• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Six Momentous Years: 1939-1945 v7.4 Update


Approved user
Jan 18, 2018
Learn to code, contact the developers, project manager, QA team, etc. Learn the organization's structure and go straight to the source. Sell them the solution they are incapable of solving. Take affirmative action.


Approved user
May 17, 2018
you obviously don't know how companies work. There is a structure for a particular reason. You need to follow the hierarchy. In our case, we can only contact tinsoldier who is the middle man, and Joe Muet (who is the lead designer and occasionally answers questions) and that is it. All the other things you say, are just words in the sphere of fantasy.
i.e. How can you or someone else solve what they can't if you don't have the source code in your hands? You don't mean that we steal their source code first, then debug it and then sell it, do you?


Approved user
Oct 15, 2017
I'm still waiting on the new university leader whose been "coming soon" through two new leaders. Wu Zeitan (so) I think

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
An upgrade to the rocket arsenal is unnecessary. The troops are already almost invincible.
If you want a new-ish building how about adding a gold/food/oil/NTG trade store for alliances?
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Approved user
Dec 12, 2015
When are you gonna deal with the fucking lag issue! Wars are unplayable! Again tonight, 2 attacks, i couldnt deploy shooters, couldnt deploy alliance troops, couldnt use tactics, couldnt fly my fucking planes, couldnt deploy half my troop cards! Wtf???
i have a decent tablet, samsung A 2016, being sold till end of 2018 with android 7.1 on it! I have a more then decent internet connection and all that fucking CS can say is 'restart your tablet, reinstall the game' and those other fucking scripted responses! I am not able to join wars anymore if this continues, so pls make an incident and adress this, cause me and a lot more ppl are about to leave if this isnt gonna be fixed pretty soon!

King Leo

Approved user
Jan 14, 2019
Tin the team has done a great job on the rewarding system, in fact with the event pass together I received around 30TT, next to strong speed ups and bazooka tower. This first event was a success. I dont buy much but the event pass was really worth its money. I really liked some strong and unique TTs in there, good work.
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Approved user
Dec 12, 2015
When are you gonna deal with the ****ing lag issue! Wars are unplayable! Again tonight, 2 attacks, i couldnt deploy shooters, couldnt deploy alliance troops, couldnt use tactics, couldnt fly my ****ing planes, couldnt deploy half my troop cards! Wtf???
i have a decent tablet, samsung A 2016, being sold till end of 2018 with android 7.1 on it! I have a more then decent internet connection and all that ****ing CS can say is 'restart your tablet, reinstall the game' and those other ****ing scripted responses! I am not able to join wars anymore if this continues, so pls make an incident and adress this, cause me and a lot more ppl are about to leave if this isnt gonna be fixed pretty soon!

Lol...ok, i was angry, but the problems i state are real! I have had contact with cs for numerous occassions about this and every time the same answer...reboot, reinstall, etc, etc...this whole lag thing started about 2 updates ago. I have asked cs many times to adress this to the developers and still i dont see it under 'known bugs', which is a total sign that this is not in scope of the dev team at all.
Wars are totally unplayable for high lvl players such as myself if they arent using the 'big tank, bomber' setup (which has obiously a lot less screen movement), but who stick to their old army layout of a lot of puppets along with whatever the game provides...
my tablet isnt a high end tablet with top notch specifications, i know that. But it has everything it takes to be able to play games like this. I have said before, i suspect there is a memory leak in either the troop cards or the tactics, cause every time i deploy so e of these, the whole game just blocks...so pls pls, investigate this, put it under know bugs so ppl know its gonna be addressed and at least try to show the dev team in interested in this issue, cause its frustrating like hell!


Approved user
Dec 12, 2015
And a newish thing: it would be very nice if you can take away mercs. Not as a whole like now but unit by unit....i have that free mercs building and half the time i get mercs i dont want. Np, but i cannot delete them unless i also delete the ones i would like to keep...annoying :)


Approved user
Dec 12, 2015
Do you have the release nnotes on update 8.0 pls? I wanna read what was balanced on the heavy tanks :)


Approved user
Dec 12, 2015
No game is perfect and I dont understand why people complain about bugs to Tinsoldier. He's the Community Manager. Not the Game developer. This is the wrong forum to complain. If you guys are so hell bent on fixing the game go straight to the source of the problem.

I personally like this update update, but a release date would be nice.

As a community manager he has a partial role of product owner, meaning he can squeeze backlog items onto the scrum teams board and prioritize them....so he is definatly a direct link to the devteam.