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Defense is way over done

Defense is way over done

  • Nerf defense

    Votes: 8 21.1%
  • Boost offense

    Votes: 8 21.1%
  • Leave as is

    Votes: 22 57.9%

  • Total voters


Approved user
Nov 20, 2018
Why would anyone want to buy stars. These bastations are just over kill. Your killing this game slowing things down to a crawl, it’s one thing to need tactic but it’s ungly when a bastation puts your troops on reverse, space age offense didn’t even come close to keeping up with defense, you have made almost every unit worthless. Heavy tanks rpg are the only things that hav enough power or healthy enough to compete, I havnt upgraded any of my barracks troops in two ages there is no point. And if you keep going on this track you will be out of biz before long. This game
is a total drag. Thankfully the over powered assault rally gave us a little breather from this over powered defense, you want money make the game balance. These swings of power and defense are just old and stupid.


Approved user
Apr 14, 2016
i dont want to vote for a generalized ‘buff attack’ or a ‘nerf defense’

if your main concern is bastions being op, then if the vote was more specific to bastions, something like ‘nerf rubble’ ‘limit connectivity’ ‘leave as is’ that’d be much more interesting.


Approved user
Apr 7, 2019
I agree with you that defence is a little over the top. Therefore,I'm taking some time off from this thing. It's not fun anymore but that's how the cookie crumbles. Devs are mere humans. They've their mood swings and period. And that's reflected in the game. Take a break,be kind to youself and wallet. t hee~


is this thing on?
Apr 18, 2018
Bastions can be worked around (don't destroy them), and defense feels extra strong right now due to the recent loss of an overpowered assault rally that we all replied upon... but give it some time. People are taking out big bases right now using pre-AR troop compositions.

In the meantime, ride and enjoy the Commando+Decoy+Sabo wave with your 8 planes.


Approved user
Mar 21, 2016
The problem is the effect of rubble slow of the high level bastions is way too high.
This feature is another "not test enough" feature by the developer, same as AR.
With the path finding of the army is always not clever, you just can hope that your army dont choose to walk over the bastions.
But if your army choose the path to walk over the bastion rubble, you certainly have no way to get a 5 star as you will need 1 minute to get out.
It is just too ridiculous and stupid.


Approved user
Aug 26, 2016
You’re not suppose to get 5 stars. 5 star attacks should be rare. Everyone had been spoiled. This is a war game and it’s suppose to be a struggle. Defense is fine. Would not nerf a thing. BHG did a good job bringing us back to a balanced game. I like the addition of the Bastions. Don’t like that it’s almost a week and BHG hasn’t fixed the Bastions base map bug.
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Approved user
Dec 23, 2015
I agree, game is good as it is now, if they fix the base map bug and keep banning cheaters I have no complaints at the moment. If people are having problems taking down bases maybe it’s time to try other combinations than just 8 planes and heavy tanks.


Approved user
Sep 22, 2016
As long as we are forced to get 5 stars for any reasonable amount of NTGs (and thus forced to attack drastically weaker bases than ours) and are unable to retrain our army fast enough when we do lose a battle, this is a 5 star centric game.

Not to mention these events that require you to do many attacks, something you are not able to do unless you are consistently getting 100% destruction and all def. buildings of the enemy so your army makes it out alive.

If the intention is to make 5 stars extraordinary and to make people expect to lose the entire army while attacking in MP, then you should be given extraordinary rewards and make army/tactics retraining much faster.

Hard 5 stars in MP and no adequate rewards for it is the problem here, everyone is tumbling over each other's feet dropping medals to grab easy, preferably rushed high age bases for resources and NTG while no one is incentivised to attack well upgraded bases. That is objectively a crappy MP system.
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Shrekx 74

Approved user
Apr 2, 2017
I agree that we are close to a good balance and want 5 stars to be hard when it comes to war. Most player comments are focused on war, because war is the reason most stick around. However, Knifer has a really good point with MP. Balance in war creates problems for MP, low rewards below 5 stars and long training times.


