After the upgrade, I've noticed that the bottom half of the "Next" button doesn't do anything, you have to click in the top half. This occurs on both of my android devices.
i've not had any problems i haven't found. yet after the battle the return home button i cant go straight out and retrain troops. i am having too exit the game fully then retrain troops manually. frustrating too say the least
I am experiencing the same problem.The 'NEXT' Button in the Multiplayer didn't wotking properly.Also the troop deployment is getting difficult after the upgrade.Hopefully NEXON will soon fix it.This is reducing the interest from thr Multiplayer Battles.
C'mon mate, i know you go into bat for us and do a significant amount however this is another disaster. You've just rolled out the most expensive feature in game to date and have the hide to prioritise that over chat, fixing replays, change dock rewards, charge different prices for a legendary artifact per age and all we get is the team is aware of it in most cases. Is the QA team still employed over there?
TinSoldier , I noticed the distance from the museum to the top of the map is roughly the same distance from the red line to the bottom of the map, in Lordzeus original picture.
Co-incidence? Some sort of ‘mirror’ glitch? Just a thought.
TinSoldier, it's great to see youre active enough to edit & delete posts!
Just a question, why you don't spend your time to make more pressure on the devs team to fix inconvenience elements sooner instead of wasting your time to edit/delete correct posts??
You can delete posts/questions, but no one can ignore the facts!!
I feel you. I play on both iOS and Android, I guess last update wasn't optimized for older devices?!
Can't they just generalize the game for all kinds of firmwares and device processors?!