• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Status of chat repair


New member
Jun 4, 2017
*** UPDATE ***

Monday, June 11th, 2018 - We have added an new fix to chat to prevent old messages from bubbling up to the top of the thread. While it is far from a flawless system, chat should now be back to the same level of functionality now on the new system. We will continue to monitor this closely for any lingering bugs and issues.

Thank you again for all of your patience as we worked through this to update our chat system.


Earlier in May we rolled out a new chat backend system in Dominations in the hopes of fixing a number of long standing Alliance chat bugs and provide greater stability and performance in chat.

Unfortunately, as players reported--and we see in our errors logs--the update came with its own set of bugs and issues. Since the roll out, we’ve been debugging errors and deploying fixes as quickly as possible, and we know we still have more to do to get Alliance chat and all the supported chat features back into a reliable, steady state. Here’s what we’re working on now:
  • Some player names displaying incorrectly
  • Unable to donate troops
  • incorrect donation cap or able to see negative numbers for troop donations
In order to create better transparency and let you know where we’re at with fixes, we will update this thread going forward with any chat changes. We know that requesting donations and communicating with Alliance members during this time has been more difficult than usual, and we thank you for your patience as we take the necessary time to ensure making the right fixes for Alliance chat.

On a more more personal note, I'd like to thank Hobbit Zombies, Illuminaughty, and RABBITT EMPIRE for allowing me to pop in and out of their Alliances over the past week as we look at new fixes.

In non-chat related news, the newest DomiNations update is available! The ‘Treasures of the World’ update contains the Museum and a number of bug fixes and improvements! (You can read more about it here.) Updating DomiNations will not interfere with (or fix) Alliance chat.

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Approved user
Jun 20, 2018
I still can't chat or donate. Anything to do with chat is still broken for me and has been from the day I downloaded this game I need a fix soon


Approved user
Jul 4, 2018
Ohne chat sind spenden, weltkriege etc mühsam bis unmöglich. So ein problem sollte a) nie auftreten, b) schmellstens gelöst werden (vorversion oder update), c) via offizieller nachricht ausführlich kommuniziert werden.
lg asselix/leberwurst


Approved user
May 26, 2018
Another chat bug for you:

Post a troop request, mine is for 18 troops.
Have it partially filled (3 troops for example).
Now 15 troop space is still available to fill in chat.
Make an attack and use the 3 troops.
The chat still shows 15 troop space available to fill from the previous request.
Post a new request, which should go in for 18 troops (at this point you have 0 because of the last battle).
A request for only 15 will be posted if the previously partially filled request is still there.


New member
Jun 4, 2017
The newest update contained some additional chat bug fixes that needed to be done after an update. Please let us and the Customer Service team know if there is any ongoing chat weirdness after this week's update.
