• Upcoming Hotfixes
    Two fixes are going out soon. One addressing the loss of Crowns and the 2nd Drone Command slot, the other addressing players in Asian territories unable to log into the game. Players will receive compensation for each issue that affected them, and crowns lost will be restored. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Combat Rebalance Design Spotlight (Stage 1)


New member
Jun 4, 2017
Greetings Leaders!

As mentioned in the introduction to our rebalance initiative, we are breaking down the changes for each stage in their own design spotlight. The focus of Stage One will be on rebalancing the Library and University, which will be going live on September 20th. If you’d like to see an abridged version of these changes, they can be found at the end of this spotlight.

When looking at the technologies and skills provided by these two buildings, it’s important that each level provides well-rounded bonuses for both attacking and defending. You should feel like your army has an advantage over archaic defenses by researching offensive technologies like Standing Army. If you prefer to build a stalwart nation that focuses on defensive technologies like Citadels, underdeveloped attackers should have trouble breaching your bastion. However, when two nations battle with roughly equal investments in the Library and University, strong army compositions and base layouts should be more of a deciding factor in who is victorious.

As nations advance through the Ages and unlock bonuses from the Library and University, they gain much more firepower for their armies than fortifications for their towns with the current Library and University balance. Increasing the defensive health and damage bonuses earned through these buildings will ensure that battles are less skewed towards attackers.

In the next design spotlight I’ll be discussing the changes to defensive buildings as well as several troops and tactics.

- Brad

Abridged Change List
  • Library chapters providing more bonus to your town/troops
    • Ramparts Ch. 4 (Town Center health)
    • Crop Rotation Ch. 4 (Mill health)
    • Commerce Ch. 4 (Market health)
    • Drilling Ch. 1 (Oil Well and Refinery health)
    • Citadels Ch. 1 (Ballista Tower health)
    • Citadels Ch. 2 (Redoubt health)
    • Citadels Ch. 3 (Castle health)
    • Citadels Ch. 4 (Redoubt attack)
    • Ballistics Ch. 4 (Wall Miner attack)
    • Fortification Ch. 1 (Garrison health)
    • Nationalism Ch. 1 (Bunker health)
    • Nationalism Ch. 5 (Bunker health)
    • Watch Towers Ch. 2 (Tower health)
    • Monuments Ch.1-5 (Wonder health)
    • Machinery Ch. 1 (Catapult attack)
    • Deception Ch. 1 (Spike Trap damage)
    • Deception Ch. 4 (S.A.M. Battery damage)
    • Sentries Ch. 1 & 3 (Sniper Tower health)
    • Sentries Ch. 2 & 4 (Sniper Tower attack)
  • University skills providing more bonus to your town/troops
    • Leonardo da Vinci - University Hitpoints
    • King Sejong - Library Hitpoints
    • Suleiman the Magnificent - Temple Hitpoints
    • Suleiman the Magnificent - Ballista Damage
    • Amelia Earhart - Fighter Hitpoints
    • Amelia Earhart - Bomber Hitpoints
    • Sultan Saladin - Stable Hitpoints


Approved user
Aug 26, 2016
Why not just make this rebalancing automatic? So now we need to do more upgrades. Oh, wait a minute, now I get it, more upgrades means more crowning which means more spending.


Approved user
May 2, 2015
Ah, increasing the hitpoints of the defensive objects is certainly not the change the playerbase needed. I mean, who asked for it? Can you show me a relevant discussion with the players about these proposed changes? Could we voice our opinion somewhere? I'm sure we couldn't.

I don't know what I'm missing here, but come on... You can not log in in and start defending. You are playing the game actively by attacking. If you make it harder, then players will leave. It is as simple as that.

Welcome to the Domifarming forum... It will be even harder to 5 star bases in mp at your level. Players will log in less, spend less time playing the game (after each mp battle long time to retrain troops/tactics). So we will see people farming with raider armies, and then Nexon will decrease the raiders' dps and hitpoints next. You read it firs here :)

Thumbs up for the well reasoned arguments though.


