First world problems: What's a Cold War player to do?


Approved user
Nov 14, 2017
Guys & girls, yeah, I know this is a first world problem... but am looking for advice from other Cold War players...

I've been a steady player for about three years I guess, usually working on most of the events, to pick up interesting buildings, troops, accelerators...

Level 272. My Museum is not too shabby, and I can hold my own in MP or War.

Here's the thing. Right now, my walls are all maxed out (every wall & gate is L16). Most of my buildings are maxed. I've kept four workers rotating thru the last few markets, storehouse, etc, then I'll be done. All the Armory research is complete (except for Generals; I'm only at L30 there, so I've always got two Generals under research now). All the Library research is complete. Even the useless stuff.

Thing is, I'm now sitting on 265k oil, 15 million food, 14.5 million gold, all in storage (I guess I'll get that to 15 million once my last markets are done). Probably a whole lot more sitting around uncollected. Heck, if you find me in your league, come take some. You're welcome to it...

All my other workers are in the Uni.

So here's my problem: I've, uhm, got nothing worth doing right now. I logon once a day, to donate troops to my alliance, and start new uni research... if there are any workers free. But there's no point doing MP. I don't need the resources. And my alliance gate is already full of rubies, waiting for something actually worth buying with rubies.

So I war once a week, but only cause my alliance guys are cool.

What am I missing...? What do higher players do at this point in the game...?

Merry Christmas everyone :)


Approved user
May 17, 2018
some ideas would be:

- Concentrate on fragments for museum. Get your artifacts to level 50. Attack not for resources but for fragments.
- Play battles not in friendlies but normal MP out of the box. When I am bored, I just make whatever army composition I can think of and just attack. You never know how much fun you can find in that. Let me give you an example.....10 commandos, 4 MRL, 1 HT for silo, rest shooters. Opponents base becomes like a christmas tree with all that blowing up!!
- Teach allies what you know and others don't. Have them all attack same target and watch for mistakes.
- Make friendlies against 270+ bases and try to 5 star them in as much less time as possible. Record your progress and attack same bases each time.
- start an alternative account and do all the things that you didn't with your main. You have no idea how much fun that is now that you are an experienced dominator!
- Finetune your attacks as much as possible.

That's some that I thought just now. Hope that helps.

p.s. pls leave your resources outside so that we can take some load off you!! hehehe


Approved user
Sep 25, 2015
I think you might still have some work to do in terms of creating some great museum artefacts. This takes heaps of time and requires a bit of luck, plus the resources needed won't be that easy to come by.

Also, what league are you in? You might want to consider fine-tuning your base to the point where opponents struggle to claim even a one-star victory against you. I am of course assuming you are in the highest league... otherwise that in itself would be an obvious target.


Approved user
Nov 14, 2017
Thanks Wrathchild & Astero!

Yup those are great suggestions... Let me explain a little more...

I guess at level 272, I'm not a casual noob any more. Mostly I love strategy games. Figuring out the rock-paper-scissors, to give my army the edge over the other guy... I'll suck up the resource collection, so long as I'm using those resources to improve my tribe somehow... I'll put in the hours if there's a point to it, like raiding for resources to upgrade walls during a 50% off walls event.

I'll experiment with what's in front of me. To discover hidden advantages. I've been using bombers for the past two years, when nobody else did. Now with a maxed out cold war H-6 Xi'an, I can pick up 12,000-20,000 oil per attack. And usually I don't even need to send a fighter ahead, if I send two commandos ahead to blow up the opposition's anti-air defense guns first (sorry, spoiler alert, lol).

Anyone who reads my posts knows I've been trying to make MRLs work the way they're supposed to pretty much since they were introduced. With the last update, MRLs are getting there. I already use em in WW. Paired with your brilliant attack helo strategy, Wrathchild (thanks buddy!).

Sure, I could work up all of my artefacts to L50. But seriously? The return on effort isn't worth it. It costs 40 blueprints to take an artefact line from L1 to L2. Every player should do that for every artefact, without even thinking about it. But 2,000 blueprints to take an artefact from L8 to L9. We only receive 15 blueprints every time that we trash an artefact that we don't want. So every time that I trash 134 (yup, you read that right, one hundred and thirty four) artefacts, I earn enough blueprints to take a single line from one artefact from L8 to L9.

