VIP lvl 14 and sick of bugs

Domi Player

New member
Jul 8, 2022
As title says, I have a VIP level 14. I'm sick to the teeth at this point of the utter absurdity of the current situation.

A month of this unbelievable bug haunting us and making the game unplayable for us and stil no fix, and only barely a vague empty words of the game being aware of the 'issue'.

We can't really play the game, haven't been able to for a full month now. And you keep posting crap about defensive stats and discount 'events' blah rubbish blah. Is this a deflection technique so the biggest issue gets swept under the carpet?

We lose troops, generals, tactics, planes and mercenaries. Do you know what this means? We can't actually play. How long would all of that take to train from scratch? Oh, and good luck if you have an Airstrip and/or factory being upgraded, then you're totally screwed ( like myself). What about not being able to fully participate in the monthly event? Oh, and what about the cost of mercenaries? And as all upgrades take so long, vast majority of players don't have free workers to get more materials for mercenaries, as we have all workers doing upgrades or doing uni work.

Seriously guys, get your act together.

This is not a threat ( as I'm only one player ) but I'm not gonna spend a single cent on the game and so very close to the point of simply calling it a day and quitting the game.


Sep 25, 2022
And some of us are new (-ish).
I've never played before/without the IRB so not having it work correctly seems very problematic to me.
It is like I lost something in the game.

What I find... almost unconscionable.. is that BHG is continuing to sell and offer as rewards a part of the game that is clearly broken.
And I can't for the life of me figure out why they don't "roll back" the "upgrade" and return to a previous version that worked fine while they work on this problem.

I went back and played Civ the other day (and it worked just fine).
And BHG has left >$150 on the table that I would've spent on DomiNations in the last month or so...
This issue needs to be addressed... if not for any individuals then for the sake of the game.

Domi Player

New member
Jul 8, 2022
The fact that you are not facing the problem of losing troops is not a reason to attack other players. You can be busy with your game and let us follow up on our problem.
In my alliance and the other two alliances of my freunds, nothing has been started for a month(ww or upgrading or even players left gane and play anither game). With this question; How you didn't play before IRB, you show that you have no understanding of the problem. Because the problem is not only IRB, the problem is that if you attack in ww or multi, the game will stop and all the troops will be destroyed. All of them. Did you understand? Before you only lost a few troops or tactics, but now all of them.(even generals for a day). Even if you don't have any casualties. Add to that the game is interrupted and the loot is not added.
Be patient. Your words are very funny. I think you are happy that some opponents cannot participate in the war. Because even the support of the game knows that they should not say such things after a month. They didn't even temporarily reduce the time to build forces. Why? Because there are many like you. Irresponsible and looking for hits.
We are patient. We have been patient for years.
Problem with kids like that is they feel the need to give 'opinions' even when they have zero knowledge of the issue or even of what's being discussed. Just lashing out and feeling being rude and aggressive is some kind of empowerment.

B like Big Bug

Approved user
Sep 25, 2019
its good your problem is only with IRB.
for me & some of my freinds, troops lost after attacks(ww or multi) .in fact after attacks game crashed.IRB or ad retrain not just one attack can use in ww.(sometimes this case record wrong or less).
But IRB is really a lot of players rushed to next age and they could not collect resourse.
I myself hope they will fix it soon.
But our sadness is more due to the fact that no positive movement has been made after this long time. At least they could temporarily reduce the time of building the Troops. We are not saying that time should decrease like a blessing, but something could be done to reduce the forces in half. hour or one hour. Until the problem is solved. In that case, the game could be playable by spending other blessings and a small amount of crown.
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