It's a brilliant theory I've tried to do it several times but didn't work. Your opponent will realize your strategy and attack you from a safe place, and you don't have enough walls for a labyrinth on all sides. But if it works with you let us know. I'll maybe try it againSo TC in the centre, but use bits of wall only as guide paths, hopefully the AI will realise troops don't need to hack at walls and walk round over and past my carefully laid out traps and fields of fire. Spawning garrisons and stables will act as blockers in the narrow pathways, nobody makes it to the TC.
Its been a week straight where only my tc has been popped and my gold has been untouched. If i showed u my defense logs its wall to wall 15k gold stolen. In my book its an open and shut case. Exposed tc is hands down better for resource protection. Protecting medals i cant say because i wont be protecting medals until i have no use for gold which meanz i have maxed out defense. At which point i can experiment with tc protection setups. A week straight with only 2 star losses is solid for medal protection too. Could i stop quick victory star without giving up 50% destruction in the trade? Because right now people arent getting 50%. Maybe they dont want anything more than pop tc for league bonuses. If i protect my tc then i force them to burn through my base to get to the tc. So ill be trading 2 star(tc + quick victory) for 2 star (tc + 50%) or maybe 3 star (tc + 75%) and in the process theyll burn my gold storage which was in the way. All i know is my setup has been nearly perfect at protecting my gold at my medal range where league bonuses are big and people mostly care about medals and 1 medal is all theyll get whether they drop 10 troops and pop my tc or drop entire army and go for more. Ill reasses the best medal protection strategy when im at that point. When ive tested some ideas i have floating aroundAgain, it is a matter of many factors. TC may be outside, np, semi-defended with structures and traps. This is also some defense. I am just saying that completely not defended TC can make you loosing more resources on higher levels. Regarding medals it is a question what's more efficient defended TC or not, unless you're having really strong defense and walls
This is the one thing I dislike on this game. After all a TC is a town CENTER it should make no sense to have it outside the wall. But the fact is it' sur clearly a better option to have it unprotected below 1000 medals, where i'm raiding. And I hate that. If only loot lost could be factored on the peace treaty calculation, that would be a different story. And it would also solve the issue of those raiders spam stealing loot without without giving a protection in return (i've not answered the other thread, but it's clearly unbalanced from a game design perspective)