Actions Against Game Exploits


BHG Community Manager
Staff member
May 6, 2022
Greetings Leaders,

As we’ve said in a previous post, we at BHG take the integrity of our game to be of the utmost importance, and the information that has been shared certainly hasn’t gone unnoticed. In cases where cheating, exploits, or hacking takes place, we cannot divulge what we’re doing, how we’re doing it, and who exactly we’re targeting.

In the future, should you become aware of information regarding a suspected cheat or exploit, please submit that information to our CS Team. Do not share DMs, Private messages/conversations, or what otherwise may be considered personal information of another player via open forum. In many cases, exploits require additional investigation and aren’t always something we can act on immediately as we want to find the source of the problem. If we act too early, it can leave potential for the source to adjust how an external exploit is utilized and make it that much harder to remove it entirely.

We have no tolerance for cheating in Dominations and have spent much of our time over the last few years quietly introducing more security to every layer of the game, and we will continue to do so. Prior to this current exploit going public, we closed this loophole and were in the midst of identifying and subsequently dealing with those accounts involved. These efforts will continue until all identified parties have had adequate consequences administered.


Approved user
May 17, 2018
This post is too general. We are a top alliance doing the best we can and playing legit. Losing our glory against teams that had such a massive advantage is driving us crazy.

It is the no1 reason for us to quit playing altogether. Do you understand how serious it is for us?

So, although I do not care who cheated, as long as you found them all, I DO CARE ABOUT HOW YOU WILL DEAL WITH THEM.

My questions are simple and straightforward:

- will you take away their gains? Artifacts+tokens?
- will you disband the alliances involved? Taking away a few thousand glory from them will offer nothing to nobody cause they will snipe our glory later. Just delete the alliance.

Cause what's the point of playing if all those guys keep playing with no further ramifications? Banning them for 7 or 14 or 100 days is a joke.


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2019
Great start BHG.
Now remove them all illegal museums, parliament, perks and glory so rest of players struggle to get to the top.
Without total punishment just bans 7,14 or permament is not enough for what they did to all fair play community.


New member
Mar 22, 2022
Greetings Leaders,

As we’ve said in a previous post, we at BHG take the integrity of our game to be of the utmost importance, and the information that has been shared certainly hasn’t gone unnoticed. In cases where cheating, exploits, or hacking takes place, we cannot divulge what we’re doing, how we’re doing it, and who exactly we’re targeting.

In the future, should you become aware of information regarding a suspected cheat or exploit, please submit that information to our CS Team. Do not share DMs, Private messages/conversations, or what otherwise may be considered personal information of another player via open forum. In many cases, exploits require additional investigation and aren’t always something we can act on immediately as we want to find the source of the problem. If we act too early, it can leave potential for the source to adjust how an external exploit is utilized and make it that much harder to remove it entirely.

We have no tolerance for cheating in Dominations and have spent much of our time over the last few years quietly introducing more security to every layer of the game, and we will continue to do so. Prior to this current exploit going public, we closed this loophole and were in the midst of identifying and subsequently dealing with those accounts involved. These efforts will continue until all identified parties have had adequate consequences administered.
If this loophole was closed Oct 10th as has been identified through the revealed conversations (which were deleted off these public forums so users could decide themselves), why would it take so long to identify and remove ill-gotten items?

It took less than a week to remove the gloves users purchased LEGALLY through your own stores.

Why was it that manpower could be used in such a swift manner to remove items from those users, yet this cheat has been publicly reported for years, manipulated museums, all while sweeping allegations under the rug until you're inundated with the information?

Your explaination is trying to track the source and hoping not to spook them or allow them adjust their exploit. Meanwhile YOUR PAYING CUSTOMERS ARE BEING EXPLOITED BY CHEATERS. Please reconcile your logic with us.


