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Supplies for the museum. Where are they?


Approved user
Apr 14, 2016
lvl7 is best if you only consider supplies efficiency and disregard worker efficiency. as in you keep 8 workers set aside, dedicated to expeditions. the actual number of workers you must keep free for lvl 7 to be the most efficient is going to be less than 8, but 8 is what that chart assumes. im not going to try to calculate the magic number, it will be too high for me is all i need to know.

if you actually care what the workers are doing while theyre not on supply missions, lvl 9 is best.

if what youre looking for isnt efficiency, but organization and limited deviation from plans, lvl 6 may be best. only check the dock whenever a 3-man team finishes their job(ie anti-tank gun, oil well, etc) and only go on 3-man expeditions so there are no flunctuations in number of free workers. lvl 6 dock has the highest chance of getting a 3-man supply mission, even with 1 less slot.

btw havana and calcutta give supplies


Approved user
Aug 9, 2015
I’m sorry pckrn, what you said isn’t correct. The chart assumes that workers are only taking expeditions with supplies and are doing other upgrades when there are no such expeditions. Given the expeditions have longer duration at level 7, then there is a bigger window for upgrades to finish and workers to transition from upgrades to expeditions and there is less disruption.

If you were to dedicate workers to expeditions, you could use them to take supply-less expeditions less than 24 hours long. This would cause them to be replaced by new expeditions faster than the 24 hour expiry time and increase your overall rate of gathering supplies. In this case, level 7 is still most efficient!

Level 9 only becomes most efficient of (like most Nexon staff) you have access to unlimited crowns so you can just keep refreshing each expedition until you get one with supplies.

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
I think this talk is for those with maxed dock eh?
I personally will suggest new players who most likely will only need maxed supplies and regular troop cards without wasting workers to stay in level 6 dock.


Approved user
Aug 9, 2015
Actually I think this post is for you if don’t have max dock. Stop upgrading when you get to 7.


Approved user
Sep 24, 2018
Why would you stay at lv 6 dock? At level 7 you have destinations K through T and more supplies per total expeditions / time / workers. If you are farming at the dock you are most likely looking for supplies. period.

All of this doesn't matter if university / CWA isn't maxed.
But its just good to know that when end game comes and you want to max your supplies you should keep your dock at lv 7 and put 4-8 workers on the dock fulltime until you hit your supply goal.


Approved user
Sep 24, 2018
Can you show me picture of Havana with supplies? My sources show it does not.

I'm sure I could figure out if you only have 3/4 workers vs 8 which would be better dock 6,7, or 9.
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No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
I don't know about others, but I personally only seek for 128 supplies and level 6 dock should be giving that expedition every time I finish one, and that's enough for me, I don't bother with other expeditions😄 . 3-4 citizens out then in, that's all.

Of course we will all have to max the dock one day 😆


Approved user
Apr 14, 2016
the chart assumes workers are taking every less-than-24h expeditions. look at the column ‘min. time’ anything less than 24h is listed as the amount of time the trip takes, and that column is used to calculate man hours, and then ‘efficiency’

and if youre doing upgrades in between expeditions and looking for minimal disruption, lvl 6 is best as i already explained.

and again, how efficient level 9 is depends on how much you value supplies. for everyone this is different yet most of the calculations i see put it as (value of supplies 100:0 value of all other worker actions)


Approved user
Apr 14, 2016
NateTheGreat “looking for supplies. period.” is too absolute. there are plenty of people who would rather take a more balanced approach. if i was “looking for supplies. period.”, then i would set 4-8 workers aside for expeditions as you say. but if i want all my workers to be working at all times, in groups of 4/4/3/3/3, and only those 3-man teams i am willing to make available for supplies missions, in between their jobs i have planned for them, then level6 dock will be best. or if i have a more fluid job schedules, but i say supplies are nice when they come by, but im not really devoted to getting them because i really value other upgrades, then level 9 is best. ‘what is best?’ is situational. it depends on the person.
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Approved user
Aug 9, 2015
pckrn, I'm sorry I was mistaken - this isn't the analysis I thought it was. Here is my original take on this question:

This was debated some time ago, but who likes to resurrect old threads :/

If worker efficiency is your goal, then sure level 9 seems good - probably the same logic Nexon designers used. But if maximizing supplies gained is your goal, then you should consider that if each expedition has an equal chance to come up then on average for each expedition slot:

Level 9 yields 31+54=85 supplies in 4+8+16+16+33+4+8+33+33+16=171 hours or 85/171=0.50 supplies per hour
Level 8 is 0.26 supplies per hour
Level 7 is 0.65 supplies per hour <<< BETTER

