• Upcoming Hotfixes
    Two fixes are going out soon. One addressing the loss of Crowns and the 2nd Drone Command slot, the other addressing players in Asian territories unable to log into the game. Players will receive compensation for each issue that affected them, and crowns lost will be restored. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Cheater and coiners - detection... :)


Approved user
May 7, 2015
I have been playing this game since the release in April. My workers have NEVER been idle (except 2 that I always keep free for trees and mines).
I have coined some. Looking at 2 - 3 "mountains of crowns... My farms and caravans are lv11 all other buildings will be maxed out the next 2 weeks. Started on the last tower yesterday.

I am level 157 and will probably be lv 158ish when those last buildings are in place. My research; Got one HT upgrade left, and 2 tactics. Generals lv 10. All research except ca 10 chapters done.

MY WORKERS except 2 has never been idle.. I played Chinese until I was mid way through EA...I

So if a player is lv160 or above there is three possibilities:

1) He started before the main release (possible)
2) He is a serious coiner (possible)
3) He is a cheat...

Well that is my thinking at least


Approved user
Dec 25, 2015
I agree with you, they try to hide their cheating saying they "pay", but let's clarify what we mean for paying :) Do we mean REAL thousands of dollars? Because even with a few hundreds, you won't get that much of aceleration I think.

Indeed, we could even try to make the maths for Nexon, lol, but then you think, for way? They don't care that much about cheating.

How much does crowns accelerate in time? In short times they are close to 15 crowns each hour, on longer times they get more value, but Idk when they reach their peak?

Assuming a middle 10 crowns / hour, and buildings occupying 4 citizens = 4 citizens / 14 total workers, mean you need to rush probably 4 buildings: 4 buildings * 10 crowns / hour * 96 hour = near 4000 crowns total, just for buildings. I don't know how much that costs, but ~1000 crowns cost 10€ for me, the more you get the cheaper.

Armory is like a building in rushing cost, so that will be an extra 1000 crowns, same for library, 2000. (Although library I think it's possible to have been done naturally without too much rushing).

Of course generals and short time upgrades, are more expensive to rush in cost crowns / hour...

So 6000 crowns buy you a 4 day advantage over any other active player...

For a month of rushing, say 40000 crowns. For a three months of rushing, say 1200000 crowns. How much advantage over a player like you (or me, I'm close to you but stopped a month, so I have that delay...) in terms of months? Generals alone take 2 months each one from level 10 to 30... So I will say it's probably six months or more, not buildings, so only crowns for armory...

Anyways, it could well be something like 200000 crowns or 250000.

But that's not all, that's indeed could be the less expensive... I mean, level 13 walls, how the f...ck?

Lvl 9 is 1 million, levels before are all like another mill, lvl 10 3 mill, lvl 11 4 mill, lvl 12 5 mill lvl 3 6 mill = 20 million every wall to max.

There are 140 walls and gates x 20 million = 2 . 800 . 000 . 000 gold. THREE BILLIONS GOLD. Lol.

That's pure cheating, and Nexon keeping all that much people maxed in the game, it's just an insult for we legit players, but I expect it to continue to be this way forever... The moment I saw they were a Chinese company... Chinese companies and online games... Bad mixture.


Approved user
Dec 23, 2015
lol, Same here, played since April, at Level 155 now, 1 tower, 1 redoubt and 1 air defense is still to be upgraded, still play as Chinese though. Generals at level 10 and above and walls at level 10. I agree completely with you on your 3 points.

Danix den Andre

Approved user
May 27, 2015
Regarding 1) : I started mid-december before april, got pretty much maxed out before oil came, and am still a few points from 160


Approved user
Nov 3, 2015
The game did not start in April. That was the release for America. So its possible an active player that started when the game did, which was late 2014 I believe, could possibly be at that lvl.


Dec 17, 2015
Yes game this game has been around for about a year and it is possible to have a few players in the 160's especially if they have a few Grand to burn, but that's not the case here. Look at the leaderboards... you have hundreds maybe thousands of players in the upper 160s and some in the 170's.

Any active, honest, advanced player that has been playing for 6 months or more knows full well that this game is inundated with cheaters.