I can't remember what it costs to go from L9 to L10. I've done it for some of my cooler artefacts, but no way am I going to bother for everything.

I'm sure there are guys out there who have 80-100% bonuses on their heavy tanks, and that'd be nice. But having run the stats on the casino (oops, museum, I mean museum), I know my chances of rolling a single 11% bonus line are 2-5%. Per line. So times five lines for a full artefact, or 2-5% raised to the power of 5. I'm more likely to get hit by an asteroid. So I'll create my armies around the artefacts that fate gives me. But even then, I'm sitting with +50% all resources looted, +50% oil looted, +40% raiders, +40% missile silo, +20% bombers. I could have better. A whole lot better. But still it's not too shabby. I can build armies that I can win with.

Right now, I'm in Kingdom III. It's hard to get much lower because folks mostly zero me. Sorry guys, I know that sounds arrogant. But I just checked my defense log. I was gonna tell you how many consecutive attacks I've beaten off without losing any stars. And I can't say. Because the log only goes back 49 defenses. And every single one was a zero.

I kinda go up and down the League tables depending what the events are for that week. If it's a 'win stars' event, I'll rise up. If it's a 'raid resources' event, I'm happy to slip down. I've been upto Dynasty II. But after the changes, I don't see the point of going back up there. I feel a buzz when I win battles because my troop choices or my tactics were smarter. If I go back upto Dynasty, I reckon I'd need to use troop tactics, and I'm not gonna run a credit card for regular MP, no sir.

So the biggest thing that's keeping me in the game right now is my alliance. A seriously cool bunch of dudes and dudettes. We talk rubbish... cars, sports, food, beer, coffee, the usual... we donate each other... we war. So I donate the coolest CWA troop types. Especially to war bases, where they can make a massive impact across a whole team... We chat on Band, where our top players share base designs and tactics. And, yup, I've shown the guys some of the secrets to changing your base to go 49 defenses with no stars lost. It's easier than it sounds.

Maybe that explains better? I'm a strategy player looking for a strategy game to play. I've got enough going on in real life that I'm not planning on putting in the time to take all of my artefacts upto L50. I only own three that would be even worth considering that. But I've got those to L35 when they've been good enough.

I'll keep experimenting with new or changed troop types, and I'm always happy to learn from great masters like you Wrathchild, who see smarts I sometimes miss.

But I feel like I'm looking for something more... Uh oh! Armchair Generals is calling...


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Create an alt(s), use your experience to your advantage. :D
l created another one a few months ago and I'm currently at gunpowder. Just taking my time and enjoying it more this time.


Approved user
Jan 19, 2016
I had the exact same problem (maxed walls, nothing to do, perpetually full of oil, etc), what I did 1) ONLY research generals in the armory, choosing whichever upgrades cost the most oil, 2) fill my alliances's war bases with Armored Cars, even in wars where they are overkill, and 3) make sure to max my coalitions in every war so I have a reason to raid for NTGs (replenishing oil along the way). Even with doing all of these things, I still end up maxed in oil...but usually only for 24h, no more than 48h.

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
Is Medieval Age allowed to leave a comment?! 😆
I want to suggest to join small alliances, start donating expensive troops, share your knowledge with them too.
However don't opt in, you will weigh them a lot. (Unless you're patient enough to always hit rank 1 and 2 😄)


Approved user
Apr 14, 2016
i can see some goals for you from your posts

Kingdom III. It's hard to get much lower because folks mostly zero me.

go to a higher league and try defending against tougher attackers

I've been upto Dynasty II.

go to Dynastry 1

If I go back upto Dynasty, I reckon I'd need to use troop tactics,

go up and stay in dynasty without using troop tactics.

creating an alt others have mentioned already, but ill add that it really is fun. use a different composition from your main account. build a different defense than your main. take on the challenge of attacking and defending against more advanced foes again, which you probably dont get to do very often anymore with your lvl 272 in kingdom


Approved user
Sep 25, 2015
And, yup, I've shown the guys some of the secrets to changing your base to go 49 defenses with no stars lost. It's easier than it sounds.