Approved user
Aug 9, 2015
I agree with Dradis. I have no sympathy for you if your WW NTG entitlement mentality outpaces your MP offensive capability.


Approved user
Mar 23, 2019
As I said many times before, I think 5 star attacks should be reserved for the best of attackers. A strategy game where any player can get 5 stars with minimal effort and minimal or no planning is not a real strategy game. Achieving that perfect score should require a lot of effort and thought. I think the current setting achieves this quite well, perhaps the Bastion slow down at max level is a little overkill, but other than that I find the current state quite well balanced.

Another question does raise though, as Knifer pointed out, with the way the game lets us retrain our troops, ie. the horrendous retrain times at later ages. For war this is fine as you can just save up your video retrain, but for MP raiding it does raise a problem if you have to constantly retrain your army, which takes hours.

On that note, I think the next step should not be another offense boost/defensive nerf - this could go on forever, which it seems to have been doing for the past months -, but rather a time cut on the training times, especially for tactics. The problem is that this'll probably never happen, I think Nexon looks at this as a core revenue of some sort... crowning troops.
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Approved user
Mar 24, 2017
I also agree with KniferX. They have never fixed the game balance between MP and war since they added the SH and the expectation of using 4 SH armies for war. There is basically no way to make a base beatable with a normal army in MP and not quite beatable with an army twice as big in war.

And they have calibrated the availability of many resources and the time between attacks around frequent 5* and not losing all troops and tactics (as pre rebalance), and never really adjusted them well since that.


Approved user
Sep 22, 2016
The training times cut itself won't do it. Why sacrifice your army for 2 NTGs (sometimes 0), a moderate domination bonus and some hit-or-miss league rewards when you can chill in Kingdom, kill easy bases back to back for guaranteed 4 NTGs and slightly worse league rewards? My retrain time on the second option is 0 and I get more NTGs. Not wasting oil on retraining things either.

Cut train times, add a bit of incentive, and we can have a system where someone can pick to either go for easy bases as a low risk option, or go for harder bases as a higher risk option that will pay off.
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Approved user
Dec 23, 2015
Yes, getting NTG’s is a pain, I can agree with that too. There should be a way to get more of those. Having coalitions maxed or close to maxed, its really a hard work to get NTG’s needed if warring back to back.


Approved user
Aug 26, 2016
I do like the idea of faster tactics training times in MP. I’m having no problem gaining 5 star attacks in MP but I do need to use tactics. I always lower my medals to 1400 and run it up to 2500. Then I drop back down. I do this over and over again. Running with 5 MK8’s and 8 RPG’s. Every one of my MP attacks are 5 stars but could never do that without the tactics. I often will attack, gain the 5 stars and while my army is retraining I use that time to work on bases. Not easy to do back to back attacks since I’m attacking level 220-250 bases.

BHG, maybe you can be more liberal in giving us faster tactics building times or even more faster tactics building gimmicks. I recall the events where training times were 50% faster. As for general game balance, I say leave it alone now, it’s fine.


Approved user
Feb 24, 2018
5 star is achievable. Eventhough it can be hard. I understand it can be quite tough to number of players. I was myself critical of BHG overdone defense before, but they did make few improvements.. and i would rather keep the system the same for now than mess it up again.

I would suggest to make it easier for IA and below just so they can get the hang of it. Alot of new players do not know enough, rush bases then quit because they cant win anymore.
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Approved user
Jul 29, 2018
You need to add ‘Boost Defense’...that’d get my vote. 5 Star victories should be the exception, not the rule. I’m starting to see far too many 5 Star victories during WW. It should take a perfectly executed attack and a little luck to earn a 5 Star. A really good player should on average earn 3 Stars. This is a strategy game that should take some grey matter to play...just my two cents.


Approved user
Dec 12, 2017
Give farms, caravans and oil wells 100% increase in production, bring back ntgs to dock expeditions, and I’ll be ok with the new balance.