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Should you defend your TC?

Hunter Killer

Approved user
Aug 14, 2015
@hunterkiller - im only in it for the gold. Today i burned 70ish medals purposefully losing battles to stay in the 2950 range. I attacked carlos, and many like him because i get 150k gold league bonus + 10 or 20k for all gold resources destroyed if i managed that in his case. Ive never had a battle where i got 60 gold...so im assuming he meant 60k....that puts the total around 220k gold. But even without. Ill attack anyone for a quick 150k

Ok, so when I talk about farming gold myself, I don't include the league bonus, that's just extra. When I loot gold, I'm going for the bases that have 300k of gold in storage/caravans/roads and try to steal that. Then I get he league bonus on top, currently 55k for me so not as much as I would get from raiding the base itself.

But now that gives me more reasons to go higher in medals then. Afterwards, I won't have to keep skipping bases because there's not enough gold to steal and will just rely on the league bonus! :)

Hunter Killer

Approved user
Aug 14, 2015
Sell, a couple of days ago i 5 starred a hunter killer, with exposed tc. And while checking the somewhat familiar name out i uncharactrristically timed out of the game, to see a d ukLski having to resoet to protect and gatlings to take tc, and using alliance troops to try, and fail, to take the last market. Make it look inviting and fairly easy, but not too easy i say

Yep I only lost 3 medals on that 5-stars defeat for a 16h peace treaty so we're cool :)

Why not stop at 2-stars with just the exposed TC down? Add some insights to the debate.


Apr 9, 2015
Hey dbuk, so have you found a good use for zeppelins in your raiders combo? Or it's just fun unit? And how much upgrade costs?

Eddie F1

Approved user
Aug 6, 2015
League bonuses count alot too at that level, just hit & run the first base you see.


Approved user
Apr 8, 2015
Yeah I'm not that advanced yet, I still use the raiders on horses (3 days left until the motorcycles). My wall miners are GP level because I didn't used them before so didn't upgrade. I have to send the whole army otherwise, they just get cut in half before they even reach the walls... Anyway, I'll get to your optimum numbers at one point when I have better units. What exactly is the purpose of the 1 infantry in that setup by the way?

With respect to a 5-star defeat, I think anyone who can wipe out a whole base will do it just for the diamond. I know I would do it if I could, even if the TC is exposed. I wouldn't just stop at 2 stars and leave if the base was really easy to clean, which is the case of mine vs IA army.

And yes in that 1 star defeat, I lost 100k gold but saved 7 medals which is like 20 minutes of my life :). I get 100k back with 2 wins from league rewards so I'm still better off from my perspective in terms of time spent to catch up what I will lose as soon as I log off.

Yeah if regaining lost medals is a concern then i could see how saving gold could be secondary concern. And from what ur describing i see why it takes the entire army. The 1 infantry is to bait the defenders away from the tc clearing the path for ur raiders

Danix den Andre

Approved user
May 27, 2015
Yep I only lost 3 medals on that 5-stars defeat for a 16h peace treaty so we're cool :)

Why not stop at 2-stars with just the exposed TC down? Add some insights to the debate.
A two star would have meant 1 instead of 3 medals, and I had to get at the oil :) and of course the diamond.


Approved user
Apr 8, 2015
Hey dbuk, so have you found a good use for zeppelins in your raiders combo? Or it's just fun unit? And how much upgrade costs?

Cant remember upgrade cost. And yes the zeppelin and regular planes are amazing. But since im not 5 starring bases everything dies at the end of battle so i can only use it 1 an hour. I use zeppelin to hit solated gold storage i wasnt able to get to with my troops or pop an fc thats well defended. Or clear out mortar/redoubt thats gonna be a problem on a tough base. So ince an hour it plays a key role in gaining 100k gold or 150k league bonus. Which may not sound like much. But tactics are once an hour. And mercenaries are once an hour. And coloseum brandenburg gate are once a day. Reinforcements are every 20 minutes. Then when u use these in succession but conservatively. Ur able to turn 30% of ur battles from near misses(missed gold storage or failed win) into full successes. So zeppelin is a valuable tool in my gold grinding. The planes becomes much more valuable if u start 5 starring destroying all defensea and can reuse them though.


Apr 9, 2015
That was useful info. You can do it when you want it ;) i hope research cost was less than 120k oil.

So the question is should we sacrifice some army places while it's building, raiding a bit less and then saving it while you attack weaker bases?

E.g. How many, 15 places it takes to build? So if you build it while you raid it makes your barracks back to EA, ~10% less. Let's say it will bring you just 5% less loot, caz league reward is still there.

Lets's say you do 4m/hour, -5% = minus 200k gold for playing while that babe is built. May be it will help you to recover that on one big base, may be save you some medals instead of close app, which we shouldn't consider of course. So in general, it's definitely not angame changer for raiding army, but we may need aircrafts very soon ;)


Approved user
Apr 8, 2015
Planes dont use army space. They have their own 2 slots(2 planes or 1 zeppelin:....or next airfield upgrade wi be 3 slots so 1 zeppelin and 1 plans is probably my prefered). So planes are pure profit. Their not like factory units which take army space. U have my permission to get excited about having planes destroy defenders for ur 5 star army :) i tried it out They do an amazing job. Basically removing the need for anti defender troops. Too bad they dont kill generals as well as they kill tanks and infantry
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Apr 9, 2015
Hmm... That's interesting and good to know, dbuk since I've put my lvl2airport upgrade right after the building was finished, so I missed that. It may be more 'game changing' than I thought before. If you wouldn't deliver this, I would say to put your permission in your ***, but I won't say that. It's Not polite. :)

I've seen how planes work, they are good, indeed and may have big influence on the game from nations balance to army comps and wonder selection.

Btw, My single anti-air has already 3 zeppelins kills lol )))

The Huns

Approved user
Aug 14, 2015
Is there some king of guide for what medal level is good for farming for what player level? I'm way back at level 52 (MA) with 1160 medals and the bases I get offered are way to high level. I get maybe 50k gold and 50k food per battle, and it takes 2500 gold worth of skips and 20k worth of food for army rebuild. I do manage to get enough to keep all my upgrades constantly going, but am wondering if it might make sense to drop to 800 medals or so.

EDIT: I should mention that most of the bases I get offered are GA and 30-50 levels higher than I am.


Approved user
Aug 15, 2015
200-400 is the best medal level until you reach Enlightment Age. I got around 1M gold-1M food every hour farming with just raiders in Medieval and Gunpowder Age


Approved user
Apr 8, 2015
What carlos said except add...stay at 200 medals until u have training blessing. Because after u enter enlightenment u still need to upgrade the temple. Which should be the first thing u do


Approved user
Apr 8, 2015
Hmm... That's interesting and good to know, dbuk since I've put my lvl2airport upgrade right after the building was finished, so I missed that. It may be more 'game changing' than I thought before. If you wouldn't deliver this, I would say to put your permission in your ***, but I won't say that. It's Not polite. :)

I've seen how planes work, they are good, indeed and may have big influence on the game from nations balance to army comps and wonder selection.

Btw, My single anti-air has already 3 zeppelins kills lol )))

Suprisingly air defense is not that impressive a maxed out tower kills blimp faster. Which isnt to say air defense can be ignored.