Recruit a Friend Reward Changes


Big Huge Moderator
Staff member
Apr 21, 2015
Greeting Leaders.

Yesterday we released the new Recruit a Friend feature and began rewarding players for inviting their friends to play DomiNations, but we quickly found that some players were excessively exploiting the rewards by making duplicate accounts. To keep the feature in the spirit of which it was designed, we are opting to change the rewards for future friend recruitment.

We will be updating these rewards later today, 1/8/21.
The new rewards will be as follows:
  • Reducing Crown reward tier from 14000 to 3000
  • Norden Bombsight replaced with the Diamond Mine
  • Reducing the number of Troop Chests
  • Reducing the number of Speed Ups
To players who have already started recruiting friends to DomiNations, rest assured that any friends with current progress on Recruit a Friend will still receive the old rewards. These changes will apply only to new recruits who start the reward track after the update goes live later today.


is this thing on?
Apr 18, 2018
It's for the best as it was getting out of hand. A good idea but nearly impossible to implement in this tech savvy world. Good luck and hope you find more ways to help the game grow as, despite the negative feedback and related jokes/memes many of us continue giving over the years, it's what we all want to happen.

Another way is to garner feedback because early age life is difficult, especially without a training blessing available from the start. So hopefully some experienced players stick with their new alts, or teach and discuss with their real friends, and determine improved early age strategies and offer suggestions. Ideally MP should not require alliance donations and/or remaining at 200 medals.
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Approved user
May 1, 2017
A diamond mine... seriously... the most worthless building that there is. No one wants to keep workers available to collect the diamonds when they can be busy doing something else. High level people are always maxed on diamonds and probably have hundreds of them in inventory and only use them to buy oil shipments most of the time. If you were going to take away the legendary artifact you could gave at least replaced it with a fortified strongpoint or a b-17 hangar or something decent. A damn diamond mine... wtf

B like Big Bug

Approved user
Sep 25, 2019
diamon mine and 3k crown for reaching gunpowder means a freind must play for long time.I say we have to support game every time.but sometimes i can't understand them.
at least you can let players try to get one Artifact and crown by recruiting a freind,then reduce gift.
I recommend developer ,a bit thinking befor trying any idea.
I do not bother my friends because of 3000 crowns.
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Approved user
Dec 6, 2019
First time I was interested into recruitment due to legendary and crown portion saying as it is. You might announced recruitment price reduction but I haven’t noticed, my fault. I though you finally reconsider the bond with faithful players. You had offered average legendary for bringing some sheeps into the game in order to increase your revenue. Now I don’t see any motivation for such a step. Diamond mine and crown reduction is just a slap into players face.

Are you trying to tell us TheWise that those players who have already connected recruitment feature with multiple accounts will receive original rewards? Am I missing something? Nice anticheating policy! Reduce for everybody or do not reduce anything!

You guys really believe in that what you are doing?

Good luck!
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is this thing on?
Apr 18, 2018
Except the point was to decrease its value, and what you suggest would instead increase it.


is this thing on?
Apr 18, 2018
Yes, but you requested a fortified strongpoint or hangar, which are preferred by most over the legendary's supplies. As such, you are requesting to increase the value when their goal was to decrease it.


Approved user
May 1, 2017
I would much rather have the legendary than any temporary building including the bazooka tower. I was being reasonable in saying if you are replacing the legendary with a building at least make it a decent building.