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Should you defend your TC?


Apr 9, 2015
So your main goal is what? Saving medals now? I think that even lvl8 walls and resources in sections may save you some extra, 1/3 of losses easily.


Approved user
Jun 6, 2015
It's so funny people ask this.
The answer is NO!!!
the progression is very long and hard,and it's easier to raid with fewer medals.
So??? What should you protect? Your TC? NO!! Your resources!!! It's so obvious...


Approved user
May 19, 2015
It's so funny people ask this.
The answer is NO!!!
the progression is very long and hard,and it's easier to raid with fewer medals.
So??? What should you protect? Your TC? NO!! Your resources!!! It's so obvious...

I don't protect my TC but not because i want fewer medals. Raiding at higher leagues is more fun and challenging, not everyone wants easy.
Plus the battle bonus helps a lot, i was still at gunpowder and getting 40K gold and 40K food per battle which is great.


Approved user
Apr 8, 2015
In gunpowder i was trolling at 200 medal range squeeking out 20k gold average per battle using overpowered cav to steamroll weak bases while losing 1-3cav a battle. Not sure what id do if started over fight normal? Yeah right.


Approved user
May 19, 2015
come on dbukalski don't be sarcastic and learn from the expert.. It's so obvious!!!

Hunter Killer

Approved user
Aug 14, 2015
This is a really interesting topic I've been reading for a few days and testing on my own.

So far I find that exposed TC is better for both resources protection and medal protection. I get attacked as soon as I log off (around 1800 medals at the moment). They usually take my TC and I lose 1 medal for an 8 hours peace treaty. Resources are behind walls and left untouched. Think that most people chasing medals at that level or higher are on training blessing and don't want to waste 3 mins in one battle if they can avoid it. And not everyone is French so they still need 3-5 mins to rebuild a full army if they can't take down all defenses.

I agree the point is really to not get 5-starred by that max industrial army and lose all resources and max medals. And for that, having an exposed TC seems to keep that probability pretty low. I'm seeing people in my alliance with exposed TC at 2800 medals so this seems to work quite consistently.

I used to put traps in front of the TC but with attackers disconnecting if they lose, there is no point. When I check my only defeat replay, I see all my traps are already popped out so they didn't stop the attacker who actually took the win. Then I'm losing 50k gold just to reset the traps. So in the end, I just give away the TC with no protection at all. It just makes more sense in the current game.

Eddie F1

Approved user
Aug 6, 2015
Pretty much to my setup, but I'll move my traps, especially ambush traps, they do slow invaders up, but having to cough up 22-50k to reset is tiresome.


Apr 9, 2015
Yes, with this disconnect factor and triggered traps, exposed TC may be a better option, indeed. I haven't considered it before, but I am still doing fine with semi-defended TC actually.


Apr 9, 2015
Okay, so this 'close app' bug is a game changer. I just lost 7k oil on ghost attack having my traps triggered for the next one and no peace treaty. The only solution is totally unprotected TC, so someone will take it instead of your resources.


Approved user
Apr 14, 2015
That is part of the reason I made a open building base. No ghost attacks. The other reason is max road bonus and not caring about traps.


Apr 9, 2015
There are pros and cons, but having this bug which is a must at higher medals turns it to the one option only, again taking tactics and variety away. I need to rebuild my base.


Approved user
Apr 8, 2015
"Yes, with this disconnect factor and triggered traps, exposed TC may be a better option, indeed. I haven't considered it before, but I am still doing fine with semi-defended TC actually."

Yeah u can do fine doing many things in the game. But theres always the "one" optimal way to do things. Thats what im about. When u see me doing something u should just copy it and figure out the why later.

Grudgingly following in my footsteps one step at a time is just slowing u down. French, raiders, exposed tc
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Apr 9, 2015
I do not hurry anywhere and actually 'ghost attacks' started happening more at higher medals. I have my own way of doing things understanding my own decisions. Your role is to entertain me on this forum )))

Eddie F1

Approved user
Aug 6, 2015
Redgar : You popped up while I was "Nexting" - little gold & 300k food, not a raider friendly base, so I passed on to easier pastures.

Only odd thing is you were worth 27 medals for a win, 19 for a loss, which as 90% of the bases I see/attack are worth 1-5, was a temptation. I am still at ~1750 medals, have you moved up?

Eddie F1

Approved user
Aug 6, 2015
No, there is one optimal way to achieve your personal ambitions.

Take a road trip along Route 66, some folk will to go from A-B as fast as possible in a Ferrari, some savour the journey and stop at every Mom & Pop diner along the way, riding a Harley.

Each to his own with this game and for the most part, it works.


Approved user
Apr 8, 2015
Huh, my role on this forum is to entertain me too. from now on im calling u mini me.

Hunter Killer

Approved user
Aug 14, 2015
Thinking about this, there must be a medal range where it starts to be optimal to protect the TC.

Imagine you're the top player with 3500 medals. If you don't protect it, you are sure to lose a lot as soon as you log off given you can only be attacked by lower ranked players.

If you protect it, you have a chance of going a few days without losing medals, at least not drop medals consistently all the time but only from time to time.


Approved user
Apr 8, 2015
There might be an optimal medal vs defense strength range where defending tc is best. Its not just about medals. Maybe 200 medal maxed out industrial player with no resources might not get attacked immediately when logging off. But then maybe someone deploys infantry in a 360 around the base and gets 50% win. For sure at 3500 medals, at 2800 medals. If ur a maxed out industrial as soon as u log off ur getting attcked. I know because im fighting those 3500 medal players and im getting no opponent available. As soon as an opponent becomes available hes getting jumped on by me or someone else immediately. And if the tc is protected then his defense is weakened and if hes defending tc + resourves then his defense is weakened even further. Ur trading one thing for another. This is all coming from a not maxed out player. And im not a medal chaser. I play at the medal range thats the most gold/hr. Medal chasing will come later. If the best gold was at 200 medals thats where id be. It so happens that best gold is around 2800medals. As a not maxed out player my # 1 priority is protecting gold and trade goods. The best defense i can put together for my gold is exposed tc. Because it means most players pop my tc and leave. It also means my walls and defense buildings are optimized for gold defense. Pushing the tc into the walls weakens the overall defense. It also forces opponents to tear thru all my buildings including gold to get at my tc. So what is currently 90% tc only kills, and 5% failed full on attacks(they die about halfway thru my base). Meaning only 5% full wipes with my gold being taken. Becomes 100% gold storage losses


Approved user
Apr 8, 2015
No Title

My defense log is wall to wall 1-2 star losses. I had to go back 2 weeks to find a full wipe that got my gold. 2 weeks without my gold raided. Just 2-14k gold. I saw a couple 74k losses so they partially got one of my storage with blimps, demolition tactics, or put everything they had into one of my gold cells. In those 2 weeks there were many full blown attacks using tactics and generals that died halfway thru my defenses. Or more embarrassingly entire armies die at my first cell. I have a solid 2 mos worth of defense upgrades to catch up on and then my defense will be a fully operational deathstar. I still have lvl1 garrisons, catapulys, towers. I have industrial age balista tower and tank defender that are in my construction defender window. When im maxed out defense ill experiment with protected tc. I been taking screenshots of defenses i like along the months of playing. I have ideas of my own for when its time to go pure medals. But for now im confident exposed tc is best for gold storage. And u cant get much better than 2 weeks of 1-2 star losses


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