World War Matchmaking - Design Spotlight 2019


Approved user
Jan 26, 2018
I think this is a great system. A question: Glories will reset to 12000, but will this affect alliance Perks level?

A BIG REQUEST: Pls put the 15v15 queue back. It's the most popular queue for my alliance and I think it's true to a lot of others.


Approved user
Dec 10, 2017
Glories aren't being reset to 12000, alliance scores are being pulled towards 12000. Its just normalising the scores, pulling them down into a smaller range. If you were above an alliance before, you'll be above them later.

Alliance perks levels aren't changing, they are unrelated to glory.


Approved user
Aug 18, 2016
Migration is over ? we went from 19k to 13k glory points. We can start a new world war...oh boy...


Approved user
Aug 22, 2018
He only likes to mention 'them', let him do it if it makes him happy :D


Approved user
Oct 22, 2015
BHG_Muet Ok, I think I understand a little bit better. But, say for example there is a space age team with an offense rating of 10, and a defense rating of 8. The delta would be 20% or 25% depending on how you calculate it. It is still possible to have an industrial age team with an offense 20 or 25% higher than their defense is my point. What prevents those two teams from matching, this is my question, and what I had trouble understanding.

Cannibals agree that its the delta between aggregate O/D war weights. But, if it is only delta between those things being used as the primary match mechanism, what is preventing a space age team with a 25% higher O v D from matching with an Atomic team with 25% higher O v D?


Approved user
Aug 9, 2015
Maybe an example would be helpful. Some of the values will have to be made up of course.

Under the old system the match is based on a delta calculation. Two alliances would be matched if they were within some fixed delta of each other’s O/D. If Team 1 had O/D rating 4500 and Team 2 had O/D rating 5000, then their delta would be 500 and if the matchmaking threshold was 500, then the two teams would be matched.

Under the new system, the match range is a percent delta calculation. In the above case, the % delta between the two teams would be 500 / 5000, or 10%. Based on the OP, the new system does not consider 10% to be a good match and the two teams would not be matched.

So under the old system that had a fixed delta range for matching, it was more likely that teams would be mismatched when they were of lower ages because their O/D would be lower. Under the new system, the matchmaking range scales up or down with the O/D level, making it more likely to get a fair match at whatever O/D level you are.

My thought is that they would have calibrated the new % delta range for matching so that it would not impact top levels much, and it’s impact would be most felt at lower O/D levels.


Approved user
Jun 26, 2015
You guys still have some tweaking to do. In our current match in a 20v war, our opponent averages 30 levels higher than us on the top 17 players. They have 12 Space Age we have 4. They have 7 players bigger than our biggest player. I spoke with the other team and they said they had been searching for hours. We searched for less than 30 minutes. Poor timing on our part I guess but it took us like a day to come up with 6 people to opt in to make a 20v war. Please bring back 15v wars and have a fail-safe so that this kind of mismatch cannot be possible.


Approved user
Dec 10, 2017
A failsafe of sorts would be to keep cancelling and restarting search for war every 10 minutes to make sure that it doesn't widen the search parameters for a matchup.


Approved user
Aug 20, 2015
We spinning for over 24 hours no match with bags without bags ,with a mix ,without a mix of lvls etc .ww is broken again .i think 15,25 ,30 should be the ques and 50 for special wars.

Usa jet

Approved user
May 2, 2019
with all due respect, the new matchmaking is worse than before. You have not eliminated poor matchmaking and lopsided wars are the norm for my alliance. We war constantly and have 40 active members for 4 years and are likely to all give up the game if you don’t fix this ASAP. We would routinely win 6 or 7 out of 10 matches now we lose 8 or 10. It is a complete waste of our time and energy to compete in some wars. You guys have your head so far up your algorithmic @ss that you don’t see the most obvious issue:
make the top 5 bases from each alliance ,arch in age. Or at least the top 3. We routinely face alliances whose top 5 all outrank our top 5 by 1 or 2 ages. Keep in mind that those who rush to CW and SA typically fully upgrade their offense first! This enables them to crush our top 10 bases with their top 5 players. I would rather wait 2. Days to get a fair match than get an unfair one right away. Fix this problem, simplify the solution and get wars back to being fun and fair again. Stop the extreme greedy focus on making money by selling everything. You are at severe risk of killing the golden goose.


is this thing on?
Apr 18, 2018
One reason is it appears your members max everything before aging up. For example, you have Atomics at levels 258, 255, 245, 238, ... and no Space Age players due to this inferior approach. Heck, you're a 255 Atomic. It is nearly impossible for you to match with another alliance unless said alliance uses demolition, heavy cavalry, and low-level coalitions... but fortunately for you this is (sadly) surprisingly common.

By your logic, a 258 Atomic should be matched against a 150 Atomic. Does that seem fair to you? It's not.

So start aging up sooner and upgrade useful offense and you'll have more success... offense will always defeat defense.

Sorry but I don't feel you can blame BHG for this one.


Approved user
Aug 17, 2017
Lots of talk much like a year ago basically bla bla bla


Approved user
May 17, 2018
that kind of play really is outdated. 2 years ago, maxing defence and moving on was not a bad idea. Now, you definitely MUST advance through the ages much sooner. Level 250+ and atomic age is like killing your own game.