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When is Saladin getting fixed?


Approved user
Sep 24, 2017
ok my bad, I stopped reading the comment after this useless line "We have a lvl 290+ guy who is "taking a break" because of this. No I don't know how much money he spent on this game but it probably comes close to TinSoldier 's yearly salary"

That was totally naive and uncalled for. Also, this bug i.e. saladin not working, does impact lot of top paying players, so should be worked on with top most priority and it should be fixed in proper way, unlike vault.


Approved user
Sep 24, 2017
Sorry, vault is not fixed. They just updated the vault mechanics to match the numbers before update. It is still not the same behaviour from past. I will still not be surprised if they change the numbers to get rid of the issue. But my worry is, its not only saladin that is broken, there might be many other stacking buff's that got impacted because of the change and are not visible to naked eye. From top of list HP/damage of defender tanks, attacking planes, towers etc. Everything might be broken and there is no way to prove it without data.


Approved user
Oct 31, 2015
Perhaps the issues can’t be fixed based on the way the game software is put together. Sure it works fine at earlier ages when there are fewer features to your base, but as the game has matured and the feature set has grown exponentially, so too have the number of bugs, exploits, and broken features. An overhaul of the foundation may be required, and where will funding for that come from?


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
This is so frustrating and disappointing... all the time I put into working towards that goal. I’m 80% finished and who knows if it will ever be the same? And if they do finally fix it how many more will have it because of the $1 crown fiasco? Makes me want to cry. Why the heck am I doing this? What’s the point?
The point, imho, is that the game should be seen as a journey, not an end goal.
Yes the researches are an end to themselves and it sux that they can be broken with a single update but hopefully the devs ARE working on it.
Now, on the flip side, if deciding to ‘’unstack’’ the researches causes so many issues, why the heck don’t they just roll the changes back ie: leave the original status quo, until they can come up with a working solution?
For all we know, if they come up with a ‘’fix’’ for this it might break something else!
Nexon, not everything requires a ‘fix’, especially if it wasn’t broken in the first place. Sometimes a perfectly good fix is a restore.


Approved user
Jun 26, 2015
It’s kind of like running a marathon. I trained for months on end. Spent lots of time and some money in an effort to reach a goal. I come within sight of the finish line and groups of people in golf carts holding android phones and wearing fancy crowns pass me up and cross the finish line before me. Then suddenly the finish line disappears as if it never existed. The organizer of this race are most likely working on restoring that finish line but from what I can tell it isn’t the same race I worked so hard to train for. Instead of a shiny solid gold medal with Mickey Mouse on it I will most likely receive a gold plated medal with the face of Doc or sneezy from the 7 dwarves on it. For months I have admired my alliancemate’s awesome Hold the Gates Defense thinking I will have that soon. I have worked on upgrading certain defensive buildings in preparation of the moment I cross that finish line. I dreamt about the moment when I see that capstone light up. This is a nightmare. Some people are fanatics about sports and live for the next football game (however you define football). Some people obsess over politics, attend rally’s, get out the vote etc. I play a game... it may not seem like much of a big deal to some but it’s a big deal to me. Someone moved my cheese.
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Approved user
Sep 20, 2017
[SUB]could it be that hold the gates works bit that it’s just not coupled with library research now? [/SUB]


Approved user
Apr 23, 2016
Possibly but they can’t change the goal posts this late
people invested heavy to get the product as it was
my biggest beef is the lack of communication


Approved user
Sep 24, 2017
I don't even they even read to our demands. They just keep doing whatever they watn to do.


Approved user
Sep 24, 2017
I agree with you folks, BHG sucks as a company. 1) lack of customer communication(the situation has improved after TinSoldier joined, but no where near where it should be) 2) random bugs with every single update. 3) slow pace of development. 4) developing features that no one asked for and making life of regular players difficult. 5) not building what their customers want etc etc are only to name a few. I can't imagine a company surviving with this attitude in such a competitive environment. But then again, they have survived so long by doing this, partial fault lies with us. We are paying them the money even if we are not getting what we ask for in return.

That being said, with this update, something has changed drastically. I am sure it will take some time to fix it. Keep asking them for updates, but do understand if they say that it will take time.


Approved user
Jun 26, 2015
No I have worked non-stop for over a year and I am 80% finished. Most people crown it finished by now but I’m stubborn and want to see how long it will take


Approved user
Jan 11, 2018
This might be very intersting for everyone who has finished Saladin. There are two players in my alliance who got money back from the apple appstore because Saladin is not working as intended (more than 400 Euros for one and more than 800 for the other). There are further players in my alliance who are currently requesting refunds. A couple 1000 euros won't really hurt their bottom line but now these guys have money to finish Haile's research :-D


Approved user
Jan 11, 2018
No idea but I doubt it. I am pretty sure they also only got a fraction of what they actually spent. I think this is the appstore being nice more than anything and the respective amounts they got back seem to roughly correspond to a given (rather low) percentage of what they have spent on the game in the past. I am just posting this here so people know that there is something that can be done.


Approved user
Dec 5, 2015
Just to be clear, is it just the last upgrade (gates) not working, or are all the Saladin upgrades turned off?


Approved user
Mar 21, 2018
With their record, now I worry if they fix this they break something else. I like having 5 fighter planes, that's all I'm saying.

True God

Approved user
Mar 1, 2017
Just seen this post. Should we still keep workers out of Saladdin research and concentrate on the others? If the effects don't work in wars it isn't worth doing.