Approved user
Oct 1, 2015
Ramparts Ch. 4 (Town Center health)5%
Crop Rotation Ch. 4 (Mill health)10%
Commerce Ch. 4 (Market health)10%
Drilling Ch. 1 (Oil Well and Refinery health)20%
Citadels Ch. 1 (Ballista Tower health)10%
Citadels Ch. 2 (Redoubt health)10%
Citadels Ch. 3 (Castle health)10%
Citadels Ch. 4 (Redoubt attack)10%
Ballistics Ch. 4 (Wall Miner attack)20%
Fortification Ch. 1 (Garrison health)10%
Nationalism Ch. 1 (Bunker health)10%
Nationalism Ch. 5 (Bunker health)10%
Watch Towers Ch. 2 (Tower health)10%
Monuments Ch.1-5 (Wonder health)30%
Machinery Ch. 1 (Catapult attack)10%
Deception Ch. 1 (Spike Trap damage)10%
Deception Ch. 4 (S.A.M. Battery damage)10%
Sentries Ch. 1 & 3 (Sniper Tower health)10%
Sentries Ch. 2 & 4 (Sniper Tower attack)10%
Leonardo da Vinci - University Hitpoints30%
King Sejong - Library Hitpoints30%
Suleiman the Magnificent - Temple Hitpoints30%
Suleiman the Magnificent - Ballista Damage30%
Amelia Earhart - Fighter Hitpoints25%
Amelia Earhart - Bomber Hitpoints25%
Sultan Saladin - Stable Hitpoints30%


Approved user
Oct 1, 2015
Why not just make this rebalancing automatic? So now we need to do more upgrades. Oh, wait a minute, now I get it, more upgrades means more crowning which means more spending.

Sounds like it is automatic, looks like they are just adjusting the percentages on the back end, shouldn't even require a game update.


Approved user
Apr 14, 2016
so those percentages from researches will be increased a bit?

well then stage 1 doesnt sound so bad.

although they probably did put the least radical changes into the first stage


Approved user
May 19, 2016
Ok, I'll give this one to them. Thx Brad.

They start it small and IMHO this is the right direction. Someone who spends months/years researching tons of pathetic upgrades and researches definitely deserve them to be bigger and have actual buff for his/her town/attacks/defense. Especially now, when:
-more and more players care only about offense,
-or one random artifact from Museum can give better benefits than two years of researches, tons of resources and workers spent in University, ie. Hold The Gates vs Enemy Defender Spawn Time ;)


The above list looks good (and I hope it's not complete yet) but does it mean that those researches will receive buff or nerf?
For example:
-fighters have already great HP and are the most used troops, I hope they will receive the nerf not a buff?
-bombers need HP buff - that's obvious and requested... so what BHG will do about them ;)
And how much actual buff all those buildings will receive and will it really matter when with good troops all those buildings die within one shot/second? I could imagine that University HP +200% could slow down attacker for maybe 1 more second, but if it will be +15% then it doesn't mean that much if anything at all?

IMHO in University they should also change NTG chances to something actually useful. And all capstones from University should give huge benefits, especially 5 initial leaders - those need about 3-4 years of actual researches! when you can't upgrade anything else because of locked workers.

Also if BHG wants to shift players focus on defenses then they should increase rewards for better defense. Nowadays 3 crowns is nothing - we can get much more for watching adds ;)
For good defense they can give for example 1-3 museum fragments, some 5 minutes speed ups, 1 random tg, ntg etc. Those rewards are not game changing but would be nice appreciation of good base layout and defense :) In first Design Spotlight: Combat Rebalance - Coming Soon! I also suggested events with AI attacks on players bases and rewards for good defense.

