• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Combat Rebalance Stage Four Patch Notes


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
and unskilled players overpowering a base? that was done with troop tactics, never your barracks or factory troops.
And that's exactly what they want to encourage with these ''rebalances''.
The one thing they may not have considered is, in order to have people paying, you actually need people playing!
Like the song says ''you can't wage a war if nobody shows''.


Approved user
Jan 25, 2017
I won't say I am an expert player, but at least I am an experienced attacker.

Before re-balance, I am able to destroy a lv240 base by losing 2-3 planes, half or my troop and 3-4 tactic. after re-balance, I am not able to so.

while LV 240 is roughly a late atomic defence and my attack is max CWA,

which mean, before re-balance, we can normally 5-star on a base with one less age, and now we can't even destroy a base with one less age

but anyway, I only do one battle each 3 hour now, I am looking for other game


Approved user
Jan 18, 2018
Everyone should stop responding to these patch notes/spotlight. Don't even open the stage 5 release.


Approved user
Sep 16, 2018
Your numbers are WAY off, as are mine from a back of the envelope calculation but closer than yours.

Barracks troops No Change
All Buildings 2.5x HP
All Defenses 1.5x Damage
All Defenders 1.5x HP and Damage
All Factory troops 1.5x Damage
Planes 1.5x Damage

So... Basically if you use Factory Troops you are only falling behind with your offence at 50%, while if you are using Barracks troops you are down to 25-35% effectiveness pre-patch.


Approved user
Sep 16, 2018
It had better be because the TC QV is probably gone for good. But I think you are missing the point that the QV is only back if you take lots of troop cards to spread your attack out all around their base, thus giving all of their defensive buildings more time fighting and killing your units, more time to spawn the newly overpowered defenders, and it will still take 3x longer to kill these buildings than before.


Approved user
Mar 24, 2017
skychan - you can look at the new HP numbers as 2.5x the old numbers, or adding 150% percent to the old numbers (150% more +100% from before=250%, or 2.5x). Same with the damage boosts. I think that works out to mean that my numbers are basically the same as yours. I have seen people expressing the changes in both ways, which is probably why Nexon just posted a big table.

All defender HP got doubled, to keep them the same vs the doubled planes, but far more effective vs your regular troops. Planes did get doubled damage, I just rechecked the spotlight 2 patch notes.


Approved user
Oct 15, 2017
The TC HP bonus from Road Networking doesn't seem to have scaled up... bug, or deliberate?


Approved user
Aug 9, 2016
No way I will upgrade the Armour Cars factory troops...they will stay at level 1...To use them for raiding..Yea that’s a joke..They are useless in WW...Attack only resources first..Its just another way Nexon sucks more oil out of us..


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
I for one love these rebalance. I have played this game for a very long time, invested a lot of time, effort and of course money. Defence has always been behind and never in front at all which made my job very difficult. Yes I am a defender, yes I have a big level base. This type of changes are good for the game, it gives value for money, time and effort put into a base. It stops unskilled players from just overpowering a top defending base just with straight force and no skill. I say yes let's bri g on stage 4.
I've kept my tongue for too long but l have to respond to this idiocy. No offence Kev, but if you like defending so much why were you and others wasting your time with this game?
No, forget that. Here's another question. How the hell did you and your defender friends get to where you are?
Let me guess: you attacked other people's bases. Are you familiar with irony?
As a high CW player I'm not affected, yet I'm not oblivious to the plight of others or the idiocy of this game's new direction.
How about you start a new account and see what it's like for new players?
Only in the Nexon world does it make sense that two identical troops have completely different stats, depending on defense or offense.
Maybe it also makes sense to you but not to me, I'm a big fan of common sense.
If you and others are happy to constantly lose all troops for a 2 or 3 star win, then good luck to you.

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
My bears said, ''more buffed walls so we won't get lost in the forest anymore!''

Actually, why don't we get more wall levels? I also think there should be decorations like flower gardens, fountains, or streetlights available to purchase with crowns or resources. And customized colors for our buildings! Those are things I'd love to purchase regularly 😂
And how about citizens that dress according to our age level?


Approved user
Sep 22, 2016
It's funny that I remember our last argument when we were in disagreement, I mentioned this exact case happening being the worst option ever, having to buy elephants to even be able to take 4-5 stars and we agreed there.. months later here we are, working on the forums against this update that actually happened and wasn't just hypothetical.

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
Don't be afraid to admit it Manifesto 😆
My fave game ever would be Plants vs Zombies, the Ultimate Defending Game 😆


Approved user
Apr 24, 2017
You win nexon. We quit. My group has played for 3 years since before ww even existed and now we are all done. We didn’t spend 3 years upgrading to lose 5 planes on a global then get wiped out in a ww by cheating aholes. As predicted your short sighted money grab destroyed the game and made it unplayable. None of us will ever play or pay another Nexon game again. If you think we will you need to up your meds.


Approved user
Nov 1, 2018
Just AWFUL, AWFUL. You can't get to the resources that you need. You have to pick and choose. I can't believe this has happened and I feel PITY for the lower ages. We NEED an OFFENCIVE REBALANCE. Why are only the DEFENCES getting RESILLINAT?? Must be the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


Approved user
Jan 14, 2018
Indeed this rebalance is very a good idea...to loose your loyal customers. I won t invest in a nexon game anymore, unless you admit you made a big mistake.
Jun 19, 2015

Hello Fellow Dominators,

I’m a loyal player for over 3 years, this dreadful rebalance needs to be nerfed. In my opinion the developers of the rebalance ruined the game. I don’t understand the lack of response from NEXON/BHG. The vast majority of your loyal fanbase are telling you to undo the rebalance updates. I hope upper management within NEXON/ BHG, fire or demote the people responsible for the crap rebalance. You don’t want these people working for you any longer they exemplify stupidity.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Maybe you're ok with ridiculous things like troops having different stats for offense vs defense or an attacking game making it harder to achieve necessary goods from attacks. I'm not and l speak up against idiocy.
Your example is likely an aberration rather than the norm so not an exacting argument.
If you could do this all the time then I'd be inclined to agree with you but that's not the case, is it?


Approved user
Aug 22, 2018
Why is everybody dropping medals now huh? I'm 160 early atomic and all I see is players above 200 in 400-600 medal range😩