• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Status of chat repair


New member
Jun 4, 2017
*** UPDATE ***

Monday, June 11th, 2018 - We have added an new fix to chat to prevent old messages from bubbling up to the top of the thread. While it is far from a flawless system, chat should now be back to the same level of functionality now on the new system. We will continue to monitor this closely for any lingering bugs and issues.

Thank you again for all of your patience as we worked through this to update our chat system.


Earlier in May we rolled out a new chat backend system in Dominations in the hopes of fixing a number of long standing Alliance chat bugs and provide greater stability and performance in chat.

Unfortunately, as players reported--and we see in our errors logs--the update came with its own set of bugs and issues. Since the roll out, we’ve been debugging errors and deploying fixes as quickly as possible, and we know we still have more to do to get Alliance chat and all the supported chat features back into a reliable, steady state. Here’s what we’re working on now:
  • Some player names displaying incorrectly
  • Unable to donate troops
  • incorrect donation cap or able to see negative numbers for troop donations
In order to create better transparency and let you know where we’re at with fixes, we will update this thread going forward with any chat changes. We know that requesting donations and communicating with Alliance members during this time has been more difficult than usual, and we thank you for your patience as we take the necessary time to ensure making the right fixes for Alliance chat.

On a more more personal note, I'd like to thank Hobbit Zombies, Illuminaughty, and RABBITT EMPIRE for allowing me to pop in and out of their Alliances over the past week as we look at new fixes.

In non-chat related news, the newest DomiNations update is available! The ‘Treasures of the World’ update contains the Museum and a number of bug fixes and improvements! (You can read more about it here.) Updating DomiNations will not interfere with (or fix) Alliance chat.

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Viscount Bolox

Approved user
May 23, 2018
TinSoldier your update has done nothing..... Well I say nothing I used to be able to donate to my alliance even tho I couldn't receive troops or chat but now even though I get charged to replace what I send it doesn't show up..... Smh !!

Surely the best thing to do is roll back the stupid chat update that caused all this it could have been resolved within a few hours rather than what weeks now ???? This surely can still be done or was no backup taken before this chat upgrade that tbh wasn't needed since chat worked fine as it was l!!!

What are nexus gonna do to "compensate" the players ??? We are losing wars, and regular fights because no alliance troops can be sent so RSS are down so are rubies.......

Juan M. Ferrer

Approved user
May 5, 2018
TinSoldier, sorry for bother you but, I still have the problem with the chat, I cannot read or write with my allies, of course I can't donate troops or recive them, what can i do? i don't want to uninstall the game, i'm afraid if i'll do that, gonna lose all the progress.


New member
May 24, 2018
No Title

Well I cannot figure out how to PM on this site but my accounts name is Goliath and my alliances name is Black Flag. The alliance will remain open with plenty of space for your administrator account. I'm having problems chatting and requesting since update. TinSoldier, I tend to spend too much time on this game so save my soul and help a fan out! Thanks for such a great game too btw, as this is the only app that has remained with me on every phone or tablet I've owned for two years since first discovered. Also the only game I spend money on since I enjoy the game so much! You rock Nexon!!! 0.o


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New member
Jun 4, 2017
Thank you for those who have written in or posted here with your names & Alliances. They have been passed to the dev team to fix.


Approved user
Nov 14, 2017
Thanks TinSoldier,

I've never had any problems with chat before. I have just one account. I stick to the same alliance. No hopping around.

But Dom chat has gone totally mental today. Keeps flashing up troop requests from about 10 players who have either left or been kicked in the past few weeks.

We can't donate to make the requests go away, because when we try it says they're already full. After a few minutes, the 10 players' troop requests disappear. And then they come back again a few minutes after that.

Is this an accidental bug that's resulted from today's repair??? What do you recommend??? Seems to be affecting everyone in the alliance...

Ullysees @shesastalker (don't ask lol, one of our girls and one of our boys, they're married now :) )

Bootney Lee Fonsworth

Approved user
Jan 12, 2018
My alliance, Drinking Class, is having the same issues with zombie friendly challenges, triple posts, requests from people no longer in the alliance. It is absurd that a fundamental portion of the game has remained broken for over three weeks now. It's a holiday weekend in the US. Let me guess, you appreciate our patience but there's no way this will be fixed before Tuesday at the earliest?


Approved user
Nov 27, 2016
Chat History Inconsistent

My main and my alt are are in the same alliance. My main has the current chat history. My alt's chat history only shows stuff from a week ago.

Both are on the same device with the horrible 6.3 release.

Chat is so far beyond broken I don't think Nexon even cares to try and fix it now.


Approved user
Jul 14, 2017
I second this.

Same Alliance. I've been typing stuff and it's like the chat is eating everything I say, as it disappears after a few seconds.

Yet the whole chat is filled with expired alliance friendly challenges.

Rogue Pirates.
Come Aboard.


Approved user
Jul 14, 2017
Guys, if a request could be made at all, I'd like if you lads could fix the issues rather than complicating the game with features we don't really need. It seems like after every update we get a ton of bugs that are just masked and issues that are swept under the rug by your marketing team.We dont need videos and streams of how great the game is. Please address these issues guys. The game was so cool and successful at the start without Marco polio or the museum or troops cards. I'm all for new features but not at the expense of ruining things that were fine to begin with.



Approved user
Nov 27, 2016
Nexon is clueless as how to fix it. One moment I have a current chat history then as soon as I request troops I get chat history only from a week ago. Then I have to log off and log back on to get current chat restored. ARE U F'IN KIDDING ME?

This is how Nexon is silently killing the game.


Approved user
Apr 14, 2017
Did the latest update yesterday and now chat is an complete train wreck. We’ve just had posts pop up from nine days ago. Starting to think it’s time to move the chat to another platform and just use the in game chat for donations (assuming they sort out the bugs with that)

Lady Di

Approved user
May 25, 2018
The old challenges that are filling up the chat make it impossible to communicate! We should not be seeing 4, 5, 6 day old friendly challenges at the top of our chat crowding out any messages or troop requests! Please fix this!