Nice result. It might be at least somewhat of a challenge to put the base schematics to the test against Dynasty league players. I've seen some tough bases, and I skip through quite a few when raiding, but I rarely see a base that I couldn't star if I absolutely threw everything at it (which is feasible as the video instant-rebuild also handles mercs, though sadly no donations or troop tacs).

At the end of the day what you REALLY need is for the next Age to be introduced in the game. That alone will probably take 6 months to complete due to the long waiting times. Another thing that might help, albeit much less, is the introduction of more university research.


Approved user
May 17, 2018
hahha indeed! I had 2 medievals (level 80 both) for testing purposes in different nations but I rushed them. The first will go to industrial age soon, the other will stay enlightment. It is so much fun to gather loot in these ages


Approved user
Nov 14, 2017
Thanks NoAngel. Sure Medi era can always comment. We can learn from everybody, right? :)
Our alliance started small and we're one of the middle ones now, level 11, nearly 12.
If I'm in a war, I'll knock out the top two targets, to leave our other guys clear to 5* lower down.
I usually try to fill everybody's warbases with a mix of mk7s, armored cars and heavy RPGs.
Defense splash damage on the HTs and RPGs rocks, while a team of ACs are mean SOBs, lol.
Yes I could switch around between alliances, but these guys are awesome. Heck, they invited me to a wedding in Italy (glam!).
I'd leave Dom before I left the team...


Approved user
Nov 14, 2017
Thanks Phil, you're exactly the guy I need!! What do you do to play for kicks right now???
I'm only researching Gens in my Armory (everything else already maxed).
Taking a Gen from L34 to L35 only costs 150k oil... so bringing in 12-20k oil per attack (you gotta pick your targets) I can refill in seven attacks.
I always fill warbases with mk7s, heavy RPGs (both have splash damage in defense) and armored cars. Infantry chewers.
We find it's better to shake up war donations a lil, so the enemy can't be sure what's gonna rush out.
A couple of months ago, I started switching on 3 coalitions every war, otherwise my store was full and NTGs were wasting.
So I think I'm kinda there... but what now?


Approved user
Nov 14, 2017
Hey Manifesto! Yeah, you might be right. I'll give it a try.
Is an alt really enough fun once you've already figured out the mechanics of the game?
Right now, I only logon a couple of times a day, and I've drifted back to a combination of real life (which is almost certainly good, lol) and a new game (which would be discourteous to mention, but feels well designed, has great graphics, positive forum involvement, and from one interaction, surprisingly empowered and motivated CS).


Approved user
Nov 14, 2017
That's fair pckrn. But don't diss Kingdom too much. I've slowly realised that medal range isn't the whole story when it comes to how good players are. Lots of other guys seem to move up and down the leagues depending on current events, need for resources, etc. At least that's what I do.

I was gonna post a photo of somebody that attacked me 2 days ago... with 6x mk7 heavies, 3x MRL mk2s, 3x L60 generals, 6x T62 mercs, an H6 Xian bomber, 2x Flanker fighter jets, 7x demolition, blitzkrieg, air superiority & loot blessings... but it won't let me post that. I might have maxed my upload limits?
He got away with 600k gold, 200k food and 500 oil... zero stars... I've got a base that looks easy, but actually really isn't. Other guys my level will realise what's there because I'm sure they build in similar stuff.

I know I could get upto Dynasty II again. And I'm pretty sure I could get into Dynasty I. But with Nexon's tripling of defense and resource building hp, and the bump on defense dmg, I'd climb the last bit with 1 to 3* vics probably. And that's how I'd stay there. Most attackers would zero than star me.

But as a dedicated strat player, I'm looking for a reason to do that? I'll invest in research because it makes me stronger and I like to checkout cool new units. So I can donate those to the team. I'll spend a couple of hours knocking out 5*s to refill my NTG store. I used to go raiding for resources when I used to need em.

