losing all troops if you're to get "complete destruction" victory


Approved user
Apr 24, 2015
I've experienced this the 3rd time already. It is such a frustrating bug.

you've destroyed all enemy defenses, bottom troops numbers became "green" = it's safe to retreat now you won't lose any troops.

you leave the game, but just at the same moment you've obtained "complete destruction" victory = all buildings destroyed... screen loads to your base without seeing the score... and VIOLA.. ALL YOUR TROOPS ARE GONE.

Devs, please investigate this. It is easy to replicate. Just withdraw (after destroyed defenses 100%) right about the moment when "complete destruction" heading triggers.. watch what happens to all your precious troops! Gone just like that!!! Please fix this bug!

you can't prevent your troops destroying all buildings.. sometimes you wanna leave the battle yet coincidentally they went and crush all the enemy buildings too. It's just too easy to trigger such a bug especially for players who don't care about medals!!