We also know that Nexon publicly acknowledged the problem months ago.
We also know Nexon has done virtually nothing to combat this problem and seems to be doing everything they can to support cheaters.
Resulting in large numbers of cheater entering the game daily
Resulting in a game that for the upper level players has become almost non competitive.
Resulting in the game loosing its attractiveness to honest competitive players who are leaving the game in droves out of frustration.

These things don't happen by accident. Everything Nexon or any company dose they do for a reason and that reason is almost always for money.

Either Nexon is stupid, which I doubt or Nexon feels it is in there best interest to create a gaming environment where they can push out honest advanced players that have already spent there money using any tactic necessary in order to make room for new unsuspecting players/victims that will spend money in the early stages of the game before they realize what have they gotten into. That is why Nexons customer service is so good at using delay tactics.

These questionable business practices used by Nexon may or many not be profitable for them , I don't know time will tell, but they sure have negatively impacted this game from the honest players perspective and has revealed the ugly side of how some companies like Nexon will use the freemium game model to maximize profits at the expense of there existing paying customers.


Approved user
Aug 23, 2015
We also know Nexon has done virtually nothing to combat this problem and seems to be doing everything they can to support cheaters.
At the risk of prolonging this debate I just have to ask, Ethics, Do you honestly - and I mean HONESTLY - think that Nexon has done ''virtually'' nothing?
Also, do you really think - and I mean REALLY - think that Nexon is doing everything it can to ''support'' cheaters??
We all know Nexon has an uphill battle detecting and/or dealing with cheaters. We all know cheaters can open up another account if they're permanently banned. We all know people can get around the current levels of detection.

Don't you think it might be a better - and therefore more ''palatable'' - argument to say that, while Nexon is doing what it can to combat this problem, the issue of cheaters are beyond Nexon's current ability to deal with effectively?
I - and I'm sure many others as well - share your frustration with the plague of cheaters in this game. I, however, don't share your view that Nexon is doing everything they can to ''support the cheaters''. That's just ludicrous.

What Nexon is doing may be inadequate to combat the cheaters but that's not the same as actively supporting them. Be sensible.


Approved user
Dec 23, 2015
In Nexons defense I must admit that it been awhile since I was attacked by players that got to many troops.


Approved user
Aug 29, 2015
They have certainly made it harder to cheat, but those who collected millions of crowns through cheats long ago, still have those millions banked up, and can spend it every time new content comes out. Nexon has done nothing to get rid of the existing cheaters, just slow new ones.


Approved user
May 19, 2015
Upgrading everything including generals, except walls, is possible and frequent. Would take around 1k-3K $ and that's nothing for some adult coiners. I started in April too, around lvl150 now and haven't spend anything.

Some articles talk about players in clash of clans spending 7k $ per month, coiners are more frequent then you think.
Last edited:


Approved user
Dec 25, 2015
Purcupine but Clash of Clans is a far more popular game, well-known, and I can believe if some people spend some serious money on it.

But this game I won't believe there are that many 1000$ expenders to make for the many maxed bases you see, many of them so poor designed, that they clearly show that player doesn't really knows how to play.

I really think if Nexon were to take cheating seriously, they will really investigate every maxed account, it's as easy as check that players money spent, math doesn't fail, without a lot, a lot a lot... , of money spent, it's IMPOSSIBLE for a legit player, to be maxed as of today date.


Approved user
May 19, 2015
Nexon have no access to information about purchases, only app and Google store has.


Approved user
May 19, 2015
And like I said, I'm almost lvl150 and didn't spend a dime. Throw 400-600$ to that and I'm maxed out with some generals, except walls. And that amount is nothing to people who have money..


Approved user
Dec 25, 2015
Nexon has no access to purchases? I won't believe that? I mean, what kind of company are you running if you don't have information about your customers?

So you 150 you are a bit over me, you really think that only with that amount you are maxed? All generals to level 30? And walls, up to what level? I playing free regularly except a month, have now level 9, a few level 10.

There's a huge distance still from there to level 13, I can see a free good player being level 11 maxed for example, but the last two level?

We would talking of VERY serious coiners then, or expending like 12 hours ALL the days non stop...

I say that isn't the case in 95% of that bases, they cheaters.


Approved user
Aug 29, 2015
They might not have access to the app store receipt, but they sure as hell have some record of crowns appearing in your account. They wrote the code to do that. Just look for times when they hunted a stag and 15,000 crowns were added to the account. That's a cheater.