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Cold War 6.0 Update


Community Manager 
May 16, 2016
[h=4]Cold War! v6.0 Update Notes[/h]
Cold War Age!
  • Research 4 new technologies at Library level 12: Industrial Plastics, Economic Stimulus, Rocketry, and Advanced Ballistics
  • Hire new mercenaries at the Level 11 Mercenary Camp: the Irish Peacekeeper and T-62 Tank
  • Generals can now be upgraded to level 60
  • New Barracks levels grant Expertise, a permanent boost to Barracks troop hitpoints and attack damage
  • Enjoy the haul of Emissary rewards for reaching the Cold War!

New Barracks Troop: Assault Vehicle
  • A strong, moderately protected vehicle that specializes in destroying tanks, buildings, and walls

New Factory Troop: MRL
  • This Mobile Rocket Launcher will lay siege to your enemies with splash damage from a hail of rocket fire!

Library 2nd Slot
  • Unlock the ability to research any two technologies at the same time in the Library for a one-time cost of 1,000 crowns!

Balance Changes
  • Hwachas no longer have a minimum range and have a faster-flying arrow animation

Event Buildings
  • Destroy Event Buildings: You can now choose to destroy Event Buildings on your base, allowing you to place a new one without waiting for the old one to expire!
  • Global Expiration: Some new Event Buildings will last until a certain date, regardless of when you placed them. Earn yours early to gain the most benefit!

Bug Fixes and Improvements
  • Donated troops are now properly removed from Town Center
  • Fixed a bug preventing tactics training from finishing while the game was closed
  • Fixed a pathfinding bug that was hampering frame rate
  • Fixed a crash caused by disbanding Coalitions as a World War observer
  • Game now displays alternative message when router or data limit prevents play
  • Added Master Assassin to the Assassin Fortress
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when buildings regenerate health on returning home
  • Gave Marco Polo a grander entrance
  • Reshelved the books in the Library
  • Repacked mystery boxes
  • Created new event goals
  • Minor art fixes
  • Minor text edits


Approved user
Oct 1, 2015
Awesome, can't wait, please tell me level 16 walls are in this update so I have something to spend excessive gold & food on!


Approved user
Dec 1, 2016
Global Expiration is a slap in the face! We should be able to decide when to place the building! It will just force us to use it immediately and by that way of thinking, why do you even bother placing them in the inventory?


Approved user
May 14, 2015
I find the patch notes super light. That’s all? It looks like a minor update, not a new age.


Approved user
Aug 29, 2015
My only concern with Global Expiration is that it's indirectly pay to win if these buildings are later offered for purchase without expiration. If the these event buildings are only offered through the event, then this change is fantastic. It will level the playing field.

Also the only 'balance change' you could come up with is a unit that 99% of players only have between 0 and 3 of them total? I can think of dozens of better changes that would affect more players.

Rest sounds good so far, but it's a pretty short list for over a year of work.


Approved user
Feb 28, 2017
The new age will include a level or two for each building as well, I wouldn't call that a minor update. Plus we get two entirely new troops. I don't understand your concern.


Approved user
Apr 16, 2017
Still not a fix for decoys lag? So we must still struggling with it...
Bravo well done guys!!

​​​​​​@Nb4powerup , how is possible you are aware from every thing with details, but you can't provide us even a short news from decoys lag? is this a politic? it's a dirty politic!

​​​​​​You can not fix it and also you can not give us a news from? shame on you guys.
Last edited:


Approved user
May 14, 2015
After 1 year since atomic, I was expecting to be blown away. But maybe my own quality bar is too high. Factories were a big change. University was a big change. World wars were a big change. I had in mind they had the time to introduce another game changer. Coming too mind: complete revisit of leaderboard (introduction of leagues?), introduction of intelligence (spies, unit revealing traps, a radar power briefly showing units in SH, possibility are limitless here...), new nation(s), maybe some tweak of American/Russian coalition (sounds appropriate during cold war...). But again, my expectations are maybe too high, I easily recognize this.

Motaz Tarek

Approved user
Apr 19, 2015
a short list for a new age indeed
balance changes are almost none, Rocketry research seems to be a buff for silos (that would be a joke)

excited to try the new units.. hope they don't take their seats beside machine guns and attack helicopters

and i can't believe they are adding a bonus to attacking troops, this is the first buff for offense since ages, hope ur not hiding a more powerful defense buff surprise in return..


Approved user
May 19, 2016
Decay lags on your device because you have a weak device. Get a better tablet/phone. That's not the devs' fault.


Approved user
Sep 18, 2017
Everything is cool on this list for me, except generals 60 level, think they will be so overpowered.
What about def upgrades?


Approved user
Sep 6, 2016
That mobile rocket launcher sounds intriguing. Question will be, is this a factory lvl 8 item or can we get it at lower levels too?


Approved user
Jan 25, 2017
For Lib research, there will be at least one item for ecom/ offense / defense per layer.
Economic Stimulus will be the Ecom one
Industrial Plastics is likely for vehicles

At least one of Rocketry or Ballistics will be defensive tech.


Approved user
Nov 27, 2016
Nb4powerup clarification needed on global expiration. how does it impact buildings currently in inventory? if those get an expiration will it be enough to allow a player to use them all? im sitting on 12 right now.


Approved user
Jan 25, 2017
>> Research 4 new technologies at Library level 12: Industrial Plastics, Economic Stimulus, Rocketry, and Advanced Ballistics
Lovely change, I am looking forward these tech will change game dynamic

>> Hire new mercenaries at the Level 11 Mercenary Camp: the Irish Peacekeeper and T-62 Tank
It seems we need to keep Tank Destroyers for some more time

>>Generals can now be upgraded to level 60
only hacker able to reach level 60. Armory is too BUSY....

>>New Barracks levels grant Expertise, a permanent boost to Barracks troop hitpoints and attack damage
Finally BHG recognized some buff needed for Offense. but please do the same for Factory

>>Enjoy the haul of Emissary rewards for reaching the Cold War!
Sound like another dock?

>> New Barracks Troop: Assault Vehicle: a strong, moderately protected vehicle that specializes in destroying tanks, buildings, and walls
Bazooka in Barrack Version? we don't need it, just buff Bazooka and let them have 4 range

>> New Factory Troop: MRL
Hwachas is Factory Version? It will be good if they good nice HP and DPS, If it got 5 range, it will be a good replacement of British Shooter.


The changes itself show BHG still try to save the game, but it is not enough. Long Upgrade time (both building and army) is the major source of pain, We dont see any improvement from new release, and it will be much worse after new age


Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
To be fair they continued to add to the atomic age even after it was released, just because this is all that is released when the new age comes out does not mean that this is all this age will ever have. Im sure that more stuff concerning this new age will continue to roll out in the months to come