Assault Vehicles - What's the point?


Mar 5, 2022
So, I finally got around to unlocking the Assault Vehicles and am finding it...lacking.

Now granted, I've only just begun the process of sussing this troop out, which so far just involves throwing an entire army of them at a base to watch their performance. I'll be doing troop combos in the coming days to hopefully find this little one's niche. Unfortunately, it seems that they tried to make it a jack of all trades tank, which I usually love as a "monkey wrench" troop, but I'm not too sure on this one. I am looking forward to seeing how it mixes with a Tac chopper, but for the amount of havoc I can cause with a full load of HI, not holding out my hopes.

Has anyone had decent success with these? If so, what combos did you use?

Also, and THIS IS FOR THE DEVELOPERS: Why in the funky hell is there no support for this troop?! This is  not a super troop. It makes zero sense to me that there is absolutely nothing for support on these in the Library, University or Museum - and no, I'm not counting the artifacts that give blanket boosts to Barracks troops. This is a serious oversight when every single other troop has something for it. Every. Single. Other.

You've orphaned this troop...why?


Approved user
May 17, 2018
you are correct but at this point there is no way they are gonna introduce new lines at the museum because we all know the mayhem that will come right after...


Mar 5, 2022
you are correct but at this point there is no way they are gonna introduce new lines at the museum because we all know the mayhem that will come right after...
True that, however it won't be as much mayhem if it's just the standard lines for DPS/HP, both offensive and defensive. People will be slow to try them out at higher ages, the main benefit will be for those who haven't yet set their museums.

This would be, more or less, rectifying an oversight in a troop. The sheer lack of support for it leads one to believe that this is not a unit well looked upon by the development team, which begs the question as to why it's there in the first place. If they don't want to support it, why keep it there?

Again, if anyone has had some success with this troop, please let me know. I'll post what I find as I get to it.