• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Status of chat repair


New member
Jun 4, 2017
*** UPDATE ***

Monday, June 11th, 2018 - We have added an new fix to chat to prevent old messages from bubbling up to the top of the thread. While it is far from a flawless system, chat should now be back to the same level of functionality now on the new system. We will continue to monitor this closely for any lingering bugs and issues.

Thank you again for all of your patience as we worked through this to update our chat system.


Earlier in May we rolled out a new chat backend system in Dominations in the hopes of fixing a number of long standing Alliance chat bugs and provide greater stability and performance in chat.

Unfortunately, as players reported--and we see in our errors logs--the update came with its own set of bugs and issues. Since the roll out, we’ve been debugging errors and deploying fixes as quickly as possible, and we know we still have more to do to get Alliance chat and all the supported chat features back into a reliable, steady state. Here’s what we’re working on now:
  • Some player names displaying incorrectly
  • Unable to donate troops
  • incorrect donation cap or able to see negative numbers for troop donations
In order to create better transparency and let you know where we’re at with fixes, we will update this thread going forward with any chat changes. We know that requesting donations and communicating with Alliance members during this time has been more difficult than usual, and we thank you for your patience as we take the necessary time to ensure making the right fixes for Alliance chat.

On a more more personal note, I'd like to thank Hobbit Zombies, Illuminaughty, and RABBITT EMPIRE for allowing me to pop in and out of their Alliances over the past week as we look at new fixes.

In non-chat related news, the newest DomiNations update is available! The ‘Treasures of the World’ update contains the Museum and a number of bug fixes and improvements! (You can read more about it here.) Updating DomiNations will not interfere with (or fix) Alliance chat.

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Approved user
Mar 1, 2018
Game is dying with so many options available few loyal to this game exist i have seen many cwa players are leaving and would be terribly disappointed if after so much efforts time and money the game has to die15 days is a huge time frame for a bug. Nexon has to repair it and give huge compensation for the inconvenience to every player if the game has to be saved atleast that will keep players motivated to stay

Peaced Off

Approved user
Feb 24, 2018
I have tried every combination and permutation imaginable. Nothing works. This game is being purposefully killed. Long story short: Nexon have been busy readying the cuirass sale (museum). Not only does the museum make a mockery of the University (months to get Uni bonuses that can be negated by moments in the museum) but they now kill Dock offers AND kill Kingdom League bonuses at the same time. I’m used to getting spies and oil. Now I get 1 NTG or food/gold. This game has jumped the shark. Nexon killed a great BHG.


New member
May 18, 2018
Can we please get an update? I’m going on over 2 weeks of this and cant’ even play the game, alliance thinks i just ignore them and leave and come back multiple times a day like i’m Crazy


Approved user
May 20, 2017
I did this sequence twice... first time no luck... second time I am free

left my alliance
joined an alliance I have never been to
requested troops
stayed a couple hours
uninstalled game
reinstalled game
waited a couple hours
joined another alliance I have never been to
requested troops
stayed a couple hours
unistalled game
reinstalled game
waited a couple hours
went home

extreme I know but I was getting desperate

If the fix is left from alleance and unistalled game and reinstalled game i think the problem is related to the "memory" of your account about the alleance... Nexon can you delete temporary all the chat memory from all the player and all should be normal (until a player exit and move to other allenace) This is no a fix but a workaround but you help all player that have this problem from 13 days ....

Please check this workaround during you try to found the final solution.



New member
May 18, 2018
Ya hace aproximadamente una semana que estoy con este problema.
todo lo que escribo en el chat se borra, nadie me puede leer, no puedo recibir tropas, me tuve que ir ya de varias alianzas por ello.
las respuestas que me brindan del juego no me sirven para nada, solo con disculpas no logro nada, plantie la idea de una indemnizacion, es decir noaotros invertimos parte de nuestras vidas nuestro esfuerzo y tiempo en este juego y en este momento estamos perdiendo recursos, medallas, etc, y no son capaces de brindarnos una indemnizacion? Solo unas miseras cien coronas, deberian brindarnos alguna actualizacion al maximo en nuestra civilizacion, tener la bibliteca al 100%, o lo que sea, creo que es lo menos que podrian hacer, una compañia que gana millones de dolares con sus jugadores y no tiene ese simple gesto que no le cuesta nada? Habla muy mal de esta empresa, estoy pensando en dejar el juego ya que en un lugar donde no me siento comodo no me sirve estar, y esto ea una tomadura de pelo hacia todos nosotros, si es un problema que aun no lo pueden resolver, que pongan la cara y se hagan cargo de tal indemnizando a todos los afectados.


Approved user
May 20, 2017
Dears the problem persist and no update ...... our member tried extit, create a lot of new alleance, unistall game and reinstalll... some of our member unistall the game and not install anymore...

Please solve this problem and update us about the resolution status.

Juan M. Ferrer

Approved user
May 5, 2018
For how long do we have to wait for the fix? We can't recive troops, can't donate, can't chat (no comunication), practicly we are playing alone but with a tag that it says the name of our alliance. I have to use whatsapp to chat with my allies, and of course i can't go to war. Great.


Approved user
Apr 5, 2016
For me, my auto-suggest when typing is no longer visible. I'm using the Swype keyboard on Android (Note S8).

I restarted my phone, and it still doesn't work. auto-suggest works on all other apps.


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
I fixed my chat! As suggested by ChrisX in https://forum.nexonm.com/forum/nexo...it’s-friday-no-thanks-to-nexon-i-cured-myself
I’ve managed to fix chat issue. Here is what I’ve done: 1) Left my alliance
2) waited 20 minutes then went into open alliance I’ve never been before
3) stayed 20 minutes and left open alliance
4) waited 20 minutes and sent request to my alliance
5) once accepted in my alliance, chat was working ok

I didn't wait 20 minutes. I joined an alliance I had never been in, posted a message which others could see and was still there when I exited and restarted the game, then went back to my alliance.

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
I guess they have fixed this. After last update, when I used my router which was set to 3G connection I couldn't view alliance chat neither request troops. Then I turned off wifi and used my mobile data set to LTE, it worked right away. No need uninstalling or rejoining alliances.
Then yesterday I tried to use my router again, it worked. Still working fine so far.


Approved user
May 20, 2017
I solved yesterday :

left form alleance
create a new allenace (i see the old alleace chat in my new alleance)
lef and come back (donations and chat now work)

other member have problem with the previuos method and need:

left from the alleance
create a new allence (an not see the old chat)
play a multy , change langue some times until see the old chat
lef and come back (donations and chat now work)

But this is not a solution is a partially workaround, becouse some mebers have probelm for example not see the alleance message during the attack (the message is not stored and showed after attack) in other case the troops donated not arrived...

Please provide a final fix on this problem.


Approved user
Nov 27, 2016
Chat is completely down now. My team has confirmed on discord they are sending troop requests and typing messages but nothing is going through.

ffs if this is your way of killing the game then just come out with the statement you are shutting down the game.


New member
Jun 4, 2017
Sorry again for the long delay with this bug.

More changes have gone in today, so please have your Alliance check to see if they are still encountering chat issues. I'll also be hopping around a few Alliances today to check chat and Friendly Challenges.


New member
May 16, 2018
no matter which alliance go .. I am the only one who has chat and troop request issues, all others can write and request normal.
Uninstalled game several times & deleted cache, unfortunately in vain.
I have no idea anymore


Approved user
May 17, 2018
challenges take forever to update. Did 4-5 yesterday evening and could not see the results for many hours