TinSoldier BHG_Muet . Improving defenses are totally desestimulated. The AR tactic Stats overloaded.
-The actual AR (90%), protect more than a Protec Tactic (50%). The protect efect of AR have to be lower than 25% or 0%. To make the Protec useful again (Damage reduction)
-The duration is exagerated too.
-The speed boost at 170% is too much. 100% at level 4 tactic.
-Attack Speed Increase have to be lowered
-Damage Increase have to be 100% at level 4 tactic.
****But, you can convine the AR with a Protect
Ex. Level 1:
-Damage reduction: 5% (+5%/level)
-Duration: 9 seg (+1seg/level)
-Speed boost: 70% (+10%/level)
-Attack Speed: 30% (-5%/level)
-Damage Increase: 70% (+10%/level)
Ex. Level 4:
-Damage reduction: 20%
-Duration: 12 seg
-Speed boost: 100%
-Attack Speed: 15%
-Damage Increase: 100%