• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

So while we are changing things please certain troops more helpful.


Approved user
Dec 29, 2016
It's me again with another troop change topic. So while the defense numbers are obviously absurd, I'd like to talk about some of the buffs to troops that were given / could be given.

Machine Guns are slightly better now that they do more damage and can shoot over walls. If they get 4 range they will be good.

Bazookas I still believe they should have their movement speed lowered and range increased so that they don't face the same problem they have always faced --- running into danger and dying.

Heavy tanks are pretty good as everyone has been saying. With their increases plus the nerf to oil costs... They may be the best troop right now (especially if you're one of the few who have them maxed out in university.

Attack Choppers still die too fast and don't do proper damage. I'm glad they were buffed but they need higher damage (or alternatively, better troops that have far range that can defend them)

Field Mortars still need a buff. Faster firing and maybe make them a unit destroyer. What I mean by that is give them favorite target - archers and infantry. Maybe give them a larger splash damage range too. Something to make them stand out and of course more damage too.

Riflemen, infantry and tanks just need buffs of health and or damage to properly be any use. Especially tanks because now mines and anti tank guns just wreck them to the point of obsolescence.

Assault vehicles need to cost less troop space and be made faster. I think they are okay for the most part and if they took less space, maybe people would use them more. Slight health increase too.

Strategic bombers still need more health. They are pretty powerful now in terms of damage.. Like they can take out whole wall sections powerful but they still die way too easily.

Armored cars I still believe need a function change. Maybe make them "tactical cars" and have them seek / disarm traps and do low splash damage that suppresses enemies and defenses to be like a support choice that isnt just a healer.

Commandos like many have said can possibly have a disarm 1 trap effect to make them more viable. With the buffs they do good damage and have decent enough health not to instantly die except for traps and anti tank guns but well place traps make them worthless. Also, they still are too much troop space.

APC as many have said need a buff along with the infantry they spawn. Again, maybe make it so that APCs have a suppress effect but only to enemy troops and possibly 1 more range to protect themselves until they spawn more infantry. Maybe instead of damage / suppression they could... have a range around them of about... 4 that increases the damage of troops by 15% within range. Idk get creative and make some support vehicles people!

Tactical Helicopters... Hear me out... They should lower the healing to maybe like 60... but make it so they actually attack also and do low damage. Like a Hybrid healer vehicle. But not attack buildings, only attack troops. This would make them indeed tactical. If they don't want to be fancy... make it have a "flare" that blocks it from one sam battery (or give this to strategic bombers). Again, be creative NEXON!!!

Finally MRL.. This unit just needs to keep the damage it does now but make it fire faster. Its firing rate should be the same as howitzer (faster with the library tech). It should be the oil alternative to the Field howitzer. A stronger, more durable, version of it.

Let's talk about it in the comments and have a discussion on troops and a way to make things more fun and interesting and not just have buffs to damage or health alone or maybe just those if you think that would help. I just want things to become interesting again
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Approved user
May 23, 2018
I literally just finished the Statue of Liberty because I am Industrial and don't use any factory troops at all, so decided on it over the Brandenburg. I always planned to crown it later when the factory becomes critical in later ages. But wondering if I made a bad choice since the heavy tank is so important now.


Approved user
Mar 15, 2018
Heavy tanks aren’t as good as people keep saying. My maxed German CWA MK7 (all research completed) still get f**ked by mines and heavy defending tanks. This latest rebalance is brutal


Approved user
Dec 29, 2016
Yeah landmines are a huge problem now IMO. My landmines can kill my tanks at full health. HT lose 3/5ths of their health (I only have 15% in the uni on their health) but even after maxing it they would still lose half health from one landmine. I really don't know about this recent patch. When I used to fight my own base I got around 85 to 100% when I battled. Now I get about a third of that after the three balance updates.