• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

7 days no longer long enough


Approved user
Aug 26, 2016
The other day it took my alliance 40 hours to find a war opponent during the spin. I complained to CS and was told the spin search system has recently been changed. It now takes longer to find a war opponent while supposedly the matches will now be more even. I applaud BHG for doing this. Always prefer a more even war match. BUT…..

Many of us buy extra buildings like the bazooka senty, Hangers and Tank factories to use in wars. I personally use two extra buildings during every war. All of these buildings have lasted 7 days for many years. Considering we now have longer war search times those builds are now just sitting, not being used for wars while the 7 days expires. Many of us actually Pay real money for these buildings. My opinion is the duration these buildings stay active need to now be expanded from 7 days to 10-12 days. It’s the right thing to do considering it’s your war matching systems which have now be changed to longer waiting times.
I’m sure all players will agree with me. It’s the fair thing to do.


Approved user
Aug 26, 2016
BHG will not change the matchmaking nor can they. It is what it is. Not sure why you would even argue changing the the buildings duration time as it benefits all players. It’s the logical and fair thing to do.


Newbie in DomiNations
Apr 26, 2021
As long as there are abuses, I would prefer these buildings didn't exist at all. Or that they were even more expensive. What should be requested is that BHG should be able to identify cheaters using buildings through the server, punish them when reported and identified, and return the glory to the affected alliances. And obviously, they should be able to block access to these APKs and dupes.

I don't agree that they should last longer. I don't see in any way how this could be beneficial to the game or to everyone as long as there is abuse and a lack of action on this.


King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
As long as there are abuses, I would prefer these buildings didn't exist at all. Or that they were even more expensive. What should be requested is that BHG should be able to identify cheaters using buildings through the server, punish them when reported and identified, and return the glory to the affected alliances. And obviously, they should be able to block access to these APKs and dupes.

I don't agree that they should last longer. I don't see in any way how this could be beneficial to the game or to everyone as long as there is abuse and a lack of action on this.

Recognising/banning cheaters and adding a few days to event buildings doesn't need to be mutually exclusive. BHG could, if they wanted to, do both.
Everyone wins. (well, except for cheaters)


Approved user
Oct 13, 2017
Or make them 1/3 the cost and last for only 2 days. Then they can be for single wars only. Only and where they would get 3 wars from one artifact, the spenders still get 3 wars for the same $$.


Well-known member
Oct 29, 2020
At R.O.A.R we are currently rolling a 50vs50 and asked CS how many are currently rolling to know a wait time and they said they can’t give that information…. @TheWise @Harlems369th


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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
Wait time I get is long. Agree it sucks going thru buildings because of it.

50 vs 50 is a long wait time not many par take. Unfortunately that does not justify increasing event buildings. Want a shorter wait drop back to 30 vs 30 or deal with longer wait time.

They should not however increase time of event building.

There are too many I Paid To Win with zero skills buildings being abused right now in the game add length would just add to that. Only way I would agree would be perfect world where no cheating happens and FSH is listed as Offense Building it is.