That’s considering that you use each expedition. However if you only take expeditions for supplies (letting all others expire after 24 hours) then on average for each expedition slot:

Level 9 yields 31+54=85 supplies in 4+24+24+24+24+4+24+24+24+24=200 hours or 85/200=0.43 supplies per hour
Level 8 is 0.28 supplies per hour
Level 7 is 0.81 supplies per hour <<< STILL BETTER

If you really, really want supplies badly and don’t care about citizens efficiency then you can also take all expeditions less than 24 hours even when they don’t have supplies to expire them sooner. Then on average for each expedition slot:

Level 9 yields 31+54=85 supplies in 4+8+16+16+24+4+8+24+24+16=144 hours or 85/144=0.6 supplies per hour
Level 8 is 0.35 supplies per hour
Level 7 is 1.03 supplies per hour <<< BEST

(somebody should check my math)


Approved user
Aug 9, 2015
pckrn … I understand what you are saying: your upgrades take 3-4 workers each, so some would site idle while you send one on a shorter expedition and that is not efficient. But when the figures are updated to include Havana then level 6 looks like this for each expedition slot:

(Take all trips) yields 15+128+85+10+85=323 supplies in 5+43+11+43+21+33+21+5+11+43=236 hours or 323/236=1.37 supplies per hour
(Take only supply trips) yields 15+128+85+10+85=323 supplies in 5+43+11+24+21+33+21+5+11+43=217 hours or 323/217=1.49 supplies per hour
(Take supply trips and all <24h trips) is the same at 1.49 supplies per hour

Then updating for only 2 slots at level 6 versus 3 slots at level 7:

If maximizing supplies gained is your goal, then you should consider that if each expedition has an equal chance to come up then on average for each expedition slot:

Level 9 is 0.50 supplies per hour x 3 slots = 1.50
Level 8 is 0.26 supplies per hour x 3 slots = 0.78
Level 7 is 0.65 supplies per hour x 3 slots = 1.95
Level 6 is 1.37 supplies per hour x 2 slots = 2.74 <<< BETTER

That’s considering that you use each expedition. However if you only take expeditions for supplies (letting all others expire after 24 hours) then on average for each expedition slot:

Level 9 is 0.43 supplies per hour x 3 slots = 1.29
Level 8 is 0.28 supplies per hour x 3 slots = 0.84
Level 7 is 0.81 supplies per hour x 3 slots = 2.43
Level 6 is 1.49 supplies per hour x 2 slots = 2.98 <<< STILL BETTER

If you really, really want supplies badly and don’t care about citizens efficiency then you can also take all expeditions less than 24 hours even when they don’t have supplies to expire them sooner. Then on average for each expedition slot:

Level 9 is 0.6 supplies per hour x 3 slots = 1.80
Level 8 is 0.35 supplies per hour x 3 slots = 1.05
Level 7 is 1.03 supplies per hour x 3 slots = 3.09 <<< BEST, but only by a little
Level 6 is 1.49 supplies per hour x 2 slots = 2.98

So Level 6 seems to be better if Havana is included with 85 supplies for 33 hours!


Approved user
Apr 14, 2016
Cannibals calcutta gives 128 supplies. that also boosts the lvl6 dock, but it boosts the lvl7 more. but for someone who doesnt want to have leftover workers, lvl7 has only 2 destinations with 3 workers while lvl6 has 4


Approved user
Aug 9, 2015
pckrn I think this is correct now for the case where you take only the expeditions with supplies.



Approved user
Dec 5, 2017
I regret the upgrade to max shipyard in the sense that there’s extremely few supplies but I use the troop cards all the time (Well frontier force, roc) and I build all the time where I can’t use 3-4 people for an expedition. 2 is the most I can spare and that’s with maxing shipping research. The other thing is that I have yet to get an artifact that I wanted to spend a lot of supplies on anyway. Same with blueprints in that there’s not one I wanted to use everything I have on. Having a limited stock makes you really look at whether it’s worth keeping an artifact. While it’s very true that you get the most supplies from level 7 dock, everything else that comes with those supplies is somewhat useless so it depends on each players situation.

Though I’d say, yes it sucks that we learned this after many of us maxed it out and by than it was too late.


Approved user
Dec 5, 2017
Awesome get that geek on. I’m guessing because it affects all expeditions, having shipping tab maxed in library doesn’t change anything since they all benefit though it would lower all workers by 1 which is always a bonus. Too bad because it’s random, I’ve had the bonus chest for sending generals has also been supplies.