Approved user
Aug 26, 2016
I feel BHG is now doing a good job in going after these cheaters. We should give them a chance and let this play out. At some point we will find out the ramifications of their cheating and their gains taken away from them. I suspect BHG won’t disclose penalties until they finish their wide range of investigations. I say give them time to do this. Demanding that we know the penalties for Ares players now may be premature and conflict with investigation within other alliance.
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Newbie in DomiNations
Apr 26, 2021
Greetings Leaders,

As we’ve said in a previous post, we at BHG take the integrity of our game to be of the utmost importance, and the information that has been shared certainly hasn’t gone unnoticed. In cases where cheating, exploits, or hacking takes place, we cannot divulge what we’re doing, how we’re doing it, and who exactly we’re targeting.

In the future, should you become aware of information regarding a suspected cheat or exploit, please submit that information to our CS Team. Do not share DMs, Private messages/conversations, or what otherwise may be considered personal information of another player via open forum. In many cases, exploits require additional investigation and aren’t always something we can act on immediately as we want to find the source of the problem. If we act too early, it can leave potential for the source to adjust how an external exploit is utilized and make it that much harder to remove it entirely.

We have no tolerance for cheating in Dominations and have spent much of our time over the last few years quietly introducing more security to every layer of the game, and we will continue to do so. Prior to this current exploit going public, we closed this loophole and were in the midst of identifying and subsequently dealing with those accounts involved. These efforts will continue until all identified parties have had adequate consequences administered.
Your story is pretty generic.
Nothing new. Nothing different from TOS.
On my part and that of hundreds of players you have lost a confidence that perhaps never existed and these marks will take time to heal.
I'm disgusted with the game. Quite frustrated, as this is just another situation of cheating and illegal advantages in the game's history. Over the years I've made hundreds of reports of cheaters, people taking advantage of internal bugs and private servers. Of these hundreds of complaints I had only 2 positive returns identifying abuse and this is absolutely ridiculous, as all the complaints were consistent, substantiated and with numerous screenshots.
It's exhausting work to submit tickets by reporting.
How can you believe that from now on will be different? How can you believe that you will identify and remove artifacts from cheating? Not a few players have taken advantage of the bugs. My alliance and I are identifying absurd museums in several players, from several alliances... It would be unfair to point out just one alliance or another, because there are many players from different alliances. I just got tired of reporting cases over the years and not seeing anything happening to cheaters.
So don't ask me for help. Do your work and regain some confidence.


Approved user
Mar 14, 2018
You are to generic, the community wants to see blood, much blood. Butcher all cheating alliances, send then back to nowhere by glory decay plus perks and parliaments removement. Players like Borg, Gma, Ezekiel, War Socks, Ezekiel must be eliminated.

it hurts, I know, but it’s your decision: BHG existence versus cheater existence.


New member
Mar 22, 2022
To answer some questions,

We're removing Artifacts, including exploited Artifacts, and Museum Resources from those that received 14-day bans, and issuing permanent bans to the rest of the accounts flagged.
Thank you for the first response regarding the actions being taken. It is appreciated.

Is it safe to assume those who actively participated will be issued the permanent bans while those who may have had knowledge will be issued the 2 week warning?

This will be information I would like to relay regarding my ticket with Google play, thank you.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2020
To answer some questions,

We're removing Artifacts, including exploited Artifacts, and Museum Resources from those that received 14-day bans, and issuing permanent bans to the rest of the accounts flagged.
Sounds like a dream come true . As stated already numerous times by several players, it’s disheartening amongst many other things seeing cheaters get away with our glory , with having better museums by way of using exploits, external servers , 3rd party services , etc. And it’s disgusting seeing that after 8 years of supporting your app and putting food on your guy’s tables , that you won’t do anything to protect our investments . So hopefully, keeping fingers crossed , knock on wood , you will indeed take swift severe action against cheaters. I say Ban permanently as taking away their resources etc won’t solve the issue and they will simply find a way to keep on cheating and make a comeback. They are a disease that needs to be expunged from the game from the community. Actions speak louder than words . When your team is done dealing with this matter , I would be delighted to provide all sorts of information to you via whatever form of communication is the most convenient for BGH . And that would be regarding Panda Legion using some sort of new server that basically gives their entire team the ability to have 10 aviation space and to use 3 paratroopers in conjunction with 3 or 4 Kahn’s, without Eisenhowers. Their leader GoodWin is involved directly on this and has acknowledged publicly he has cheated before and gotten away with it .