And one more thing - those changes were not requested but guys don't forget about Museum, so IMHO - YES, they are needed :)
Last edited:


Approved user
Mar 24, 2017
Spike trap damage and SAM battery damage might well be the two biggest things on this list. If those go up to 30% or more, we will see a LOT more planes and tanks dying. They have also said that fighter hitpoint boost is going up, but they are applied on substantially different bases stats, so not clear how that will balance.

Is it supposed to be an equal change if both sides of the battle have done both upgrades?


New member
Sep 17, 2018
Nooooooo! This is the opposite to what is needed. Attacking has been getting steadily more difficult, but to be worth playing the game we need to be able to 4 or 5 star opponents in the normal multiplayer game regularly, without losing practically all our troops. This is already too hard and I can rarely 5*. If not, we can’t earn diamonds, earn daily bonuses, earn goods, etc. It’s already not worth me raiding for resources as I spend more oil than I’m likely to earn and have long waits to retrain. I’ve considered leaving the game several times as attacking is too difficult - this sounds like it will push me over the edge. I hope the effects are minimal and it won’t, but increasing space for tactics and bringing in the silo were bad enough and largely wrecked the game for me. I’ve played less since then, but am still on regularly - if it makes defeating opponents significantly harder without losing all my troops, it will kill the game for me.

Oh dear you?

Approved user
Oct 12, 2017
Thank you for this, and it will be interesting to see what the rebalance adjusts them to. Maybe they could release this information now as it is already decided upon?


Approved user
Oct 1, 2015
Ok, I'll give this one to them. Thx Brad.
-fighters have already great HP and are the most used troops, I hope they will receive the nerf not a buff?
-bombers need HP buff - that's obvious and requested... so what BHG will do about them ;)

SAM battery damage is increased though which will negate that a bit, also increased tower health which is my first target when attacking with fighters, bombers definitely need a HP buff, not even realistic that a big bomber has less HP then a small fighter


Approved user
Dec 12, 2017
Looks like we have to say goodbye to barrack troops if we want to continue 5-starring. Those buffs close the gates to 50% damage quick victory with my shooters and howies...


Approved user
Apr 16, 2017
We did not surprise! It was obvious like always you ignore all of the feedbacks and do what you want to do!

Increasing HP of almost all of the buildings in the other words, it means decreasing DPS of all of the troops and planes!

And Also increasing DPS of defensive buildings and traps means decreasing HP of all of the troops and planes as well!

And this is only your first stage to blowing up the game! lol!
I'm wonder how the next stages can be worse!

​​​​​​Currently game divided between the two sides :
One side are cheaters and those alliances have unlimited EA and they enjoy from the game and it does not matter for them you screw up to the game
And the another side is us that everyday hope and games pleasure will be less for them!

Go ahead NEXON & BHG! At the end of this stages there will be a big surprise for you!


Approved user
May 17, 2018
[*]University skills providing more bonus to your town/troops
  • Suleiman the Magnificent - Ballista Damage
  • Amelia Earhart - Fighter Hitpoints
  • Amelia Earhart - Bomber Hitpoints

if I understand correctly, since you say that skills provide MORE bonus then this means that you will lower them?
So, are we talking about a nerf of fighters and bombers? Can you elaborate more, like write next to each category + or - % so that we know what exactly will change?

Oh dear you?

Approved user
Oct 12, 2017
There is a lot of initial negativity about this rebalance series. I have played now for about 2 years and get huge enjoyment out of this game.
Cheaters are frustrating and need to be weeded out, but I haven’t come across many of these at my level (went Global at last rush event) but understand the frustrations of the top players/alliances where it impacts the most.
What we do need to know are the percentage levels that they are going to be amended to, as this will set the tone for a slight or radical overhaul.

Any chance of having these in advance of 20th Nexon?


Approved user
Mar 24, 2017
Presumably more bonus means the percent bonus from each of those researches will go up. So it will boost fighters and bombers, just a question of how much it will boost them compared to the sam battery damage.