I'm not really a 'Let's go thru the schlep to get to Dynasty I, just to get to Dynasty I', kind of guy. Because the next event might need me to drop down again to complete it...

But I'll try the alt idea and see what gives... Otherwise always open to ideas...

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
Ulysses Aaah, then I'm supporting others idea 😄
Make small accounts and travel!
You might be invited to a wedding in... Indonesia?! 😉😆


Approved user
Nov 14, 2017
At the end of the day what you REALLY need is for the next Age to be introduced in the game. That alone will probably take 6 months to complete due to the long waiting times. Another thing that might help, albeit much less, is the introduction of more university research.

yeah, that's probably what I really need... the next age to come out... Do we have an indicative date on that yet?

Dev times for new ages seem to have slowed up, since Nexon distracted their guys to working full-time on revenue earning ideas instead... If Dom's top graphic design/animation team is put onto a stronghold, then a dock, then a crown dock, then a museum, then a world war museum, then an archive, these guys are only human... they're not gonna have time to finish off the Space Age too... And I can see the short-term attraction of senior management saying, Guys, just develop all this sales generation stuff first... Players will wait for space age (probably).

So I don't have my hopes too high for the next age...


Approved user
Jan 19, 2016
All you can do is plug away at the generals—they consume MUCH more oil as you progress, I think the upgrade I started this morning was 235k or so (to level 50). With a second slot usually occupied by a general that takes 190k or so to upgrade, things can get busy.


Approved user
Apr 14, 2016
Ulysses it wasnt a diss, i only meant that dynasty has a better environment than kingdom for a strat player. there are much stronger attackers and defenders to test your strat. its not just an empty goal to do for the sake of doing it, its actually fun in dynasty. but yeah event completion is impossible for some event types so the alt idea is better.

btw which buildings did the guy use the demolitions on? why does he only have 2 fighters? why mrl? why t62? not sure if he’s creative or clueless..
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Approved user
Nov 14, 2017
All good questions pckrn. I can't remember the replay. Lemme see...

Ok... answering in order..

1. He started the attack like he planned to take down my city, full on HTs, the three L60 generals, backed up by MRLs (I'd never go full on like that unless I planned to keep most of my army alive; even with the once per day video refill)
2. Somewhere about a minute in, it got real obvious that he wasn't going to be knocking out all the defenses, so he switched tack to go for the oil, maybe to cut his losses. So the demolitions got used on defense buildings around my oil. That might have worked before the change. But it swallowed up all of his tactics now
3. I'm guessing he hasn't done the research for that third fighter yet? (he was only level 244)
4. MRLs. Don't knock em. Since the change, MRL mk2 is like a tougher (2.5x HP) field howitzer, which also has splash damage in attack. They're great little infantry and artillery chewers. With five range. I'm messing around with them in war...
5. T62. You got me there. I've never used those. Looks like a mercenary light tank to me? Okay, nice HP. But that DMG is a cat scratch. Looking for reasons, maybe he wanted to distract anti-tank guns. But seriously? Genuinely can't explain that choice

Yeah ok, ok, you win, lol. I'll see what the next Event turns out to be. If it works with the Dynasty strategy, I'll go for the promotion and see how it works out...


Approved user
Sep 25, 2015
I think the designers' main worry right now is how to plan the introduction of new nations into the mix - something that is long overdue. I'm surprised the US isn't there already now that we've had the AA and CWA, especially assuming that management does have a focus on revenue.

But as you mentioned docks and museums seems to have detracted from regular progress quite a bit in recent times...

I'm really curious but to me the ULTIMATE goal (and CHALLENGE) would be to have a base so perfectly-designed, almost like a "masterpiece," that I could drift up the medals ladder even in Dynasty without having to launch attacks of my own. Right now I'm having to constantly battle to reclaim the medals that I lose when being attacked, so it's an everyday struggle to stay in my current league. But to be able to sit back and have your BASE do the WORK? Wow, that would be the ultimate thing IMO: someone who doesn't need to attack and yet keeps afloat (or gains ground even) in a Dynasty league! :)