Mr Smalls

Jul 28, 2022
To answer some questions,

We're removing Artifacts, including exploited Artifacts, and Museum Resources from those that received 14-day bans, and issuing permanent bans to the rest of the accounts flagged.
Are you also tracking and removing artifacts that were manually crafted after they used the exploit to fill their frags and blueprints to the max amount? Filling fragments up is also a major advantage, even if they did hit craft themselves.

B like Big Bug

Approved user
Sep 25, 2019
The problem of many of players is not cheat ot number of the players who cheated , but they like to eliminate stronger opponents than themselves. Some people expect bhg to report every move and action to them in real time and execute their orders. However, in this particular case, I blame bhg. Because by launching the vip service (Josh), it created high and spontaneous expectations. I said at that time, this service has devastating consequences for the game. Because many of us are attracted to such services. The positive things was vip service clised. This is the third post that I see administrators make about handling recent issues. And it has been said that they are fully investigating the issue. But some people expect to immediately ban anyone they don't like or who they recognize. How do you expect that? Every investigation needs enough time, especially if the account is discussed for several years.
It is necessary to mention one point: it is impossible for anyone not to know that a few months ago the ways of cheating were closed, and we thanked for it in this forum. but maybe a lot of players doesn't know: In the beginning of the game, they complained about the game being interrupted during the attack. The programmers solved the problem. The attack should not be interrupted due to the weakness of the net speed (while it is interrupted in all games), but this move caused the birth of bugs and abuses. So don't think that what you say is necessarily correct. However, you have the right to follow up, and this is undeniable. But Taking an aggressive stance and asking for blood to be spilled in the end of apocalyptic movies only comes from a sick mind.


Approved user
Mar 14, 2018
To answer some questions,

We're removing Artifacts, including exploited Artifacts, and Museum Resources from those that received 14-day bans, and issuing permanent bans to the rest of the accounts flagged.
I will add this response to my complain to Apple including the refund. Let’s see if this assertion will be proofen. After years of „coming soon“ this phrase might have a new meaning. If not it’s the death of the game.


Approved user
Mar 14, 2018
To answer some questions,

We're removing Artifacts, including exploited Artifacts, and Museum Resources from those that received 14-day bans, and issuing permanent bans to the rest of the accounts flagged.
Notabene: pretty sure it’s only a coincidence that the long time Ares player „Ezekiel“ (in game name, don’t be upset) was offline for a couple of days and has now joined a low ranked team „Queenslander 4x). Or is the unlocking hack still in place, enabling people to get off of bans?


Approved user
May 17, 2018
Notabene: pretty sure it’s only a coincidence that the long time Ares player „Ezekiel“ (in game name, don’t be upset) was offline for a couple of days and has now joined a low ranked team „Queenslander 4x). Or is the unlocking hack still in place, enabling people to get off of bans?

there is a hack for that too??!!!! damn


Approved user
Dec 8, 2015
To answer some questions,

We're removing Artifacts, including exploited Artifacts, and Museum Resources from those that received 14-day bans, and issuing permanent bans to the rest of the accounts flagged.
This is very encouraging news. And it will keep honest paying customers playing the game.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2020
Notabene: pretty sure it’s only a coincidence that the long time Ares player „Ezekiel“ (in game name, don’t be upset) was offline for a couple of days and has now joined a low ranked team „Queenslander 4x). Or is the unlocking hack still in place, enabling people to get off of bans?
I can’t find The borg on any of their 4 alliances , nor am I able to find him on domi stats. Can you ?


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2019
I can’t find The borg on any of their 4 alliances , nor am I able to find him on domi stats. Can you ?
This is his last alliance before exit or permament ban.
Domistats always show your last alliance.


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