounts (yet), but it has affected many of our allies' accounts, some of whom are our most important players. They are effectively out of our alliance until fixed, and we can't war effectively without them. Our only means of communication at this point is Line, and I know that this has been very frustrating for them.

This is a game-breaking bug. I am simply amazed that Nexon isn't working around the clock to fix it. People will leave the game if it isn't fixed VERY soon (some are already).


Approved user
Nov 27, 2016
True to form chat was working fine before so Nexon breaks it with new software and new chat server. Then takes their sweet time cleaning up the mess.

I really do hope a massive amount of players permanently quite playing the game. It'll kick Nexon squaw in da @ds.....Roshambo style.


Approved user
Jun 12, 2015
I was seeing the chat of my previous alliance, where I have friends.
i came back there, and asked to be kicked.
Stay out for the night and in the morning came back to my alliance. Chat and donation worked.
I don't know if the kicking or the night made the difference


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
I went to spy on our war opponents about a week ago and I have been seeing their chat about ever since. Until today, when I went to spy on our current opponents and was kicked. Now I am seeing their chat. So maybe if I hop enough alliances I will see the correct messages


Approved user
Jun 12, 2015
What's the sense of this sticky thread?
It's being created 3 days ago, but never updated with official words.
Could we please have an update, or any sign that you're working on the issue.
Tomorrow it will be two weeks since it started.
You mentioned the option of possible wiping of the chat, but nothing happened.
Please do something, wipe the alliance chat, restart the system, take it down for maintenance.
My account succeeded in having chat restored, but the procedure I followed didn't work for others.
Is there any official workaround that you can advise?
Can customer service fix individual issue or should we stop bothering them?

Please break out this silence.


Approved user
Apr 23, 2016
I did this sequence twice... first time no luck... second time I am free

left my alliance
joined an alliance I have never been to
requested troops
stayed a couple hours
uninstalled game
reinstalled game
waited a couple hours
joined another alliance I have never been to
requested troops
stayed a couple hours
unistalled game
reinstalled game
waited a couple hours
went home

extreme I know but I was getting desperate